
I wish programmers we: happy happy stack Overflow sad forever null pointer object no longer 404 future wordless bug Mid-Autumn fast fall! The programmers.

Today take you to make a simple Mid-Autumn Festival dynamic TWO-DIMENSIONAL code!

The body of the

Today we use a simple and fun Python library, MyQR!

Now, the TWO-DIMENSIONAL code is already everyone is familiar with a little thing, with a mobile phone scan can open a link, the link can be a website, can be a business card, can also be a receipt and payment address.

We see the two-dimensional code is a square pattern of black and white blocks, read more will probably feel monotonous, today MyQR tell you how to make a colorful and beautiful two-dimensional code will move.


MyQR is a third party library in Python dedicated to creating personalized QR codes. The MyQR library needs to be installed before Python calls MyQR:

Pycharm = pycharm = pycharm = pycharm

pip install -i MyQR
Copy the code

With image source installation ha fast speed is not easy to report errors!

Prepared part of the picture, here mainly demonstrates the dynamic.


The full rendering is as follows:

(1) The programmer works hard.


(2) Mid-Autumn Festival reunion.


(3) Mid-Autumn Festival moon.


(4) Mid-Autumn Festival together.


​​Finally, I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival ~



Text Settings, dynamic map can be randomly set, what you like to set what ha!

Dynamic TWO-DIMENSIONAL code can be directly swept out of oh! Hey hey actually stole a lazy ~ production is not easy, remember a key three even oh!!

If you need the complete source code + picture material. Python novice installation packages, free activation codes, and more Python information

Source base group: [private letter xiaobian 06] can be free oh!!