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“It takes about three minutes to read the text

Half a month ago, I went to the Mercedes-Benz Arena with my daughter-in-law to listen to Angela Chang’s concert. My daughter-in-law is a fan of Angela Chang. She has been fond of her songs since she was a child, and her songs have won the top three of the top ten singers competition on campus. Gradually, I became a fan of both of them, haha. The first song of the concert used a very shocking “Scream”. The prelude also added heavy metal elements, and Angela’s clear high voice made the whole song sound more passionate. I wanted to shout along, but I couldn’t remember the lyrics. So thinking of using Python crawler to write a netease cloud music series. First crawl the singer ID from the basic singer’s name, and then crawl the song lyrics and song reviews under the singer’s name according to the ID.

Today I will take you to climb the singer information under netease cloud music and save the data.

Crawl results

The environment

Language: Python tool: Pycharm

Guide package

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