Due to the recent need to use crawler data for testing, so I started the crawler pit filling tour, so the first thing is to systematically learn the knowledge related to regex. So the following regular knowledge points made a collation. The language environment is Python. I’ll focus on Python’s Re module.

The syntax below I listed the main part of the remaining in the python website direct access to: docs.python.org/3/library/r…

I. Summary of basic grammar

1.1. Match a single character

a . \d \D \w \W \s \S […] [^…].

Matches a single character (.)

Rule: Matches any character except newline In [24]: re.findAll ("f.o"."foo is not fao")
Out[24]: ['foo'.'fao']
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Matches any (non-) numeric character (\d \d)

\d   [0-9]
\D   [^0-9]
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Matches any (non-) ordinary character (\w \w)

\w ordinary characters include [_0-9A-zA-z] as well as Chinese characters \w non-ordinary charactersCopy the code

Matches any (non-) null character (\s \s)

\s matches any null character [\r\n\t] \s matches any non-null characterCopy the code

Matching character set ([…] )


Matching character Set ([^…]) )

[^ ABC] --> any character except a, b, and CCopy the code

1.2. Match multiple characters

* Matches 0 or more times + matches 1 or more times? Match 0 times or 1 {m} Match m times {m,n} match any time between m and n timesCopy the code

1.3. Matching position

^ Match start position $match end position \A match start position \Z match end position \b match word boundary position (generally used for capitalization match) \b match non-word boundary problemCopy the code

1.4, escape

A special character needs to be transferred in a regular expression. You only need to add \ between the special characters to indicate the transfer

. * +? | \ ^ $[] {} ()

1.5, subgroups

You can use () to create internal groups for a regular expression. Subgroups are part of a regular expression and can be considered as an internal whole.

In [61]: re.search(r"(https|http|ftp):\/\/\w+\.\w+\.(com|cn)"."https://www.baidu.com").group(0)
Out[61]: 'https://www.baidu.com'

In [62]: re.search(r"(https|http|ftp):\/\/\w+\.\w+\.(com|cn)"."https://www.baidu.com").group(1)
Out[62]: 'https'
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1.6 greedy mode and non-greedy mode

The repeated matching of regular expressions always matches as much backwards as possible. Greed mode includes: * +? {m,n}

Non-greedy mode: match as little content as possible Greedy mode switch to non-greedy mode: *? +? ?? {m,n}?

In [106]: re.findall(r"ab+?"."abbbbbbbb")
Out[106]: ['ab']

In [107]: re.findall(r"ab??"."abbbbbbbb")
Out[107]: ['a']
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Re module

The arguments in all my functions are explained as follows:

Pattern: regular expression string: target string pos: truncate the start position of the target string endpose: truncate the end position of the target string Flags: function flags replaceStr: replace the string Max: replace at most several places (default: replace all places)Copy the code

We can see that there is a relationship between the re module, the regex object, and the match object in Python.

  • 1. The compile method of the re module returns a regex object
  • 2. The finditer(), fullmatch(), match(), search() methods of the RE module and regex object return a match object
  • 3. They have their own attributes and methods

2.1, the compile

regex =  re.compile(pattern, flags = 0)  Generate a regular expression object

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2.2, the.findall

re.findall(pattern,string,pos,endpose)  Matches all eligible content from the target string
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2.3, the split

re.split(pattern,string,flags) # Split the target string based on the regular expression

In [79]: re.split(r'\s+'."Hello World")
Out[79]: ['Hello'.'World']
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2.4, sub


In [80]: re.sub(r'\s+'."# #"."hello world")
Out[80]: 'hello##world'
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2.5, subn

re.subn(pattern,replaceStr,string,max,flags)  # function the same as sub, but the return value returns the replaced string and replaced several places

In [80]: re.sub(r'\s+'."# #"."hello world")
Out[80]: ('hello##world'1),Copy the code

2.6, finditer

re.finditer(pattern,string)  Return a match object that calls group() to get the value

In [87]: it = re.finditer(r'\d+'."2014nianshiqiqngduo 08aoyun 512dizhen")

In [88]: for i init: .... :print(i) .... : <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x7f0639767920> <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x7f0639767ac0> <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x7f0639767920> In [93]: it = re.finditer(r'\d+'."2014nianshiqiqngduo 08aoyun 512dizhen")

In [94]: for i init: .... :print(i.group()) .... : 2014 euro 512Copy the code

2.7, fullmatch

fullmatch(pattern,string,flags) # exactly matches the target string, equivalent to adding ^ and $
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2.8, the match

re.match(pattern,string,flags)  Matches the position at the beginning of the target string

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2.9, the search

re.search(pattern,string,flags) The regular expression matches the target string, only the first part
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Three, some exercises

3.1 match words with a capital letter

import re
f = open('test.txt')
pattern= r'\b[A-Z][a-zA-Z]*\s*'
# pattern= r'\b[A-Z]\S'
L = []

for i in f:
    L += re.findall(pattern,i)
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The contents of the test. TXT file are as follows:

Hello World -12.6 Nihao 123 How are you -12 1.24 ASDK 34%, accounted for 1/2 2003-2005./%Copy the code

3.2 Match numbers (positive, negative, decimal, percentage, fraction)

import re
pattern = "-? \d+((/? \d+)|((\.) ? \d+)|((\%)?) )"
f = open('test.txt')
l = []
for line in f:
    l += re.finditer(pattern,line)

for i in l:
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