
As we all know, the IT industry is very hot now, and the salary of the industry is very high. The country also released the promotion plan of artificial intelligence education in 2017, and the era of everyone knowing how to program is coming. Not being able to program and not knowing how to program may keep pace with The Times. Ordinary people who do not know technology may find it difficult and the threshold is too high. In fact, IT industry is divided into many types, different languages, different types of work difficulty is also different. Python is actually a language that is very suitable for people who have no programming background. In the United States, Python has become the language of choice for elementary school students to learn programming, which shows how easy it is to get started. So does being easy to learn mean the language is useless? On the contrary, Python is highly used for both traditional web development and big data and artificial intelligence algorithm development. Python is a simple and powerful programming language. Master IT you can do more than 90% of the IT industry, people in other industries master IT can also improve the efficiency of solving problems.

Here programming driver solemnly announced, will release a complete set of free Python tutorial, from zero to actual combat, the baby can learn python programming tutorial.

If you are a white user, the following conditions must be met:

  • I can use a computer, but I’ve never written a program.

  • Remember a little bit of junior high school mathematics knowledge;

  • Want to become a professional software developer from a programmer;

  • I can spare half an hour to study every day.

Don’t hesitate, this tutorial is for you!

The following nonsense to say less direct start!

Install the software

You can search “python3 download” on Baidu to get the download address

Then install the software step by step according to the default, note that you need to check the options shown in the following figure.

Introduction of python

Python is a programming language created by Guido Van Rossum during the Christmas holidays of 1989 as a way to beat the boredom of Christmas.

Today, there are almost 600 programming languages in the world, but only about 20 are popular. If you’ve heard of the TIOBE charts, you’ve got a rough idea of the popularity of programming languages. Here’s how the 10 most common programming languages have changed over the last 10 years:

In general, each of these programming languages has its own strengths. C language can be used to write operating system is close to the hardware language, so, C language is suitable for the development of those who pursue speed, give full play to the hardware performance of the program. Python is a high-level programming language for writing applications.

When you start to do real software development in a language, you need a lot of basic, ready-written, off-the-shelf stuff to help you speed up development in addition to writing code. For example, to write an E-mail client, if you start from the bottom of the network protocol code, it will not be developed in a year or half. High-level programming languages usually provide a fairly solid base of code that you can call directly.

Python provides us with a very good base of code that covers all aspects of software development. With Python, you don’t have to write a lot of functionality from scratch.

In addition to built-in libraries, Python also has a large number of third-party libraries, that is, things developed by others that you can use directly. Of course, if your code is well packaged, it can also be used as a third-party library.

Note that this tutorial was developed based on python3.5. It is recommended not to use python2 as there are some incompatibilities.

First line of code

In Windows, press [window key +R] and enter CMD in the pop-up box to open the command line. Enter Python in the command line to enter the Python development environment, as shown in the following figure.

In the interactive mode prompt >>>, directly enter the code, press Enter, you can immediately get the code execution result. Now, let’s try 100+200 and see if we get 300.

That’s how simple it is to add, subtract, multiply and divide in Python. Just press Enter to get the result.

If you want Python to print the specified text, you can use the print() function and then enclose the desired text in single or double quotes, but do not mix them:

print(‘hello, world’)hello, world

This type of text enclosed in single or double quotation marks is called a string in programs, and we’ll see it a lot more in the future.

Finally, exit Python with exit(), and our first Python program is complete! The only drawback is that it is not saved and the code has to be entered again the next time it is run.

Stay tuned for more in-depth python tutorials!