Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay contest


Use Python to automatically jump a jump, without further ado ~

Let’s have a good time

The development tools

Python version: 3.6.4

Related modules:

The ADB module;

OpenCV module;

And some modules that come with Python.

Environment set up

Install Python and add it to the environment variables. PIP installs the required related modules.

Python+ADB+OpenCv, implement “hop” automation


The ADB tool is the Android Debug Bridge

ADB is a command line window for interacting with emulators or real devices from the computer side

It is similar to the Appium that Little F came into contact with before

ADB installation is simple: unpack the installation package and add the path to your system’s environment variables

Then use Python’s OS module to execute ADB commands

def get_screenshot() :
    # Capture your phone's screen
    os.system('adb shell /system/bin/screencap -p /sdcard/screencap.png')
    Upload files or folders from the emulator to your computer
    os.system('adb pull /sdcard/screencap.png screencap.png')

def jump(distance) :
    # Set the pressing time to 1.35
    press_time = int(distance * 1.35)

    Generate random cell phone screen simulation touch points to prevent invalid results
    # generate random integer (0-9), final value (0-90)
    rand = random.randint(0.9) * 10

    Adb long press operation, i.e. on the phone screen ((320-410),(410-500)) coordinate director press press_time ms
    cmd = ('adb shell input swipe %i %i %i %i ' + str(press_time)) % (320 + rand, 410 + rand, 320 + rand, 410 + rand)

    Adb command output

    Execute adb command

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Implementation to beat

Check the game end screen first

Determine if you need to end the program

# Game end template image
temp_end = cv2.imread('end.jpg'.0)

def game_over(img) :
    """ template match, detect whether to end the program """
    # If a template with the word "play one more game" is matched in the screenshot, the loop is terminated
    res_end = cv2.matchTemplate(img, temp_end, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
    if cv2.minMaxLoc(res_end)[1] > 0.95:
        print('Game over! ')
        return True
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Template matching schematic diagram

When the maximum matrix value returned is greater than 0.95, the word “play another game” must appear in the original image

The game ends, and so does the program

The template matching code for little checkers is as follows

It is mainly to obtain the position of small checkers, that is, the starting position parameters of “jump a jump”

# Read the little checkers template image
temple = cv2.imread('temple.png'.0)
Get the height and width of the little checkers template image
th, tw = temple.shape[:2]

def get_start(img) :
    """ Template match, get the position parameter of the start of a jump (little checkers) """
    # Use standard correlation coefficient matching,1 for perfect match,-1 for bad match, and 0 for no correlation at all
    result = cv2.matchTemplate(img, temple, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
    # Use the function minMaxLoc to determine the maximum and minimum values of the matching result matrix (val) and their positions (LOC).
    min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = cv2.minMaxLoc(result)
    # Get the center position parameter of little checkers
    return max_loc[0] + 47, max_loc[1] + 208
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The results of

Through the edge detection of OpenCV to obtain the end position of “hop”

def get_end(img) :
    Edge detection to obtain the position parameters of the end of a jump (box) ""
    # Gaussian blur
    img_rgb = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5.5), 0)
    # Edge detection
    canny_img = cv2.Canny(img_rgb, 1.10)
    Get the height and width of the edge detection image
    H, W = canny_img.shape

    The height of the first vertex
    y_top = np.nonzero([max(row) for row in canny_img[400: []])0] [0] + 400
    The width of the first vertex
    x_top = int(np.mean(np.nonzero(canny_img[y_top])))

    # Jump over the little white circle and walk through it
    y_bottom = y_top + 80
    for row in range(y_bottom, H):
        ifcanny_img[row, x_top] ! =0:
            y_bottom = row

    # Get the center of the square
    x_center, y_center = x_top, (y_top + y_bottom) // 2
    return x_center, y_center
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Schematic diagram of edge detection

The main program

# Loop until the game fails
for i in range(10000) :# Move the screenshot from your Android phone to the current folder on your computer
    # Read the screenshot image
    img = cv2.imread('screencap.png'.0)

    # Game over
    if game_over(img):

    Get the starting position argument
    x_start, y_start = get_start(img)
    Get the end position parameter
    x_end, y_end = get_end(img)

    # Draw the starting position, a circle, (x_start, y_start), 10.255, -1)
    # Draw the end position, a circle
    img_end =, (x_end, y_end), 10.255, -1)
    # Save images
    cv2.imwrite('end.png', img_end)

    # Calculate the straight line distance between the starting point and the ending point, check three strands four strings five
    distance = (x_start - x_end) ** 2 + (y_start - y_end) ** 2
    distance = distance ** 0.5

    Set the press duration based on the distance obtained

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