The four design thoughts that should be mastered in prototyping include: initial, normal, boundary, and error. These four methods, product managers in the design of some people may often do so, but few people summarize the simple eight words of the design ideas well known. When you read this article, you might want to open your imagination and recall whether you also considered the four conditions of initial, normal, boundary and error when you designed the prototype. What did you think at that time? Did the design of the prototype have any bugs during the review? If so, this article can help you make up for some ideas you lack. I don’t have excellent product design experience, but I just want to share what I have learned and learned with you. Why not make a cup of coffee and discuss with you?

I have a date this afternoon, it is a girl I like, this is our first date, I must dress up well, cut my hair and take a bath, put on the clothes I feel very satisfied with, put on glasses, try to make myself a little more handsome, give her a good first impression. It turned out to be better than I expected. It was a great day. She said I looked great and made an appointment to see a movie next time. I’m a product manager, I value the first time!

In the beginning, the simple way of thinking about it is, you want to present the first impression to the other person. If I imagine that I am not so serious about dressing myself, my hair looks like a bird’s nest and my whole body looks dirty, I feel that she will say that I have to leave in the afternoon before long, and I am very sorry for the appointment next time. By saying so much, I just want to tell you how important the first impression is, to capture the user’s mind in the shortest possible time and make them have a good impression of you.

How to make a first impression? This is the first of my four product design ideas: inception. Initially, it is divided into interface structure, style and function. When users enter the APP, at the first sight, they can see whether it is what I want (the interface structure is clear and simple) and whether it is what I like (whether the interface style is like or at least not ugly enough to look at).

1. Interface structure, users come to the home page, read the general content, want to further operation, is not simple and easy best without thinking, navigation design, information structure construction, these are the initial design to do.

2. Interface style, which includes typesetting, layout, text size, color, product design is not as professional as UI designers, but at least should understand.

3. Initial function, what configuration is required for APP startup, and how to design the background; How to remind users and guide them to carry out the following operations when entering the page with no data.


The second thought of prototyping is routine. How to understand the convention? There are many articles on how to design these common interfaces, such as the five layers of user experience elements. These are all methodologies of prototyping, which are not described in detail here.

The third thought of prototyping is boundary. The boundary contains
Operational boundaries and display boundaries, strategic boundariesWhat are operational boundaries? A commentary is reproduced here: as a product/development, logical thinking and consciousness of the boundary must be OK, at least you to explain your scene is left hand or right hand, and the user left hand operating, single hand operation, left alone in the degraded hand operation, the right hand degraded left a proportion of the population of these classification data or do research? If you don’t know the ratio, you’re thinking in the wrong way to begin with. (xiaoyuanjack…) There is also a kind of boundary called display boundary. For example, when the user performs an operation, the contact surface of the finger cannot see the content under the finger. Therefore, for some small interactive elements (such as buttons), the actual touching area needs to be expanded to its visual range. Another example, Jane book nickname input, the longest can be input Chinese characters? The length of article titles beyond the display boundary and the number of clicks that accumulate over time need to be considered by product managers at design time. The strategic boundary should be determined by more experienced senior product managers, product directors or bosses. Maybe you can cultivate such thinking gradually now. As an aside, when the director was alone with me, he said something I think I’ll never forget:
There are patterns in the heart, pixels in the eyes.


Review images

Last one, wrong. Web pages and APPS, operated by different people or in different environments, may have some abnormal situations. Such as bad network, program error, no access and so on. Guess which APP’s friendly hints are in the picture below?


This article was rejected for submission to Everyone is a Product Manager with the following disclaimer: Sorry, it’s not enough. Can you add something? I believe it will be a very good article. By the end of the week, after watching two seasons of American TV series, soaking in the sun and drinking coffee, it’s time to perfect this article. Actually, writing words is like designing a product. In the first version of a prototype, there are always many problems that we haven’t considered clearly. We are revising version by version, constantly thinking about all kinds of details and the influence that will be produced in the future. GO, boy, sunshine belongs to you, and you should also share your warmth and thoughts with everyone. At this point, my stomach is rumbling. It’s 2pm, two hours of writing, two hours of adding, and ten more minutes of checking. My first “product” is about to launch on Everyone is a Product manager.

As a new product, may not be in place to write the place, welcome advice. I micro channel, PMliuyang, coordinates Chengdu, original name Liu Yang, hey, there is a secret in the picture, careful you know what type of products I do, welcome to add me. (This article is welcome to reprint, remember to leave my wechat!)