“This is the first day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022. For details: First Challenge 2022”
Jym: Hello everyone, we meet again. As the Spring Festival is approaching, we will continue to study with the strong feeling of returning home.
I wish you all success in the New Year
We then continued our month-long study of the Matplotlib module, Python’s third party library for graphing.
How do you get and create the data you need to experiment with before drawing a chart?
During motplotlib learning, the numpy module was used the most.
The NUMpy module is called the Matplotlib module for plotting a chart companion.
XDM, Let’s go~ for matplotlib companion – Numpy module
1. Numpy profile
The Numpy module is a third party library in Python that supports scientific calculations on large arrays.
The NUMPY module provides many functions for fast manipulation of multi-dimensional array objects and matrices.
- Mathematics, logic, shape manipulation
- Sorting, selection, I/O
- Basic linear algebra, basic statistical operations, random simulation
- Broadcast, byte exchange
Numpy module for open source code, the official website has been updated to version 1.22.0.
Github source link, interested in its source brothers can kangkangha ~
Numpy application scenarios
The NUMpy module is usually used in conjunction with matplotlib (drawing library).
Data is computed before matplotlib draws diagrams.
Numpy module installed
Since the Numpy module is the third library Python provides for data processing, you need to install it using PIP Install
pip install numpy Copy the code
Numpy module used
In the code, we need to use import to do the import
import numpy as np Copy the code
2. Numpy characteristics
At the heart of the Numpy template is the Ndarray object, which encapsulates n-dimensional arrays of the same type and improves performance by leaving many operations to be performed in compiled code.
Numpy Array distinguishes itself from Python’s built-in list
- Numpy arrays are created with a fixed size, and Python List lists are dynamically sized. If you want to change the size of ndarray, delete the original array and create a new one
- The elements in a NUMpy array must be of the same data type and therefore of the same size in memory. Python Lists allow different types of elements to exist.
- Numpy arrays perform advanced mathematical operations on large amounts of data more efficiently than Python lists
- Numpy array is widely used in scientific calculation, and the mainstream scientific and mathematical software is based on this module.
3. Numpy common methods
Numpy module is good at scientific calculation of large amounts of data, so it not only provides multi-dimensional array objects, but also general function methods.
For now, this article will introduce the common methods in numpy module
methods role numpy.array(item) Create an array object (can create an N-dimensional array) numpy.arange(num) Create an arithmetic array Numpy. Random. Randn (d0, d1,… ,dn) Create a random normal distribution numpy.dtype() Create custom data types Numpy. Random. Rand (d0, d1,… ,dn) Create data 0 to 1 numpy.random.randint(low,high) Creates a random integer for the given range numpy.random.random_integers(low,high) Returns a random integer in the given range numpy.random.random(size) Randomly generate floating point numbers between 0 and 1 numpy.random.choice(a,size) Generates a random number from a given one-dimensional array numpy.random.seed() Know the random data in advance numpy.linespcae() Creating a linear array numpy.sort() Sort array data
4. Test the cat
In this installment, we’ll use Numpy to create arrays, slicing, indexing, broadcasting, and more
Create a 3d array
arr = np.array([[0.0.0], [2.3.9], [1.2.3]])
# numpy is accessed by index or slice, arr[start:stop:step]
print(Slice a [1] : \ "n",arr[1:)# Broadcast function, two arrays for
b = np.array([2.5.7])
Copy the code
In this issue, we introduce the matplotlib mapping module companion – Numpy module. The array objects provided by the NUMpy module make multidimensional data math more efficient than Python’s built-in methods.
That’s the content of this episode. Please give us your thumbs up and comments. See you next time