Using the set

l1 = ['b'.'c'.'d'.'b'.'c'.'a'.'a'] 
l2 = list(set(l1)) 
print (l2) # ['a', 'c', 'b', 'd']

# or
l2 = {}.fromkeys(l1).keys() 
print (l2) # ['a', 'c', 'b', 'd']
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There is a drawback to both of these. The order changes after removing the duplicate elements:

The sort() of the list remains in order

l1 = ['b'.'c'.'d'.'b'.'c'.'a'.'a'] 
l2 = list(set(l1)) 
print (l2) # ['b','c','d','a']

# or
l1 = ['b'.'c'.'d'.'b'.'c'.'a'.'a'] 
l2 = sorted(set(l1),key=l1.index) 
print (l2) # ['b','c','d','a']

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l1 = ['b'.'c'.'d'.'b'.'c'.'a'.'a'] 
l2 = [] 
for i in l1: 
if not i in l2: 
print (l2) # ['b','c','d','a']
# or
l1 = ['b'.'c'.'d'.'b'.'c'.'a'.'a'] 
l2 = [] 
[l2.append(i) for i in l1 if not i in l2] 
print (l2) # ['b','c','d','a']
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