This is the 27th day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

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Delete the data

For example, we found that li Si – English score was inserted repeatedly when it was newly added, so we should delete one of them as follows:

ret2delete = collect.delete_one({"student_name" : "Bill"."subject" : "English"})
# <pymongo.results.DeleteResult object at 0x000001D4AA0D15C8>
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Delete them all?

ret2delete = collect.delete_many({"student_name" : "Bill"."subject" : "English"})
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Modify the data

For example, we found that the new test score data was added earlier, and there was a lack of test time. We need to update the data. We can do this:

# Update single
ret2update = collect.update_one({"class_name" : "Class 1, Senior 3"}, {"$set": {"date":"20200301"}})print(ret2update.matched_count) # 1

# update multiple
ret2update = collect.update_many({"class_name" : "Class 1, Senior 3"}, {"$set": {"date":"20200301"}})print(ret2update.matched_count) # 3
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$set tells PyMongo that I’m only updating the date field in the document. If $set is missing, the entire document is replaced with {“date”:”20200301″}}

$inc = $set; $inc = $set;

ret2update = collect.update_one({"class_name" : "Class 1, Senior 3"}, {"$inc": {"score":"1"} })

ret2update = collect.update_one({"class_name" : "Class 1, Senior 3"}, {"$inc": {"score":"0.5"}})print(ret2update.matched_count) # 3
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And from the official mongodb documentation, we can know$incIs atomic operation, suitable for concurrent applications

Other operating

After we have retrieved some of the data we want, we are left with the aggregation operation:

Statistics of the number

totalnum = collect.find().count()
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The sorting

To sort, you simply call sort() and pass in the sorted fields and the ascending flags. The following is an example:

results = collect.find().sort('name', pymongo.ASCENDING)
print([result['name'] for result in results])
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The skip() offset method is called when paging, with limit() specifying the number of results

results = collect.find().sort('name', pymongo.ASCENDING).skip(2).limit(2)
print([result['name'] for result in results])
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