In any programming language, getting started is often the hardest, so today, I’m going to talk about how you can get up and running in Python.

Set a goal

If you are studying Python and want to find a job, you can start by looking at the job requirements for python programmers.

Familiar with Python and common Web development frameworks;

Familiar with at least one database, such as MySQL, mongodb, Redis, etc.

Familiar with Linux operating system and common commands;

Good coding and documentation habits;

For programmers, there are certainly more related skills than python, just as in basketball, you need to know how to dribble, how to power, how to play, and so on. So, for people working on the Python Web, you need to have the skills to have at least one Web framework, such as: Django, Flask, etc., can not do business system without the support of the database. Secondly, it is necessary to have a certain understanding of Linux system, such as basic operations, and common commands, because you will write Python code will run on Linux.

Now I will introduce you from these aspects

Do you want to learn Python3?

A lot of people who are new to Python struggle with whether to learn Python 2 or Python 3. It’s like a fish and a bear’s paw, but there’s no need to struggle, because Python3 has become mainstream now, and Python3 has more advantages in terms of performance, so there’s no need to struggle. Go ahead and choose python3!

The development tools

Developing tools is very important, especially if you’re new to Python, and a lot of times, you get stuck in the tools area, or you don’t know what tools are out there. However, I only suggest you to use Pycharm, which is free to use and the cost is very low. As for how to use Pycharm, please contact me and I will send you the corresponding tutorial. It is not difficult and you can learn it in a minute.

Learning resources

There are a lot of resources on the Internet for getting started with Python, but I recommend that if you are just learning Python, you should start with books. There are a lot of materials on the Internet, but many of them are not systematic. For example, videos on python projects are better for you to read after you have a certain foundation. For those who are new to Python, books are a good place to start, as they are relatively systematic. You can also see the learning introduction video to understand a general first!

The last

The source code for 24 games and other Python projects and tutorials are fine, because books and videos are not enough. You also need to practice with the Python introduction project and use what you learn. ** Whether it’s Python or any other programming language, learning can be a bit boring, so incorporate python projects into your learning process to make it fun and rewarding.

Good luck to all who are interested in learning Python!