This is the second day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the details: the last Gwen Challenge 2021
Python is an object-oriented high-level programming language with simple syntax, free open source, compile-free and high scalability. It can also be embedded into C/C++ programs and rich third-party libraries. Python is used in big data analysis, artificial intelligence, web backend and other application scenarios.
Python is currently the main popular Web frameworks: Flask, Django, Tornado
What’s the difference between a framework and a library?
Frameworks have similar functionality to libraries, but are more comprehensive in one area. With frameworks, developers can reduce the need to reinvent the wheel by simply calling its classes or functions.
Flask framework (flask) : Flask framework (flask) : Flask framework (Flask) : Flask framework (Flask) : Flask framework (Flask
1. Flask Framework Overview
Flask Framework is a lightweight Web framework based on WSGI. Flask is a simple and extensible flask, as we all know how to do in a small sparrow.
Flask framework advantages:
- Based on WSGI applications, explicit instantiation must be used
- Automatic sorting routing using the Werkzeug routing system
- Use Jinja2 template engine for quick and easy use of templates
- Use thread-local variables for fast access to weBY applications
- Support for asynchronous wait and ASCI (Async-first)
- Connect unit tests, and developers quickly check the tests
- Built-in development server, no need to use other third-party network services
Flask framework acquisition
Download Flask using PIP
pip install flask Copy the code
After the
Flask package is downloaded, the dependent libraries are automatically downloaded
- Werkzeug library: Implements WSGI, the Python interface between the front-end and the server
- Jinjia library: template language that displays Web pages
- MarkupSafe library: Comes with Jinjia, which is used to escape untrusted input from render templates
- ItsDangerous: Protects the cookies of flask sessions
- Click library: Used to write command line frameworks
Flask Optional dependent libraries, which can be downloaded as required
- Blinker library: Provides support for Singals
- Python-dotenv library: Start dotenv’s environment variables when running commands to support flask
- Watchdog provides a fast loader for the Flask server
Flask framework use
In code, use from… Import Imports the flask package
from flask import flask
Copy the code
With a long Ctrl press, we can view the Flask source code introduction
2. Flask Demo step
In flask Web Framework, look at the steps you need to take to build a DEMO site:
Initialization: Import the Flask library and define the Flask instantiation objects
- Flask instantiation requires passing in a __name__: the name of the package or module whose purpose is to receive it
- Ask flask.helpers.get_root_path to get the directory for static and template files
from flask import Flask APP = Flask(__name__) Copy the code
Define an application method and decorate with the Route decorator
Decorates the created application method by calling route() : The purpose is to tell Flask how to access the function
@APP.route("/") def hello() : return ("<h1>welcome juejin</h1>") Copy the code
In main, the Flask instantiation object calls the run() method to run
If we are in debug phase, we need to set debug=True
if __name__ == "__main__": Copy the code
We can see the background run log
We go to
, a link generated in the log, to see the parsed text on the web page
Flask Basic functions
Flask simple Web program, mainly use the flask module routing function
Routing functions
Route () is a decorator that binds urls to functions
- Rule: Binds the URL rule to access this function
- Option: The list of parameters to forward to the Rule object
@app.route(url,optiion) Copy the code
Run () runs the application on the server
Host: indicates the listening host name
Port: indicates the host port number
Debug: Displays debugging information
Options: forward to the underlying Werkzeug server
Template to provide
Flask framework is implemented based on the Jinja2 template engine
Create a templates subdirectory in your project, and create demo.html under that directory
In the Flask file, calls are required in application methods
render_template('demo.html', name=name) Copy the code
In this issue, we have introduced the flask microWeb framework advantages, demo Web application steps, and the routing and template functions in the Flask module.
That’s the content of this episode. Please give us your thumbs up and comments. See you next time