Recently writing a Vue 3 project using provide/inject, so make a learning note.

Need: Click the logo on the top bar to toggle the sidebar show or hide.


  1. A variable is required to record the display or hiding of the sidebar.
  2. Variables cannot be placed in either the top bar or the sidebar because the two components are not accessible to each other.
  3. Put where? Their ancestor: App.vue.


  • Use provide to mark variables in app.vue,
  • Use Inject to access variables in the sidebar, top bar
// App.vue
<script lang="ts">
import { provide, ref } from 'vue'
export default {
  name: 'App',
    const menuVisible = ref(true)
Copy the code

At the top of the column

<script lang="ts"> import { inject, Ref } from "vue"; export default { setup() { const menuVisible = inject<Ref<boolean>>("menuVisible"); // <Ref< Boolean >> Const toggleMenu = () => {menuVisible. Value =! menuVisible.value; }; return { toggleMenu }; }}; </script>Copy the code

provide / inject

  • Use the provide tag in the parent component that variable can be accessed by all descendants, no matter how many layers
  • Use Inject to access variables in child components