Understanding processes

The definition of a process can be defined differently from different perspectives

  • A process is an execution of a program
  • A process is an activity that occurs when a program and its data are executed sequentially on a processor
  • A process is a process that a program with independent functions runs on a data set. It is an independent unit of resource allocation and scheduling in the system

A program is a description of instructions, data and their organizational form, while a process is an entity of the program.

Process is the running process of process entity, an independent unit of system resource allocation and scheduling.

For example:

Program: for example xxx.py this is a program, which is static.

Process: after a program runs, the code + resources used are called process, which is an independent unit of resources allocated by the operating system.

Process status

In work, the number of tasks is often larger than the number of CPU cores, that is, some tasks must be executing while others are waiting for the CPU to execute, resulting in different states

  • Ready: Running conditions have been slowed down and are waiting for the CPU to execute
  • Running state: the CPU is performing its function
  • Wait state: Wait for some condition to be satisfied, such as a program to sleep, then wait state

Python multi-process

GIL(Global Interpreter Lock) : Each thread must obtain the GIL during execution to ensure that only one thread can execute code at a time.

Due to the GIL(global interpreter lock), multi-threading in Python is “pseudo-parallelism” and cannot take advantage of multi-core CPU resources, which is required in most cases in Python if you want to fully utilize multi-core CPU resources. Python provides the multiprocessing module to implement multiple processes.

Multiprocessing Creates multiple processes

The Multiprocessing module is a cross-platform version of the multiprocess module that provides a Process class to represent a Process object, which can be understood as a separate Process that performs other things.

Two while loops are executed together

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import time
from multiprocessing import Process		Import the Process class first

def run_proc() :
    """ Code to be executed by child process """
    while True:
        print("-- 2 --")

if __name__=='__main__':
    p = Process(target=run_proc)		Pass in the target function to be executed
    p.start()							# start process
    while True:
        print("-- 1 --")
Copy the code

The running results are as follows:

----2-...Copy the code


  • To create a child Process, you simply pass in an execution function and its parameters, create an instance of Process, and start it with the start() method

Process syntax

Process([group [, target [, name [, args [, kwargs]]]]])
Copy the code
parameter meaning
target Represents the calling object, the task to be performed by the child process
args The argument passed to the target function as a tuple, as in:args=(1, 2, ‘hui’, )
kwargs Pass the keyword argument to the function specified by target as follows:kwargs={‘name’: ‘hui’, ‘age’: 18}
name Give the process a name
group Specifying a process group

Common methods for Process objects

methods role
start() Start the child process instance (create the child process)
is_alive() Checks whether the process child is still alive
join([timeout]) Whether or how many seconds to wait for the child process to finish executing
terminate() Terminate the child process immediately, whether the task is complete or not

Common properties of the Process object

  • name: Alias of the current process. The default value isProcess-N, N is an integer increasing from 1
  • pid: Pid of current process (process NUMBER)

Passes arguments to the function specified by the child process

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import os
from time import sleep
from multiprocessing import Process

def run_proc(name, age, **kwargs) :
    for i in range(10) :print('Child process running, name= %s,age=%d,pid=%d... ' % (name, age, os.getpid()))

def main() :
    p = Process(target=run_proc, args=('test'.18), kwargs={"m":20})
    sleep(1)  		End the child process immediately after 1 second
    p.terminate()	Terminate the child process
if __name__=='__main__':
Copy the code

Running results:

The child process is running. Name = test,age=18 ,pid=45097.. {'m': 20} Child process running, name= test,age=18 ,pid=45097.. {'m': 20} Child process running, name= test,age=18 ,pid=45097.. {'m': 20} Child process running, name= test,age=18 ,pid=45097.. {'m': 20} Child process running, name= test,age=18 ,pid=45097.. {'m': 20}
Copy the code

Inherit the Process class to create multiple processes

You can also create a Process using the class approach. You can create a custom class that inherits the Process class and overrides the run method. Each instantiation of the class is equivalent to instantiating a Process object

import time
from multiprocessing import Process
Define the process class
class ClockProcess(Process) :
	def __init__(self,interval) :
		super().__init__(self)	Remember to load the __init__() method of the Process class
		self.interval = interval
	def run(self) :
		print('Child process start execution time :{}'.format(time.ctime()))
		print('Child process end time :{}'.format(time.ctime()))

def main() :
    Create child process to sleep for 2 seconds
	p = ClockProcess(2)
	Call the child process
    Wait for the child process to finish
	print('Main process terminated')
if __name__=='__main__':
Copy the code

The results

The time when the child process starts execution :Sat Oct3 23:21:20 2020The end time of the child process :Sat Oct3 23:21:22 2020Main process endCopy the code

Inheriting the Process class and overriding the run method, the instantiated object calls the start() method to execute the code for the run() method

Global variables are not shared between processes

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import os
import time
from multiprocessing import Process

nums = [11.22]

def work1() :
    """ Code to be executed by child process """
    print("in process1 pid=%d ,nums=%s" % (os.getpid(), nums))
    for i in range(3):
        print("in process1 pid=%d ,nums=%s" % (os.getpid(), nums))

def work2() :
    """ Code to be executed by child process """
    print("in process2 pid=%d ,nums=%s" % (os.getpid(), nums))

def main() :
    p1 = Process(target=work1)
    p1.start()	The child process is started
    p1.join()	Wait for the child process to finish executing

    p2 = Process(target=work2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Copy the code

Running results:

in process1 pid=11349 ,nums=[11.22]
in process1 pid=11349 ,nums=[11.22.0]
in process1 pid=11349 ,nums=[]
in process1 pid=11349 ,nums=[]
in process2 pid=11350 ,nums=[11.22]
Copy the code

Description: p1 adds elements to num list, and P2 does not share them. P2 prints the same num[11, 12].

Python multithreading, process comparison

Compare the way thread process
Python module threading multiprocessing
Open means threading.Thread()


Shared global variables Shared Do not share

The public,

Create a new folder X

Nature took tens of billions of years to create our real world, while programmers took hundreds of years to create a completely different virtual world. We knock out brick by brick with a keyboard and build everything with our brains. People see 1000 as authority. We defend 1024. We are not keyboard warriors, we are just extraordinary builders of ordinary world.