A lot of people say that programmers need to update their knowledge quickly because programming languages are easily obsolete. This is a bit of an absolute statement, but it also shows that the top programming languages are constantly changing. The pro Gravity student takes a look at which programming languages are the best to learn and the best to pay.

Second, Python is a high-level general-purpose programming language that is widely used. It is simple and easy to read. It is a versatile embedded scripting language that is a solid foundation for many web architectures and is the perfect choice for automated tasks (including in 3D applications), desktop programming tools, data science, and more. Python is also used for education, so it includes math, physics, and so on. Many technology giants like Google and Yahoo, as well as NASA, PBS, and Reddit, use Python to write their websites.

Third, PHP(Hypertext Preprocessing Language) is a server-side language. Today, it is used on more than 80% of websites, including Facebook, Wikipedia, Tumblr and WordPress. Not only is PHP popular with new developers because it’s easy to get started, but it also offers plenty of great features for mature developers. As a result, PHP web developers are in great demand around the world. In December 2016, PHP7.1 was released. PHP7.1 has changed, and that brings enhancements. PHP7.1 has improved performance over last year’s 7.0, transforming PHP into a fast platform for building WEB applications.

C language has been named the most popular language in the world. The applications of C are almost endless, and it remains in the top 2 most popular languages of all time. C is simpler and has fewer features. C is a process-oriented language developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 and used in the UNIX operating system. Although C is a relatively old language, it is still widely used for system programming, writing other languages, and embedded systems. The kernel of Linux operating system is written in C language. While other languages have changed over time, C has remained popular. The C language controls the hardware well and provides very useful programming tools. Moreover, C makes it easier to move from one system to another.