Python Flask Quick start and advanced

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Those of you who have mastered the basic syntax of Python know that the next step is to learn the Python framework, but what framework to choose and how to get through the “lag” period quickly are always difficult problems. We suggest that Flask can be used for transition and initiation. The “light” characteristic of Flask itself makes your learning less “heavy”. After mastering the core knowledge, you will be able to develop and gain a sense of achievement, which will make learning more motivated. FLask’s ability to “quickly” develop various types of applications is very well accepted in the Python Web space

** Suitable for students who know the basic syntax of Python but don’t know what to do next students who are new to Python Web development

Basic knowledge of Python syntax and basic knowledge of MySQL **

Chapter Contents:

Chapter 1 Course Introduction This chapter provides an overview of the overall structure, functional modules, and learning recommendations. Let everyone in a clear development ideas, for the follow-up study. At the same time, I will take you to to demonstrate the project.

In Python Flask this chapter is about preparing for the development environment. I will show you how to install python3.7 and MySQL, the database required by the development environment, on Windows and Linux respectively. Make sure you use your familiar operating system to build your development environment

2-1 Windows Installation and Development Environment (Top) 2-2 Windows Installation and Development Environment (Bottom) 2-3 Configuring the Development Environment 2-4 Installing Virtualbox for VMS 2-5 Linux CentOS Configure the development Environment 2-6 Installing CentOS for VMS In this chapter, you will learn the basics of Python3, including the basic syntax of Python3. Basic data structures and the very important decorators. The decorators are important knowledge for better learning and understanding the Flask architecture

In this chapter, we will compare and contrast the Python framework used in today’s Python MVC framework, let you learn how to choose a framework. The Flask framework is installed in Linux and Windows. It’s not just that you can run a Hello World. We’ll also show you how Flask works on its own. Let everyone understand the principle, learn clearly. Flask configuration management: Flask configuration management: Flask configuration management

4-1 Common MVC framework comparison explains 4-2 Flask framework installation. In this chapter, we will learn how to configure Flask routing and request objects. In this chapter, we will learn how to configure Flask routing. How Flask manages routes and how to use them. By taking you through the HTTP request process, let you understand the entire request process. Let’s understand HTTP requests better. Then, with our understanding of HTTP, we will learn about GET and POST HTTP requests for request objects. And we’ll show you how to use the tool to send POST requests…

In this chapter, we will learn how to respond to an HTTP request. In this chapter, we will learn how to respond to an HTTP request. In this chapter, we will learn how to respond to an HTTP request. And how response types of different formats should be handled. Then we’ll learn the basic syntax of the template engine and get ready to work on layer V in MVC

Flask’s DATABASE ORM (ORM) Is how Flask communicates with a database. In this tutorial, you will learn how Flask communicates with a database. Here we will use the extensions Flask_SQLAlchemy and mysqlClient. We’ll go through the various ways in which databases communicate. And we used flask-SQlacodegen artifact to generate Model quickly.

7-1 Flask combined with SQLAlchemy through database communication 7-2 access database through Model 7-3 automatic generation Model 8 chapter to build a hierarchical MVC framework this chapter is the advanced application of our previous several learning chapters. Simplify code management by layering code structure. Customize startup command management through Flask_script. Personalized multi-link configuration file management and debugging tools, error handlers, request interceptor comprehensive explanation. Build a highly available MVC architecture through these optimizations. Make sprint preparation for the actual cat shadow project. .

In this chapter we will learn the first feature point of implementing the Catshadow project. Registration and login functions. First of all, I will study the explanation of database design with you. Then I led everyone to learn the basic knowledge of HTML and build the page we needed through bootstrap front-end framework. Finally, we will implement our registration and login features with you…

9-3 Realization of registration function (1) 9-4 realization of registration function (2) 9-5 realization of registration function (3) 9-6 realization of registration function (4) 9-7 Realization of login function (1) 9-8 Chapter 10 Obtaining movie information through timer This chapter is one of the black technology of our course. We will lead you to analyze how to obtain the film and television resources we need. Through the use of APScheduler to summarize our needs for timers, and then to implement our own extensible timer framework. Finally, our film and television data acquisition is realized through our own timer framework. .

10-1 Analysis of the scheme for obtaining film and television resources 10-2 Realization of extensible timer frame 10-3 Obtaining film and television data (1) 10-4 obtaining film and television data (2) 10-5 obtaining film and television data (3) 10-6 obtaining film and television data (4) 10-7 obtaining film and television data (5) 10-8 About the breakthrough of anti-crawler means of film and television website Chapter 11 Front desk display This chapter will display the film and television data obtained. This chapter mainly has two key points: list paging, random recommendation and query sort knowledge points

Flask UWSGI + NGINx High concurrency architecture Deployment This chapter mainly describes the deployment scheme of the production environment. We will explain the deployment architectures of Windows and Linux operating systems respectively. However, we strongly recommend using Linux for deployment in production

This chapter is a review of what we have learned in the past

13-1 Flask Introduction and Progression – Course Summary This course has been completed