Small knowledge, big challenge! This paper is participating in theEssentials for programmers”Creative activities.


We have already written GUI programs as building blocks for Python guI-Tkinter libraries (Grid, Place, Pack) layout manager, Canvas component, Checkbutton component, Radio Button component, etc

The graphical interfaces we studied earlier are not yet responsive to any user action, such as clicking a button in a window that does not provide any response.

This is because the program does not bind any event handling to this component.

In this installment, we’ll learn about Python GUI event handling: Let’s Go ~

1. Event handling Overview

The entire life cycle of a GUI application resides in an event loop, which waits for events to occur and processes them accordingly.

Tkinter provides a mechanism for handling related events, and handlers can be bound to individual events of individual controls.


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If an event occurs, the handler function is fired, and the event object is passed to the handler function.

2. Event binding mode

  1. Command binding method
The Button (root, the command = EVENT)Copy the code

Features of the Command binding mode

  • The way is simple and easy to use
  • The program cannot bind event handling methods to specific events, such as mouse movement or keystroke events
  • The program could not obtain information about the event
  1. The bind () method

bn = Button(root)

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The bind () method

  • The first parameter is event handling
  • The second parameter is event handling

3. Mouse and keyboard events

The event instructions
<Button-1> <ButtonPress-1> < 1 > Press the left mouse button. 2 indicates the middle key, and 3 indicates the right key
<ButtonPelease-1> Release the left mouse button
<B1-Motion> Press and hold the left mouse button to move
<Double- Button-1> Double click
<Enter> The mouse pointer goes to a component area
<Leave> Mouse pointer to a component area
<MouseWheel> Scroll wheel
<KeyPress-a> When you press a, A can be replaced by another key
<KeyRelease-a> The release of a key
<KeyPress-A> Press the A key (capital A)
<Alt-KeyPress-a> Press Alt and A at the same time. Use CTRL and Shift instead of Alt
<Double-KeyPress-a> Two quick clicks on a
<Control-V> Ctrl and V keys are pressed at the same time, and V can be replaced with another key

Common properties of the Event object

The name of the instructions
char Key character, valid only for keyboard events
keycode Key encoding, only for keyboard events
keysym Key name, valid only for keyboard events
num Mouse button, only for mouse events
type The type of event that is triggered
widget The component that causes the event
width,height The size of the component changed, valid only for Configure
x,y The current position of the mouse corresponds to the parent container
x_root,y_root The current position of the mouse is equivalent to the entire screen


This article summarizes two ways to bind GUI events. We recommend using bind() for GUI programming

That’s the content of this episode. Please give us your thumbs up and comments. See you next time