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1. Introduction

Today we share a third party library: Xpinyin to transfer Chinese characters to pinyin. You can see if you fail in Chinese.

🔗 github link: xpinyin

2. Install

python3 -m pip install xpinyin
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3. Example – Use

3.1 Get pinyin, default delimiter is ‘-‘

>>> from xpinyin import Pinyin
>>> p = Pinyin()
>>> p.get_pinyin('Beijing')
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3.2 Pinyin has tones

# display tone
>>> p.get_pinyin('Beijing', tone_marks='marks')
'b ě I - j and ng'

# Display the tone number of tones
>>> p.get_pinyin('Beijing', tone_marks='numbers')
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3.3 Changing different delimiters

By changing thesplitterParameter control

The # delimiter is a space
>>> p.get_pinyin('Beijing', tone_marks='marks', splitter=' ')
'b ě I j and ng'

>>> p.get_pinyin('Beijing', tone_marks='numbers', splitter=' ')
'bei3 jing1'

# undelimited
>>> p.get_pinyin('Beijing', tone_marks='marks', splitter=' ')
'b ě ij and ng'

>>> p.get_pinyin('Beijing', tone_marks='numbers', splitter=' ')
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3.4 Obtaining initials

  • Flat lingual
>>> p.get_initials("Shanghai", splitter=The '-')
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  • Become warped lingual
>>> p.get_initials("Shanghai", splitter=The '-', with_retroflex=True)
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3.5 Get the polyphonic combination of Chinese characters

Since Chinese characters tend to be polyphonic, the library can also display the situation of a character with multiple sounds

>>> p.get_pinyins('look like')

>>> p.get_pinyins('look like', tone_marks='marks', splitter=' ')
['mó yáng'.'mó yàng'.'mó xiàng'."Mu Yang '."Mu Yang '.'mú xiàng']

>>> p.get_pinyins('harm', tone_marks='marks', splitter=' ')
['sh ā ng hai'.'sh ā ng he']
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4. The last

This library is quite good, such as appearance, I do not know the kind of xiang this sound, harm he this sound.

Shame 😂, Chinese culture extensive and profound, feel that the language can be rebuilt.

If you are interested, you can go to Github to explore. The author is maintaining a mandarin. Dat file, which records the hexadecimal and pinyin of Chinese characters and tones.

Post the link again: 🔗 xpinyin