This is the 9th day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge. For details, see:August is more challenging

Today’s web site


I found this website in a communication group and saved it for today’s story

Packet capture analysis and encryption location

Looking at the results of the packet capture, you can see that the request header contains two unknown parameters, ZKHS and ZKHST

Further retrieval of parameters ZKHST and ZKHS shows that the values of these two parameters have not been confused

And there are corresponding search results

According to the prompt inde of the search results, ZKHST and ZKHS are further retrieved in the file

The following key locations can be found in the file

Encryption analysis

It’s obvious in logic

e.headers.zkhs = o,e.headers.zkhst = r
Copy the code

This line of code indicates that we are analyzing the two variables o and r

The assignments for these two variables can be found in the js logic above, respectively

o = u()("body=".concat(i, "&params=").concat(o, "&sign_token=").concat(r), r)
r = Object(s.f)("zkhst")
Copy the code

Next, as long as a single point of debugging, first look at the generation of O

The logic of o is to concatenate all parameters into u()

The argument here is a comma expression, and the resulting passed argument is r

r = ("body=".concat(i, "&params=").concat(o, "&sign_token=").concat(r)
Copy the code

The obvious unknown parameters here are body and sign_token

And you can get the following result from the breakpoint analysis, which is the calculated r

body={"brandId":""."catalogueId":"260186"."cityCode":350100."clp":true."extraFilter": {"inStock":false."showIndustryFeatured":false},"from":0."fz":false."keyword":""."productFilter": {"brandIds": [""]."properties": {}},"rangeFilter":null."searchType": {"notNeedCorrect":false},"size":20."sort":0}&params={"traceId":"213681131613962067063"}&sign_token=799c9842f09c490196047064e10dead8
Copy the code

The development of the website is very thoughtful, and added console.log to the logic

Both body and parmas are query parameters. The body contains information such as city information, which needs to be modified according to the content to be crawled

In addition to the unknown sign_token, this is another parameter to analyze ZKHST

ZKHST access

The result of debugging is that there is a switch control flow in the js located

If r = Object(s.f)(” ZKHST “) does not get a value, it goes to Object(L.i.)(); if r = Object(s.f)(” ZKHST “) does not get a value; This logic. If there is a value, the logic on line 926 will be broken.

So we need to change the value of Object(s.f)(” ZKHST “) to undefinde, enter s.f, and see the following logic

 h = function(t) {
        t = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^| )".concat(t, "= (/ ^; (*). | $)")));
        return null! = t ?decodeURIComponent(t[2) :null
Copy the code

You can get the ZKHST from the cookie, and you can just clear the ZKHST from the cookie to get into the generated logic

So clear the browser cache/cookies

Enter (L.i.)() successfully, and you can see the following logic

And it is also confirmed in the network

The ZKHST is returned by the page request.

At this point both encryption parameters have been obtained, you can get the data of the page.

Well, that’s all for today. See you next time