The dictionary

  • The data format consisting of key-value pairs is a dictionary. For example: ID card
# Dictionary definition
card = {"name":Trinket."age":33."address":"Chang 'an Avenue, Beijing"}
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Common dictionary operations

  • Print the value
# Dictionary definition
card = {"name":Trinket."age":33."address":"Chang 'an Avenue, Beijing"}
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Results of the above code:

  • Add elements
# Dictionary definition
card = {"name":Trinket."age":33."address":"Chang 'an Avenue, Beijing"}
Add element if key exists, add element if key does not exist
card["sex"] = "Male"#sex key does not exist, add
card["age"] = 34The #age key exists, modified

"' card. Setdefault (" sex", "female") # key, not modify card. Setdefault (" edu ", "Dr") # key does not exist, add ' ' '
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Results of the above code:

  • Remove elements
# Dictionary definition
card = {"name":Trinket."age":33."address":"Chang 'an Avenue, Beijing"}
#pop() removes elements
card.pop("name")Select * from name where key = name
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Results of the above code:

  • Modify the element
# Dictionary definition
card = {"name":Trinket."age":33."address":"Chang 'an Avenue, Beijing"}
# modify element
card["name"] = "Xiao Ming"
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Results of the above code:

  • Look for the element
# Dictionary definition
card = {"name":Trinket."age":33."address":"Chang 'an Avenue, Beijing"}

print(card.get("sex"))Return None if no key exists
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Results of the above code:

  • Print all keys
# Dictionary definition
card = {"name":Trinket."age":33."address":"Chang 'an Avenue, Beijing"}
Python3 returns iterators that are converted to lists by list()
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Results of the above code:

  • Print all values
# Dictionary definition
card = {"name":Trinket."age":33."address":"Chang 'an Avenue, Beijing"}
Python3 returns iterators that are converted to lists by list()
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Results of the above code:

  • Prints all key-value pairs
# Dictionary definition
card = {"name":Trinket."age":33."address":"Chang 'an Avenue, Beijing"}
Python3 returns iterators that are converted to lists by list()
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Results of the above code:

  • empty
# Dictionary definition
card = {"name":Trinket."age":33."address":"Chang 'an Avenue, Beijing"}
# Empty the dictionary
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Results of the above code:


  • Traverse by the key
# Dictionary definition
card = {"name":Trinket."age":33."address":"Chang 'an Avenue, Beijing"}

Traversal by key
for i in card.keys():
    print(card[i])Value by key
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Results of the above code:

  • Traverse by value
# Dictionary definition
card = {"name":Trinket."age":33."address":"Chang 'an Avenue, Beijing"}

Traversal by value
for i in card.values():
    print(i)Print the value directly
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  • Traversal by key value pairs
# Dictionary definition
card = {"name":Trinket."age":33."address":"Chang 'an Avenue, Beijing"}

Traversal by key/value pairs
for i in card.items():
    print(i)# return a tuple of key-value pairs
    print(i[0])Take the first value of the tuple
    print(i[1])Take the second value of the tuple

For k,v in card.items(): print(k) print(v) print(v)
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Results of the above code: