Swift version of the third-party library
- AFNetworking -> Alamofire 21570 supports Carthage
- ShareSDK, Alipay SDK, wechat SDK(third-party payment, sharing, login) ->monkeyKing 1800 supports Carthage
- Navigation -> SnapKit 8700 supports Carthage
- IQKeyboardManager has a Swift version that supports Carthage
- DZNEmptyDataSet has a Swift version that supports Carthage
- The drop-down refresh – > ESPullToRefresh, DGElasticPullToRefresh 2531 PullToBounce 1477 does not support Carthage
- Kingfisher 6974 supports Carthage
- Popup box -> PKHUD 1934 KRProgressHUD SwiftSpinner 1417
- Gesture sideslip ->ENSwiftSideMenu 1648 SideMenu 824
- Reachability -> Reachability. Swift supports Carthage
- Json2swift HandyJSON ObjectMapper supports Carthage
- The corresponding DeviceKit UIDevice
There is no Swift version
- According to umeng statistics, no SWIFT version of push SDK can be integrated
- No Swift version of Rongyun SDK can be integrated
- Push stream SDK, player SDK does not have swift version
- Bugtags does not have swift version, swift3 is supported
- OHHTTPStubs mimics return data, and return time
Library unique to Swift
- Moya: This is a higher level network request encapsulation abstraction layer based on Alamofire. Support the Carthage
- IBAnimatable develops animation based on storyboard 5838 supports Carthage
- Logging Component -> XCGLogger 2121
- MVVM -> RxSwift 7543 supports Carthage
- JSON processing SwiftyJSON supports Carthage
- DynamicJSON handles JSON like JavaScript
- IBAnalyzer XIb, Storyboard problem analysis library
- Dotzu displays logs, network requests, equipment information in real time
- DebugMan debugging tool that encapsulates the Dotzu Sandboxer, JxbDebugTool, SWHttpTrafficRecorder
- SwiftLint enforces the swift syntax specification
- SwiftyStoreKit Permission request library
- Then syntax sugar for data initialization
- Photo selection libraries ImagePicker,Fusuma, DKImagePickerController(in use, but can’t edit images)
- InputKit intelligently limits textField input
- Behavior testing framework Quick
- Nimble screenshots test framework encapsulates Facebook’s FBSnapShotTestCase
- Stryng: syntactic sugar library for String operations
- Grdb. swift Database operation library
- SwiftyMocky test code generation framework, test framework, based on Sourcery
- Notes Manager for macOS Notebooks written by Swift
- SwiftFormat Swift code Formatting plugin (POD ‘SwiftFormat/CLI’)
- Stylist: Define UI styles in a hot-loadable external yaml or json file
- Yams: YamL parser
- SwiftEventBus encapsulation of notifications
- Komponents Emulates the React interface component library
- Any UITableView HGPlaceholders is a display in the project/UICollectionView placeholder and empty state library
- Bartinter automatically changes the color of the navigation bar based on what’s behind it
- CVCalendar Calendar control
Third-party libraries used in the project
4 pod 'MBProgressHUD', '~> 1.0.0' pod 'MJRefresh', '~> 3.1.12' pod 'FSPagerView' 4 pod 'TZStackView', Helkarli /TZStackView branch -> 4 pod 'SwiftDate', 4 # my libraries pod 'StaticCellKit', 4 # my libraries pod 'StaticCellKit', '~> 0.0.3' pod 'MMNavigationController', '~> 0.0.5' pod 'MMSegmentedControl', '~> 0.0.9' pod 'VerificationCodeButton', '~> 0.0.1' # Select pod 'DKImagePickerController' 4 pod r.wift Pod Alamofire Pod AlamofireObjectMapperCopy the code
Xcode tools
Injection tool
1 Code real-time display
2 The TDD runs in real time
XcodeGen generates xcode projects based on file structure and configuration
Quicktype -xcode converts JSON to swift code with the Xcode extension
The efficiency of tool
Sourcery can be used with VSCode to retrieve all types, as well as tyeps attributes, based on sourceKit stencil swift’s template code tool
Management tool
Mocker (use sourcery to read class properties to automatically generate dummy data)
The open source project