1. Your IDE

When you download PyCharm from your official website, if you don’t make some personalized Settings for it, you won’t be able to tolerate the ugly default interface like this one.

There’s a lot of fun to be made of, and I’ve highlighted all of it:

  1. The English of the menu bar is too ugly and the font is too strange. And the font size of the title bar.

  2. Chinese font is too ugly, font and the right code comparison, really can not see.

  3. The background is all white, so I won’t say it hurts my eyes, but it’s not geek at all.

  4. The code font is too ugly, too small, and the code highlighting experience is too poor.

A beautiful IDE interface makes writing code more enjoyable, so I’m going to take a look at some of the questions I’ve raised above and describe how I created an IDE with a high level of appearance that works for me.

2. How to build

Let’s solve problems number one, two and three first.

Click File-setting to enter the following interface and set corresponding parameters as shown in the picture.

After setting up, click Apply or OK to see if you feel more comfortable.

Let’s deal with the fourth problem.

Click File-setting to enter the following interface and set corresponding parameters as shown in the picture.

After setting this up, your code will have a hacker’s instant feel.

Of course, if you are not happy with the highlighted color, you can customize it. After modification, there will be a preview window below. It’s very convenient.

3. Theme download

Pycharm gave us a limited number of topics. But it does offer customization. This one can be liked. But not everyone has the artistic talent to put a lot of effort into creating a beautiful theme.

Here, I will introduce you to some very useful theme download sites. 1. color-themes.com 2. www.themesmap.com

Support JetBrains for a full range of topics including :InteliJ IDEA, PhpStorm, PyCharm, RubyMine, WebStorm and AppCode.

Once downloaded, it is a JAR package. You need to Import it through file-import Settings.

Finally, in file-setting-editor-colors & Fonts, select the theme to import.

At the end of this article, I will introduce three online documents written by myself:

The first document: PyCharm Chinese Guide 1.0 document

It took me more than two months to sort out the 100 Tips of PyCharm. In order for beginners to be able to use it directly, I spent a lot of time to record hundreds of GIFs and read online documents for those who are interested.

Second document: PyCharm Dark Magic Guide 1.0 document

The system includes a variety of cold Python knowledge, Python Shell diverse gameplay, crazy Python skills, Python super detailed advanced knowledge interpretation, very practical Python development skills.

Third document: The Python Chinese Guide 1.0 document

It takes three months to write a full Chinese tutorial for beginners to get started with Python, with a large number of code examples, so that beginners can have a visual experience of the operation of the code. The tutorials are both in-depth and extensive, and each article is marked with difficulty, whether it is basic or advanced. Python is a rare electronic tutorial in Python Chinese.