This is the 30th day of my participation in the Wenwen Challenge

It’s the last day of this Gwen challenge! The last day to share this little knowledge ~๐Ÿ˜„

Install bS4 or other third party libraries in Venv — Could not find a version that distribution the requirement for BS4

Domestic mirror source is recommended

  1. Ali…
  2. Tsinghua
  3. Douban

Note that this is HTTPS, otherwise there will be other errors when downloading the package, as shown in BS4.

To add a domestic mirror source in PyCharm, do as follows

  1. Ctrl+Alt+sTo open the Settings, click on the first red box, then click on the second red box
  2. Click in the pop-up boxManage RepositoriesThat’s the third red box
  3. Click the plus sign (the fourth red box) in the new pop-up box to add a domestic mirror source

Install BS4 in the PyCharm virtual environment (VENv)

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement bS4 (from versions: none)

The error message is shown below:

According to the message, he recommended us in venv virtual environment to carry out the PIP install – index – url bs4 ๐Ÿท

Go to the venv Script folder of the project, activate the virtual environment, deactivate.

Execute the above code ๐Ÿ˜ and see the yellow box, which means that this HTTP is not secure, add a parameter, or try HTTPS can notThe e change from HTTP to HTTPS was immediately successful. ๐Ÿ™„ err speechless.. ๐Ÿ™ƒ the source address of the domestic mirror may not be correct

The last

Welcome friends to discuss the question ~

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Let’s start this unexpected meeting! ~

Welcome to leave a message! Thanks for your support! ใƒพ(โ‰งโ–ฝโ‰ฆ*)o go!!

I’m 4ye. We should… next time. See you soon!! ๐Ÿ˜†