Content source: on May 13, 2017, ThoughtWorks tong da senior consultants in the “2017 technology radar summit | insight into construction technology and trend of the future” to share “ubiquitous Python” speech. IT big said as the exclusive video partner, by the organizers and speakers review authorized release.

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Python has been around for nearly 30 years and has gained popularity among operations engineers and data scientists over the past 30 years, yet very few enterprises have adopted Python as their preferred language for production environments. In recent years, that has changed. With rapid advances in cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence, Python and its development ecosystem are gaining more attention, and python-related technologies are on the radar. Why is Python the “chosen language”? How will this trend change enterprise IT?

Bad Python

Speaking of “dereliction of duty” reminds me of a big man. He went into printing as a teenager, working as a printer. Then he set up his own printing company to publish newspapers and articles. When everyone thought he was going to spend the rest of his life in the printing business, he went on to found North America’s first volunteer fire brigade. Later he founded the first hospital in North America. Another day he took it into his head to fly a kite in a thunderstorm, from which he invented the lightning rod and made a great contribution to the meteorological cause. He also played an important role in North America’s independence as an American diplomat in Europe. He helped draft the Declaration of Independence, and now his face is on the $100 bill.

This man spent his whole life in the “idle”, he is the fifth greatest American man — Benjamin Franklin.

System management tool development language Python

System Management Tools

When Python first came along, everyone was developing all kinds of operating systems, and Python went the other way.

Python was invented as a tool to give programmers better management systems. Python is now built into most major operating systems, performing far more efficiently than the shell and developing far more efficiently than C.

Software development tools

From systems administration tools to software development tools, Python has been helping engineers become more efficient.

In the world of software development tools, whether it’s build tools, version control, or code review, Python is a pioneer.

Not only was Python an early entrant in software development tools, Spinnaker was a newcomer to continuous delivery, leveraging cloud technology to build a continuous delivery pipeline.

In the few areas where Python is a software development tool, its latecomers seem to be better than its predecessors, so Python has been crossing boundaries ever since.

WEB development

The first attempt at Python was WEB development. With the advent of the Internet, and programming languages scrambling to dominate WEB development, Python was absent.

Django is a technology that can be used to develop WEB sites in Python, as well as smaller ones like Flask, Tornado, and Pyramid. There are many WEB sites based on Python, such as Youtube, Reddit, Pinterest, Dropbox, Douban.

But the Python language itself has always been less focused on WEB development than other languages, and seems “absent-minded.”

Scientific computing

Used to be the field of scientific computing, tools are Matlab, Maple, Mathematica, programming languages are Fortran, Pascal.

One of the technologies associated with the popularity of machine learning is SciKit-Learn, which combines NumPy, SymPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, Jupyter Notebook and so on. It has a large user base in the field of machine learning. Now in the production environment, in the field of engineering is also gradually becoming popular.

Cloud computing

After 2008, we entered the era of cloud computing. Python stands out in the cloud computing world thanks to the accumulation of system management tools in all aspects and the powerful system integration capabilities of Python language. The primary development language in OpenStack is Python.

Not just in the private cloud world, but in the public cloud world, where public clouds like AWS – CLI, GCloud, etc., want to provide developers with SDKS, or command line, Python is still the preferred option.

Big data

Although Python is not the main development language for big data tool software, it is a force to be reckoned with in every big data tool.

Pandas is a data analysis tool for Python as the primary development language. When Spark was first released, it came with an interface like PySpark. While the underlying practices are not necessarily Python dominated, the upper interfaces will certainly have Python.

In addition to the main data analysis tools, there is process choreography. Airflow allows our engineers to visually edit, giving us a clearer picture of how the data is being processed step by step. This tool is much more usable and has much cooler visualizations.

Artificial intelligence (ai)

In artificial intelligence, especially deep learning, Python dominates. Although tools such as OpenCV and SOX are not necessarily Python implementations themselves, it is the parts of the Python interface that are most widely used. Including when we do image recognition, which is OpenCV, but actually everyone is using The Python OpenCV library.

While early natural language processing was based on Stanford’s NLTK, SpaCy was discovered in the latest issue of Technology Radar. It is a tool intended to support production environments with modern natural language processing techniques. It was born with the hope that natural language processing could be used in production environments.

One reason artificial intelligence is hot is because deep learning is hot, and deep learning has proven to be particularly effective. Especially if there’s a lot of data, it’s much more effective to find some of the features than it is to look for them manually. Few other languages are as good at deep learning as Python. The famous Caffe, for example, also appeared in Tech Radar. TensorFlow is Google’s open source deep learning framework. Keras is a language based on Theano and TensorFlow that allows you to do top-level graph layouts and deep neural network design, also based on Python.

Why Python

Business is not online or offline, only digital and will be digital.

Blurred industry boundaries

Video websites are starting to make cars, mobile phone companies are starting to make air purifiers, and bicycles can connect to the Internet. These are now combined with software, IT and the Internet.

Faster delivery

The rise of the DevOps movement allows development, testing, and operations to work closely together. The rise of platforms has allowed engineers to focus on the business. The new wave of artificial intelligence makes it possible for software to learn and evolve on its own.

Technical field segmentation

Each technology can be a very deep field. As a developer we may need to know DevOps, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, IOT, big data, Paas, Web development, etc. Perhaps a business needs to use all of the above technologies. It’s too expensive for developers to learn everything, and it’s unacceptable for decision makers to let development teams start from scratch.

Life is short. I use Python

Good thing we have Python. The fact that Python has “messed up” in different areas over the years makes Python the perfect choice when we’re trying to do a little bit of everything. This is an important reason why Python is so popular today