An entry-level front – end separation project, including front – end and back – end subprojects. The front-end is multi-page application based on Vue buckets (the React single-page version has been added), and the back-end is based on Koa2+Sequelize and mainly provides API interfaces.

Online preview front-end source code back-end source code

Projects show

Project characteristics

  1. The front end
  • Vue-cli3 builds multi-page applications
  • Componentized development
  • Manage state using Vuex
  • Responsive pages for mobile
  1. The back-end
  • Use the Koa2 framework
  • Token authentication login is supported

Technology stack

  • Front-end: Vue + Vuex + VUE-Router
  • Back-end: Node + Koa2 + Sequelize
  • Third-party libraries: Axios, Tweenjs, LeanCloud
  • Middleware: JsonWebToken, KOA-JWT, KOA-Static, etc

Main directory structure

  1. The front end
. ├ ─ dist /Build the generated code├ ─ SRC /# source directory│ ├ ─ assets /# Common resources, mainly SCSS│ ├ ─ components /# Common Components│ ├ ─ HTTP /# HTTP request correlation│ ├ ─ a mixin /# mixin│ ├ ─ pages /# page│ │ ├ ─ cart /# a shopping cart│ │ ├ ─ home /# page│ │ ├ ─ member /# the user page│ │ ├ ─ product /# Product details page│ ├ ─ utils /# tool library├ ─ ─ vue. Config. JsConfigure multiple page entry├ ─ ─. Babelrc ├ ─ ─ package. The jsonCopy the code
  1. The back-end
. ├ ─ the database /# database directory├ ─ middleware /# middleware├ ─ public /# Published code (static resources)├ ─ routes /Server routing├ ─ ─ app. JsStart file
Copy the code

Run back-end projects locally

The front-end code is packaged in the remote library and placed in a public folder, so running the back-end project can preview the full effect.

  1. Clone remote library
git clone [email protected]:BlameDeng/sun-server-demo.git
Copy the code
  1. Install dependencies
Copy the code
  1. Start the project
node app
Copy the code

The browser open http://localhost:8000/home.html preview.

Run the front-end project locally

Front-end projects require background data support, so running front-end projects locally requires running server-side projects as well as doing some extra configuration work.

  1. Clone remote library
git clone [email protected]:BlameDeng/sun-client-demo.git
Copy the code
  1. Install dependencies
Copy the code
  1. You need to configure the appId and appKey of leanCloud because the graphical verification code of leanCloud is used
  • Create or open an existing application in LeanCloud
  • Enable graphic Captcha service (free)
  • Create a key.js file in the project root directory and write your app Id and key:
export default {
    appId: 'your appId',
    appKey: 'your appKey'
Copy the code
  1. Start the project (make sure the server is running)
yarn serve
Copy the code

The browser open http://localhost:8080/home.html preview.


The server is configured to cross domains, so that the front-end project on port 8080 can get data from the back-end project on port 8000 when the front-end project is running at the same time. If you need to change the back-end project port, follow these steps:

  1. Modify the back-end project root directory app.js

  1. Modify the url.js in the HTTP directory of the front-end project sun-client-demo > SRC > HTTP

Change prefix to the port specified by the back-end project, such as ‘http://localhost:3000’. Note that the modifications are the port where the back-end project runs and the port where the front-end project obtains data. The front-end project itself still runs on the vuE-CLI specified port.