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Module members are automatically imported after completion

PyCharm now automatically adds import statements when you reference any module or package name in Python code and invoke code completion using the list of available module members.

Automatic import at code completion also works with some popular package name aliases, such as NpFornumpy or PDfor Pandas.

Code completion for methods with multiple arguments.

PyCharm now understands that you are using a method that has multiple parameters with defined parameters. When your code for calling this type of method is complete, PyCharm analyzes the context and suggests completion for all parameters with arguments.

Type hint: Support for “Type: Ignore”

Each time you apply a type hint, PyCharm checks for the correct use of the type based on the supported PEPs. If errors are found, a warning is provided and action recommended. If the module you are using in your code does not have the corresponding stub, PyCharm may show a missing statement error. You can use # type: Ignore comments to disallow the display of this error message.

Tools window for Python packages

Install a new Python package or use the new Tools window to browse through all the packages available for download without leaving the editor. This window is enabled by default, and you can find it at the bottom of the IDE as well as in terminals and the Python console. You can use the main menu to open it at any time: the View | | Tool Windows Python Packages.

Displays installed packages in the Python package tools window and packages in the PyPI library. Use the search field to filter the list of available packages.

The front-end development

Better JSDoc syntax highlighting

To make JSDoc comments more readable, we improved the way PyCharm highlights JSDoc syntax. You can in the Preferences/Settings | Editor | Color Scheme | JavaScript/TypeScript in finding new options to adjust the JSDoc elements of Color Scheme, including JSDoc label value and type.

Selector specificity of style sheets

When using stylesheets, you can now check the specificity of selectors – just hover over the selector you want to check. You can also focus on the selector and then press

F1 / Ctrl + Q

Explicitly call the Documents pop-up window that contains this information.

User experience: Quick access to the latest projects

Fixed jump list support for PyCharm. You can now access recent projects by right-clicking on the taskbar and the Start menu on Windows or the PyCharm icon in the Dock on macOS.

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