The development of the front and back end separation brings me a lot of convenience, both front-end and back-end students are in favor of this development method. Because this way we back-end students do not have to be CSS JS this lot of front-end code torture, front-end also do not have to change a style to open a background service. As convenient as this is, there are some issues that need to be addressed on the front end. For example, cross-domain problem. In the local LAN test of mobile terminal in the project today, cross-domain will appear when the mobile browser is opened (cross-domain on PC has been solved through Chrome Settings).

1. Set the browser across domains

In PC development, Chrome browser is our front-end essential development tools, with Chrome to solve the cross domain simple and crude.

1) Right-click Chrome and select Properties

2) Select a shortcut

–disable-web-security –user-data-dir=C (–user-data-dir isa custom directory)

Open a browser to solve cross-domain problems easily

2. Set the proxy in the vue configuration file

In the vue.config.js file in the front-end project built with vue-cli3, add the following code

DevServer: {proxy: {'/apis': {// map to /apis target: '', // interface domain name Secure: ChangeOrigin: true, // Cross-domain pathRewrite: {'^/apis': "// rewrite,}}}}Copy the code

Please refer to the article for details

3. Background Settings allow cross-domains

This method is the most convenient method in my opinion. It is up to the server to decide whether to allow cross-domain. If yes, the server will set a field in the response header to tell the browser that the request is valid, and the browser will not discard the request packet, thus completing cross-domain. Here’s another example of nodeJS server chestnuts:

All ('*',function (req, res, next) {res.header(' access-Control-allow-origin ', '*'); res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type, Content-Length, Authorization, Accept, X-Requested-With , yourHeaderFeild'); res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'PUT, POST, GET, DELETE, OPTIONS'); if (req.method == 'OPTIONS') { res.send(200); /} else {next(); }}); Copy the codeCopy the code

4. Set the server proxy (only the implementation scheme is given here)

This approach is suitable for large multi-platform projects where the address of the front-end Ajax request is actually accessed through the server. The front-end code runs on a layer of servers in NodeJS, and NodeJD is only responsible for running the front-end code and forwarding the front-end requests. For example, the page needs to visit to get the latest news, We can do this by adding an additional interface to the server and then inside the server, All the interface does is make a request to and return the result.

This method is not recommended for single-class platforms because of high maintenance costs.

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