
  • A few years ago, telegraf+ Infludb +Grafana was deployed for performance testing and monitoring, which was convenient to view and archive performance monitoring data. With the popularity of K8s, Prometheus began to be favored by various major factories. Recently, Prometheus+Grafana was deployed. With a variety of exports, rich performance test monitoring means.

Prometheus profile


  • Prometheus is an open source monitoring alarm system and time sequence database (TSDB) developed by SoundCloud. Prometheus, developed in the Go language, is an open source version of Google’s BorgMon monitoring system.

  • In 2016, Google launched the Linux Foundation’s Cloud Native Computing Foundation, which included Prometheus as its second open source project.

  • Prometheus is currently active in the open source community.

  • Prometheus and Heapster(Heapster is a subproject of K8S for obtaining cluster performance data.) Compared with the function more perfect, more comprehensive. Prometheus is also capable of supporting tens of thousands of clusters.

Official website: Prometheus. IO /

The characteristics of

  1. Multidimensional data model

  2. Efficient and flexible query statements

  3. Individual server nodes are independent of distributed storage

  4. Time series data is collected in PULL mode based on HTTP

  5. Temporal sequence data can be pushed through an intermediate gateway

  6. Discover target service objects through service discovery or static configuration

  7. Supports a wide variety of charts and interfaces, such as Grafana


  1. Promethues Server: Obtains and stores time series data

  2. Exporters: Mainly collects data as the agent and sends it to Prometheus Server. Exporters are responsible for various data collection activities, such as Node-Exporters and Redis.

    • For more exporters see Exporters AND INTEGRATIONS

    • Corresponding port number Default port Allocations · Prometheus/Prometheus Wiki · GitHub

  3. Pushgateway: allows ephemeral and batch jobs to push their data to Prometheus; Since this type of work does not exist for very long, it requires them to actively push data to PushGateway, which then sends it to Prometheus.

  4. Alertmanager: provides the alarm function of Prometheus.



  • Grafana is a cross-platform open source metric analysis and visualization tool that enables you to query and visually present collected data with timely notifications.

The characteristics of

  1. Display mode: fast and flexible client chart, panel plug-in has many different ways of visualization indicators and logs, the official library has rich dashboard plug-in, such as heat map, line chart, chart and other display modes;

  2. Data sources: Graphite, InfluxDB, OpenTSDB, Prometheus, Elasticsearch, CloudWatch, KairosDB, etc.

  3. Notification alerts: Visually define alert rules for the most important metrics. Grafana will continuously calculate and send notifications, and get notifications through Slack, PagerDuty, etc., when the data reaches a threshold;

  4. Mixed presentation: Mix different data sources in the same chart, you can specify data sources based on each query, or even customize data sources;

  5. Annotation: Using rich event annotation charts from different data sources, hovering over events shows the full event metadata and markup;

  6. Filters: Ad-hoc filters allow the dynamic creation of new key/value filters that are automatically applied to all queries that use the data source

Install the deployment


  • Download it manually and start the service according to the YML configuration file

download the latest release

tar xvf prometheus-*.*-amd64.tar.gz
cd prometheus-*
nohup ./prometheus --config.file=./prometheus.yml &
Copy the code


  • Download it manually and start the service according to the YML configuration file

download the latest release

Wget sudo yum install grafana 7.5.6-1. X86_64. RPMCopy the code

Docker installation

  • Docker-compose installs Prometheus and Grafana
cd /opt
mkdir -p prometheus/config/
mkdir -p grafana/data
chmod 777 grafana/data
mkdir -p /data/prometheus
chmod 777 /data/prometheus
Copy the code
  • createprometheus.ymlThe configuration file
cd /opt/prometheus/config/
touch prometheus.yml
Copy the code
  • The editorprometheus.ymlThe configuration file
#my global config
  scrape_interval:     15s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute.
  evaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute.
  #scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s).

#Alertmanager configuration
  - static_configs:
    - targets:
      #- alertmanager:9093

#Load rules once and periodically evaluate them according to the global 'evaluation_interval'.
  #- "first_rules.yml"
  #- "second_rules.yml"

#A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape:
#Here it's Prometheus itself.
  #The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
  - job_name: 'prometheus'

    #metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
    #scheme defaults to 'http'.

    - targets: ['']

  - job_name: "node"
    - targets: [""]

  - job_name: "qianmingyanqian"
    - targets: ["".""]

  ## config for the multiple Redis targets that the exporter will scrape
  - job_name: "redis_exporter_targets"
    scrape_interval: 5s
      - targets:
        - Redis: / /
        - Redis: / /
        - Redis: / /
    metrics_path: /scrape
      - source_labels: [__address__]
        target_label: __param_target
      - source_labels: [__param_target]
        target_label: instance
      - target_label: __address__
        replacement: 192.1689.140.: 9121
Copy the code
  • createdocker-compose_prometheus_grafana.ymlThe configuration file
cd /opt
mkdir docker-compose
touch docker-compose_prometheus_grafana.yml
Copy the code
  • The editordocker-compose_prometheus_grafana.ymlFile and type
version: '2'

    driver: bridge

    image: prom/prometheus:latest
    container_name: prometheus
    hostname: prometheus
    restart: always
      - /opt/prometheus/config:/etc/prometheus
      - /data/prometheus:/prometheus
      - "9090:9090"
      - "8086"
      - '--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml'
      - '--log.level=info'
      - '-- web. Listen - address ='
      - '--storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus'
      - '--storage.tsdb.retention=15d'
      - '--query.max-concurrency=50'
      - monitor

    image: grafana/grafana:latest
    container_name: grafana
    hostname: grafana
    restart: always
      - /opt/grafana/data:/var/lib/grafana
      - "3000:3000"
      - "For"
      - monitor
      - prometheus
Copy the code
  • Docker-compose runs the Docker container
docker-compose -p prometheus_grafana -f docker-compose_prometheus_grafana.yml up -d
Copy the code
  • Access the Prometheus service through port 9090 of the browser

  • Access the Grafana service through port 3000 of the browser

Monitoring server Nodes

Install and run node_exporter

  • Download and install Node_EXPORTER on the server to be monitored

download the latest release

wget*/node_exporter-*.*-amd64.tar.gztar xvfz node_exporter-*.*-amd64.tar.gzcd node_exporter-*.*-amd64nohup ./node_exporter &
Copy the code
  • Or use Docker to install and createdocker-compose_node-exporter.ymlThe configuration file
cd /opt/docker-composetouch docker-compose_node-exporter.yml
Copy the code
  • The editordocker-compose_node-exporter.ymlThe configuration file is as follows:
---version: '3.8'services:  node_exporter:    image:    container_name: node_exporter    command:      - '--path.rootfs=/host'    network_mode: host    pid: host    restart: unless-stopped    volumes:      - '/:/host:ro,rslave'
Copy the code
  • Docker-compose runs the Docker container
docker-compose -p node_exporter -f docker-compose_node-exporter.yml up -d
Copy the code
  • Try accessing the following
The curl the code
  • If the following data is displayed, the service is normal
# HELP node_xfs_read_calls_total Number of read(2) system calls made to files in a filesystem.# TYPE node_xfs_read_calls_total counternode_xfs_read_calls_total{device="dm-1"} 10196node_xfs_read_calls_total{device="dm-2"} 17401node_xfs_read_calls_total{device="dm-3"} 970node_xfs_read_calls_total{device="dm-4"} 10node_xfs_read_calls_total{device="dm-5"} 19node_xfs_read_calls_total{device="dm-6"} 132node_xfs_read_calls_total{device="sda2"} 16378node_xfs_read_calls_total{device="sda3"} 2.67817784 e+09 node_xfs_read_calls_total 1.053587 e+06 {device = "sda6"}
Copy the code

Configuration Prometheus

  • prometheus.ymlAppend the following
  - job_name: "node"    static_configs:    - targets: [""]
Copy the code
  • After modifying the configuration file, restart the systemprometheusThe container
docker restart CONTAINER ID
Copy the code
  • After success, see the following figure

Configuration Grafana

  • Add data source after login

  • Choose the Prometheus

  • Type in the URL fieldhttp://, as shown in the figure, and save

  • Add Dashboards

  • Import the template the load succeeds

More Template References

  • On the detailed monitoring page, you can select a monitoring period as required

Monitor the redis

Install and run redis_exporter

  • Download and install Redis_EXPORTER on the Redis server to be monitored

download the latest release

Wget HTTP: / / ZXVF redis_tuppy-v1.23.1.linux-386.tar.gznohup./ redis_tuppy-redisis.addr 111111 &Copy the code
  • Or install using Docker
docker run-d --name redis_exporter -P 9121:9121 oliver006/redis_exporter --redis.addr= --redis. Password =111111
Copy the code

Configuration Prometheus

  • Redis single instance,prometheus.ymlAppend the following
## config for scraping the exporter itself- job_name: 'redis_exporter'  scrape_interval: 5s  static_configs:    - targets:[]
Copy the code
  • Redis cluster,prometheus.ymlAppend the following
  ## config for the multiple Redis targets that the exporter will scrape - job_name: "redis_exporter_targets" scrape_interval: 5s static_configs: - targets: - redis: / / - redis: / / - redis: / / metrics_path: /scrape relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__address__] target_label: __param_target - source_labels: [__param_target] target_label: instance-target_label: __address__ replacement:
Copy the code
  • After modifying the configuration file, restart the systemprometheusThe container
docker restart CONTAINER ID
Copy the code
  • After success, see the following figure

Configuration Grafana

  • Add Dashboards and import templates the load succeeds

  • On the detailed monitoring page, you can select a monitoring period as required

Monitoring the mysql

Install and run mysqLD_exporter

  • First, authorize the user
root@localhost 14:43:  [(none)]>CREATE USER 'exporter'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mysql_exporter'; Query OK,0 rows affected (0.04 sec)root@localhost 14:43:  [(none)]>GRANT PROCESS, REPLICATION CLIENT, SELECT ON *.* TO 'exporter'@'localhost'; Query OK,0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Copy the code
  • createmy.cnfThe configuration file
cd /opttouch .my.cnfvim .my.cnf
Copy the code
  • Configuration file Type the following
[ client ]user = exporterpassword = mysql_exporter
Copy the code
  • Download and install mysqLD_EXPORTER on the mysql server to be monitored

download the latest release

wget*/mysqld_exporter-*.*-amd64.tar.gztar xvfz mysqld_exporter-*.*-amd64.tar.gzcd mysqld_exporter-*.*-amd64nohup ./mysqld_exporter &
Copy the code
  • Or use Docker to install and createdocker-compose_mysqld-exporter.ymlThe configuration file
cd /opt/docker-composetouch docker-compose_mysqld-exporter.yml
Copy the code
  • The editordocker-compose_mysqld-exporter.ymlThe configuration file is as follows:
version: '2'networks:    monitor:        driver: bridgeservices:    mysql-exporter:        image: prom/mysqld-exporter        container_name: mysql-exporter        hostname: mysql-exporter        restart: always        ports:            - "9104:9104"        networks:            - my-mysql-network        environment:            DATA_SOURCE_NAME: "The exporter: mysql_exporter @ ("networks:    my-mysql-network:        driver: bridge
Copy the code
  • Docker-compose runs the Docker container
docker-compose -p mysql_exporter -f docker-compose_mysqld-exporter.yml up -d
Copy the code

Configuration Prometheus

  • prometheus.ymlAppend the following
- job_name: 'mysql'     static_configs: - targets: ['']         labels: instance: mysql
Copy the code
  • After modifying the configuration file, restart the systemprometheusThe container
docker restart CONTAINER ID
Copy the code
  • After success, see the following figure

Configuration Grafana

  • Add Dashboards and import templates the load succeeds

  • On the detailed monitoring page, you can select a monitoring period as required

If you just want to monitor MySQL or MongoDB, consider the Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) tool, which adds additional features such as slow query collection

The problem to repair


  • Symptom The following error information is displayed when the Prometheus service is started and the browser accesses port 9090
Warning: Error fetching server time: Detected 785.6099998950958 seconds time difference between your browser and the server.
Copy the code
  • Go to the Prometheus machine and synchronize the clock
Copy the code


  • Too many Redis Instances may be displayed if Prometheus. Yml is incorrectly configured

  • After being started by redis_exporter, a major error may occur on the Targets web page of the Prometheus service. In this case, the password configuration is incorrect when redis_exporter is running. For example, some Instances of Redis do not require a password to be forcibly configured. Or the Redis instance requires a password and is not configured

- redis_exporter_last_scrape_error{err="dial redis: unknown network redis"1}Copy the code


  • The following error may be displayed when creating a mysql user
ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running with the --skip-grant-tables option so it cannot execute this statement
Copy the code
  • Refresh the permission and run the command again
flush privileges;
Copy the code


  • Besides the Linux server, Redis, Mysql, etc., you can also monitor the corresponding components through other exporters. The tool is not a panacea, and it is important to be able to quickly locate performance bottlenecks.