In Python, objects are passed by reference.

2. Multivariate assignment is actually tuple assignment

3. Write modules

Always remember a fact

5. Dynamic types

Qu-n227-435-450 = q-U-n227-435-450 = q-U-n227-435-450 = q-U-n227-435-450 = q-U-n227-435-450 = q-U-n227-435-450 = q-U-n227-435-450 = q-U-n227-435-450 = q-U-n227-435-450 = q-U-n227-435-450

7. Exception handling

8. All Python objects have three features

9. Boolean values

10. Object identity comparison

11, CMP ()

12. STR () and repr()

13. Isinstance () and type() are code optimizations

14. Classification of standard types

Operations between different data types

16, Python division:

17. Factory function

18. Built-in functions

(1) Built-in functions for all data types:

(2) Built-in functions for integers:

Boolean value

20. Modules related to numeric types

21. Random number, import the random module


22, Member operator (in, notin)

Len () to obtain the length of the sequence

24. Negative indexes can be used to access elements in a sequence

25. Sequence slicing operation

String, sequence, tuple type conversion

Built-in functions available for sequence types

28. Strings

29. String module

30. String formatting

31. Original string

Unicode string operator (u/ u)

String built-in function

For various built-in functions, see API

34. String in triple quotation marks

35. String immutability

36. Unicode characters

37, lists,

38, yuan group

39, dictionary

40, collections,

Conditions and cycles

42, abnormal

43, functions,

44, modules,

Object-oriented programming