Trivia you should know

  1. There’s one for every functionprototype(stereotype) property, the value of which is a normal object
  2. Each object has one__proto__The (implicit stereotype) property that points to the (stereotype) of its constructorprototype), which “inherits” properties from the stereotype
  3. A Function is also an object, and all functions come from the constructor Function
  4. All objects can be traced back to Object from the prototype chain, and Object is also a constructor
  5. There’s one for every prototypeconstructorProperty that points to the constructor of the association.

Small concept of prototype chain

When accessing a property of an object, it first looks at the property of the object itself. If it is not found, it looks at its implicit __proto__ prototype, that is, its constructor’s __proto__. If it is not found, it looks at its constructor’s __proto__. This leads to a chain structure called a prototype chain

Example 1: Prototype chains

    // The constructor
    function Parent(name,age){ = name
        this.age = age
    var child = new Parent('Joe'.30)
    console.log(child.__proto__ === Parent.prototype) //true
    // Print the data display
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Parent (); Parent (); Parent (); Parent (); Parent (); If the Parent function goes further down the prototype chain, it finds the Object() function, as shown below

    Parent.prototype.height = '180cm'
    // This prints 180cm, which is the value of the property that child found through the prototype chain
    console.log(child.height) // 180cm
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The prototype chain for creating the Child object can be shown in the figure below:

What evil does the new object do?

  1. Create (or construct) an entirely new object
  2. This brand new object is executed with the [[prototype]] connection: the current object’s __proto__ refers to the constructor’s prototype
  3. The new object is bound to the this function call
  4. If the function returns no other object, then the function in the new expression automatically returns a new object
   function Foo(name){ = name
   var foo = new Foo('Ming')
   // Parse the new execution step
   //1, create a new object
   var obj = {}
   //2, [[prototype]] connection
   obj.__proto__ = Foo.prototype
   //3, this refers to the transformation
   var foo =, 'Ming');
   // Return an object (if the constructor returns something else)
   return foo
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Function and Object

    // You are in me, and YOU are in me
    console.log(Function instanceof Object) //true
    console.log(Object instanceof Function) //true
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1. Function (),Object (), prototype (), Function ()

    // Prototype object for Function
    // The prototype of Object
    // Prototype object of the prototype object of Function
    console.log(Object.prototype === Function.prototype.__proto__);
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Complex relationship between Function and Object.

In summary: It can be said that Function itself produces objects, functions, and itself…. __proto__=== function. prototype = function.__proto__ === function. prototype = function.__proto__ == function.prototype This causes object. prototype to become an unwanted wild child, so null