Multi-process programming and interprocess communication Advantages and disadvantages of multi-process Process three-state five-state process priority Process Characteristics Orphan process Zombie process Requirements Understanding multi-process programming process-related functions multi-process module Create custom inherited Process class Process Pool technology Pool function Inter-process communication (IPC) Pipeline communication Multi-process pipeline transmission data example Message queue Single-process example multi-process message queue transmission data shared memory signal communication


Multi – process programming and interprocess communication

  • Meaning: Make full use of computer resources to improve the speed of the program
  • Definition: An application that increases the speed of a computer by using multiple computer cores to perform multiple tasks simultaneously
  • Implementation plan: multi-process multi-thread
  • Parallelism: The computer processes multiple tasks at the same time
  • Concurrency: Processing multiple tasks at the same time, with the kernel switching between tasks as if they were all still running, but in reality the kernel can only handle one of them at a time

Advantages and disadvantages of multiple processes

  • advantages

    • Multi-core computer can be used for concurrent execution of tasks to improve execution efficiency
    • Space independence and data security
    • Run not affected by other processes, easy to create
  • disadvantages

    • Process deletion and creation consume a lot of system resources


Procedure: ps-aux Procedure tree: pstree Procedure Parent process: ps-ajx procedure

mark The name of the instructions
S Wait for the state Interruptible wait
D Wait for the state Uninterruptible wait
T Wait for the state hold
R Running state Contain ready state
Z zombies  
<   High priority
N   The priority is low
l   Having child processes
s   Session group leader
+   Foreground process

Three states

  • Ready: A process is ready to execute and is waiting for the system to allocate resources
  • Running: The process occupies the CPU and is running
  • Wait state: the process does not meet the execution conditions temporarily. The process is blocked and waits until the conditions are met

Five states (new state and termination state are added on the basis of three states)

  • New state: The process of creating a new process to obtain resources
  • Terminating state: The process in which a process finishes execution and resources are released and reclaimed

Process priority

  • Effect: Determines the execution permission of a process

  • Dynamically view the process information in the system: top, use <, > to turn pages

    • Value range: -20 to 19-20 This parameter has the highest priority
  • Runs the program with the specified priority

    • Nice: Specifies the running priority

      E.g. : nice-9./ –>> runs with priority -9

Process characteristics

  1. Processes run independently without affecting each other
  2. Processes are the smallest unit of operating system resource allocation
  3. Each process occupies a certain amount of virtual memory

An orphan

  1. The parent exits before the child, and the child is called an orphan
  2. The orphan process is adopted by the process specified by the operating system, and the system process becomes the parent of the orphan process


  1. The child process exits before the parent process, but the parent process does not handle the exit status of the child process, so the child process becomes a zombie process
  2. Zombie processes store a small amount of PCB information in the memory. A large number of zombie processes consume system resources. Therefore, avoid zombie processes
  • How can zombie processes be avoided

    • Handles the exit status of the child process

      pid, status = os.wait()Copy the code


      Block in parent process and wait for child process to exit

      The return value:

To understand

  1. What is a process?
  2. Understand process characteristics
  3. Knowing every state of the process,

Multiprocess programming

4 # Parameter: None 5 # Return value: 7. Import OS 9 PID = os.fork() 10 PID = os.fork() 11 Print (pid) 9 print(pid) 10Copy the code


  • The child copies all of the parent’s code, including the memory generated before the fork
  • The child executes from the next sentence of fork, independently of the parent
  • The execution order of the parent and child processes is not necessarily the same
  • Parent and child processes often choose to execute different code depending on the return value of fork. So the if structure is almost standard for forks
  • The space of the parent and child processes is independent. Operations are the contents of the space and do not affect each other
  • Child processes also have their own characteristics, such as PID number, PCB, command set, etc.

Process-related functions

Function method parameter instructions
os.getpid()   Returns the PID number of the current process
os.getppid()   Returns the PID number of the parent of the current process
os._exit( status ) The exit status of the program Process exits
sys.exit( [ status ] ) Digit: indicates the exit status. Do not write The default value is Process exits
Import OS pid = os.fork() if pid < 0: print(" create process failed ") elif pid == 0: Print (" my true PID is: ",os.getpid()," my parent PID is: ", os.getppId ()) else: Print (" I am the parent of the code, the current variable pid is: ",pid," my real pid is: ",os.getpid()) "'''''' I am the parent of the code, the current variable pid is: 10992 my real pid is: My parent PID is 10991 '''''' "" # If PID 10992 is different from its parent PID, the child becomes an orphanCopy the code


Multiprocess module

import multiprocessing

from multiprocessing import Process


  • Function: Create a process object

  • parameter

    • Name: indicates the process name
    • Target: binding function
    • Args: tuples that pass arguments to target by position
    • Kwargs: dictionary, pass parameters to the target function by key-value pair
    • Name: indicates the name of the new process
    • For example: p = Process(target = fun,args=(a,b))
Function method instructions
p.start() Start the process, the target function is automatically executed, and the process is actually created
p.join([timeout]) Block waiting to reclaim the child process. Timeout is the timeout period
p.is_alive() Check the process life cycle status, is in life cycle, return a Boolean value Getting the process name Gets the PID of the process
p.daemon() The default state is False. The exit of the primary process does not affect the child process. True: The child process terminates with the main process
  • Use Multiprocessing to create a child process. The same process copies all the code of the parent process. Both the parent and child processes execute each other independently and have their own running space

  • If you do not use join to wave the child process, the child process will become a zombie process after exiting

Def worker(SEC,name): for I in range(3): def worker(SEC,name): for I in range(3): sleep(sec) print("I'm %s"%name) print("I'm working..." ) p = Process(target = worker,args = (2,),\ kwargs = {'name':'Daivl'},name = "Worker") p.start() print("Process Print ("Process is alive:", p.iss_alive ()) (3) print("Process is alive:", print("==================")Copy the code




Create a custom inherited Process class

  1. Inheriting the Process

  2. Write your own__init__, while loading the parent class__init__methods

  3. rewriterunMethod, which can be run automatically by calling start on the generated object

from import Process import time class ClockProcess(Process): def __init__(self,value): self.value = value super(ClockProcess,self).__init__() def run(self): for i in range(5): Print (" current time is ",time.ctime()) time.sleep(self.value) # run p.start() ()Copy the code


Process pool technology

  • The reasons causing

    • If you have a large number of tasks that require multiple processes to complete. It is necessary to create and delete processes frequently, which consumes more resources for the computer
  • The principle of

    • Create an appropriate process and put it into the process pool, which is used for the time to be processed in the pool. After processing the current task, the process is not destroyed, but the process pool is still waiting for other time to be processed. The reuse of processes reduces the consumption of system resources
  • Method of use

    1. Create a process pool and put the appropriate processes into the pool
    2. Adds the event to the event wait queue
    3. Keep fetching process execution time until all processes have finished executing
    4. Close the process pool and reclaim the process

The Pool function

  • Pool(Processes)

    • Function: Create a process pool object
    • Indicates how many processes are in the process pool
  • pool.apply_async(func, args, kwds)

    • Run the following command to add time to a process pool queue

    • parameter

      • Func: event function
      • Args: passes arguments to func as tuples
      • KWDS: pass parameters to func in dictionary form
    • Returns the value of an object

  • pool.apply(func, args, kwds)

    • Run the following command to add time to a process pool queue

    • parameter

      • Func: event function
      • Args: passes arguments to func as tuples
      • KWDS: pass parameters to func in dictionary form
  • pool.close()

    • Run the following command to disable a process pool
  • pool.join()

    • Run the following command to reclaim a process pool

    • Function: The event to be done is put into the process pool

    • parameter

      • Func: Function to be executed
      • Iter: iterates
    • Return value: Result column of multiple returns

from multiprocessing import Process import time class ClockProcess(Process): def __init__(self,value): self.value = value super(ClockProcess,self).__init__() def run(self): for i in range(5): Print (" current time is ",time.ctime()) time.sleep(self.value) # run p.start() ()Copy the code


Interprocess communication (IPC)

Methods of interprocess communication include: pipes, message queues, shared memory, signals, semaphores, sockets

  The pipe The message queue The Shared memory
Open the space memory memory memory
Read/write mode Read/write at both ends [bidirectional/unidirectional] First in first out Overwrite the previous content
The efficiency of general general higher
application It is used for parent-child processes Widely flexible Note the mutual exclusion


Pipeline communications

Communication principle: open up pipeline space in memory, generate pipeline operation object, multiple processes use the “same” pipeline object for operation, can realize communication

multiprocessing –> Pipe

  • fd1,fd2 = Pipe(duplex = True)

    • Create a pipe

    • parameter

      • The default is a bidirectional pipe
      • Set False to one-way pipe
    • The return value

      • If the pipe is two-way, both can read and write
      • If the pipe is one-way, fd1 is read only and fd2 is write only
  • fd.recv()

    • Function: Reads information from a pipe
    • Return value: What was read
    • If the pipe is empty, it is blocked
  • fd.send(data)

    • Function: Write content to a pipe
    • Parameter: What to write
    • You can send any Python data type

Example of multi-process piped data transfer

From multiprocessing import Process,Pipe import time, OS # create Pipe object fd1, fd2 = Pipe() def fun(name): Time.sleep (1) fd2.send(os.getppId ()) jobs = [] # create 5 child processes for I in range(5): p = Process(target = fun,args = (i,)) jobs.append(p) p.start() for i in range(5): data = fd1.recv() print(data) for i in jobs: i.join()Copy the code



The message queue

Queue: First in, first out, in order

Communication principle: build queue data structure model in memory. Multiple processes can queue content in and out in the same order as they queue content in

  • Create a queue

    q = Queue(maxsize = 0)

    • Function: Create a queue message
    • Parameter: Indicates the maximum number of messages to store. By default, storage is allocated according to memory
    • Return value: queue object
  • q.put(data, [block, timeout])

    • Function: Stores messages like a queue

    • parameter

      • Data: the contents to be saved
      • Block: The default queue is blocked when it is full. If the value is set to False, the queue is not blocked
      • Timeout: indicates the timeout period
  • data = q.get([block, timeout])

    • Function: Get queue messages

    • parameter

      • Block: By default, the queue is blocked when empty, but not blocked when False
      • Timeout: indicates the timeout period
    • Return value: Returns the retrieved content

  • Q.null () : checks whether the queue is full

  • Q.mpty () : checks whether the queue is empty

  • Q.size () : Determines the number of messages in the queue

  • Q.close: closes the queue

Single process example

#!《 单进程 》
from multiprocessing import Queue
from time import sleep
# 创建队列,可以放3条消息
q = Queue(3)
# 存一条消息
# 判断队列是否为空
# 判断队列是否满
# 输出队列消息数量
# 输出
q.close()Copy the code



Multi-process message queues transfer data

Def fun1() from multiprocessing import Queue,Process from time import sleep sleep(1) q.put({"a":1,"b":2}) def fun2(): Print () p1 = Process(target = fun1) p2 = Process(target = fun2) p1.start() p2.start() p2.start() p1.join() p2.join()Copy the code




The Shared memory

Communication principle: Create a space in memory, visible to multiple processes, processes can write or read, but each write will overwrite the previous content.

Only single data can be sent

  • obj = Value(ctype, obj)

    • Open up shared memory space

    • parameter

      • Ctype: Data type to be stored
      • Obj: initial data of shared memory
    • Return value: Shared memory object

    • Value Indicates the shared memory value. You can modify the value to modify the memory

    • From multiprocessing import Value from time import sleep import OS # Create shared memory object money = Value(' I ',2000) # create shared memory def Deposite (): while True: I = int(input(" 选 项 : ")) money. Value = I sleep(0.05) def withdraw(): data = money.value while True: if data ! = money.value : data = money.value print(data) pid = os.fork() if pid == 0 : deposite() withdraw()Copy the code
  • obj = Array(ctype, obj)

    • Open up shared memory space

    • Parameters:

      • Ctype: Data format to be stored
      • Obj: Initializes stored content, such as lists, strings. If it is a number, it represents the number of memory Spaces opened
    • Return value: Returns a shared memory object, which can be traversed

    • From multiprocessing import Array,Process from time import sleep import OS SHM = Array('c',100) # shm.value = "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. encode() def fun1(): Encode () def fun2(): print(os.getpid(), shm.value.decode()) shm.value = encode() def fun2(): Print (os.getpid()," ",shm.value.decode()) p1 = Process(target = fun1) p2 = Process(target = fun2) p1.start() p2.start() p1.join() p2.join()Copy the code


Signal communication

One process sends a signal to another to transmit some information, and the receiver acts accordingly

$kill -l View system signal description

$kill -9 PID sends signals to the process

The signal name instructions    
1) SIGHUP Connection is broken    
2) SIGINT ctrl+c    
3) SIGQUIT ctrl+\    
20) SIGTSTP ctrl+z    
9) SIGKILL Terminate the process    
19) SIGSTOP To halt the process    
26) SIGVTALRM The clock signal    
17) SIGCHLD A signal to the parent when the child exits    

In Pythonimport signalYou can pick up the signal

  • os.kill(pid, sig)

    • Function: send signal

    • parameter

      • Pid: INDICATES the PID number to send the signal
      • Sig: indicates the signal name
Import OS import signal os.kill(12345, signal.sigkill) #Copy the code


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