One student asked, “I have been practicing coding since I got into programming in the freshman year, but I still can’t remember many functions and libraries. I still have to consult Baidu to use them. I don’t know whether I am too fond of them or everyone is the same.”

A lot of friends who are beginners in programming, probably have this problem, imagine that the programming masters are like “The Matrix”, hands like flying, pat-pat-pat-rain the screen of code. Not afraid of everyone jokes, I contact programming before, really think that their future can be like this, natural and unrestrained like the wind, always with me.

But later, in the study and work, I know a lot of big men, they all have a common characteristic without exception, not to remember the code! And from what I’ve long observed, most experienced programmers don’t just slap-slap at the keyboard while writing code, but rather stare at the computer screen and tap gracefully and rhythmically.

By the way, if you can remember all the codes, that’s not a kingpin, that’s a fairy!

How do programming gurus write code?

I’ve summed up a few characteristics of programming gurus:

1. Will be lazy

First of all, the code is not memorized, experienced programmers will use the development tools come with code hints and custom code templates, typing the first few prefixes to generate a bunch of code!

For example, if you support Live Templates in the WebStorm editor, type “fori” to automatically type a loop:

In addition, programming gurus don’t usually write all the code themselves. They understand the importance of reuse. Click on a page, click on a component, click on a file, and then change it to work

I am also a senior copy and paste engineer. When TYPING on the keyboard, I have developed a good habit of keeping my left thumb above the CTRL key.

Due to the CTRL key pressed too much, this key actually bald before ME!

Here is an interesting story. Actually, I am not that fond of copy and paste. I prefer to type a lot of codes and words that I can remember at first sight. But later, when I was an intern at Bytedance, I happened to be familiar with the English word of a variable, so I did not choose to copy and paste. It turns out that I’ve been misspelling the word, causing a bug!

My colleague said to me earnestly, “If you have ready-made ones, don’t write them by yourself. It’s a good thing that you misspelled the words today. If one day someone else misspelled the word itself, even if you typed it correctly yourself, there will be a bug due to the name inconsistency. Copy and paste it doesn’t smell good!”

Since then, I am so proud of all CV engineers.

2. Picky eaters

They use Google, GitHub, and StackOverflow. Together with official documentation of various programming languages, technical frameworks, and their accumulated experience in troubleshooting, they can solve 99.999999% of their problems. What more bikes?

Google: the most powerful search engine, you can search more international resources, technical knowledge and solutions, now there is no special means to really not.

GitHub is a well-known open source project platform. When you encounter a bug in a project, you can directly raise issues and usually get a response and solution.

StackOverflow is a site with a lot of great people. Here, even a lot of messy cold problems can be solved, is also a good place to make friends.

Official documents: there is a problem, find the official, experienced programmers are aware of this truth, although many online solutions, but not on the official documents to be direct, authoritative, timeliness!

Here are a few tools for reading official documents. Some can be efficiently searched from over 200 programming documents with one click, while others can be accessed directly online. Very useful!

All sorted into the programming navigation => documentation column ~ (address at the end of the article)

3. Use your time

When you hear your fellow programmers suddenly slapping up their keyboards and you think they’re dancing or tapping code, look away.

The vast majority of programmers, when tapping, are either chatting or engaging in “friendly” communication with other colleagues.

However, a lot of big programmers don’t do this for no reason. They take advantage of the short time between compiling, building, packaging, publishing, CR, etc., to get some relaxation, such as a cup of tea and a little exercise. After all, your body is important, and you shouldn’t spend too much time staring at the screen writing code.

There are also a few big programmers who, when they click on a keyboard, are actually writing code. It is not because they are immortals, who can get through the two arteries of the governor in a flash. It is more because they have already designed the detailed technical solution in advance, sorted out the clear interface documentation, know how to implement the function, and then write the code is much easier.

If you’ve been using a programming language for a long time, or if you’re writing repetitive code, you can actually do it a lot of the time without having to look up documents or baidu. Similarly, it is easier to design a solution and write code faster if you have done a similar project.

So to learn programming, you still need to code more, do more projects, develop good programming habits, learn programming thinking, and develop natural memory rather than rote memorization!

Finally, the real awesome programmer knock code is not a snap snap operation fierce as tiger I do not know, anyway, I even the most simple add, delete, change, check all snap out, basically write 2 lines delete 1 line, shambling. Still want to continue to work hard!
