Author: Chuanzhi Education

Last year, with the support of Internet trends such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things and blockchain, the digitalization process in all industries accelerated. At the same time, in the context of fierce competition between China and the United States in scientific and technological innovation, the domestic focus on chips, operating systems, databases and other basic hardware and software has reached a new height.

Independent research and development and open source have become the top priority of technological innovation and implementation in this era. In this era of the best development of the Internet, how to start with the endless frameworks, tools and scenarios? This is a dry article and a skill upgrade guide.

Back-end development is most popular with young people:

81% of developers are under 30, with 24% in back-end positions;

Only 3% of programmers are over 40, and 11% of them are in management positions.

Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are still the places where programmers live

Developers from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou account for 38 percent of the total, with Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Sichuan and Shandong being the second tier, accounting for 24 percent of the national total. 21.2 percent of programmers earn more than 17K a month, and 44.5 percent earn 8-17K a month. 30 percent of programmers in Beijing earn more than 17K a month, far more than other regions.

How often programmers jump ship

Many people think that Internet related employees are very job-hopping, after all, job-hopping is the opportunity for promotion and salary increase. However, the data shows that 36.5% of developers have not changed jobs and only 11% have changed jobs more than four times.

As for the direction of their choice of technology or management, 54.09% of them want to be a manager, and 9.4% do not want to be a manager.

How do you choose each language

Java usage dropped by 50% and Intellij became the most popular tool for programmers.

We analyzed that the 50% drop in Java users was due to Google and Kotlin-First support strategies, which influenced many Android users to switch from Java to Kotlin.

“Kotlin is further replacing Java in Android development, although its overall percentage is not high in statistics,” said Fan Huaiyu, co-founder of Light Man and former head of Wandoujia technology. Kotlin, as another JVA-BASED programming language, can on the one hand maintain the stability and high performance of Java using the JVM and enjoy the JVM’s existing ecosystem. On the other hand, with its more flexible syntax, Kotlin is increasingly being used by Android developers and has become the preferred programming language for Android, making it a better learning experience for new Android developers.”

In addition, with the development of artificial intelligence and the simplicity of the language itself, Python has gradually increased the number of users, accounting for nearly 30% of the number of Python developers, and has often been ranked in the top three list.

Vue.js, jQuery, and Spring

In terms of the use of mainstream frameworks, React framework is emphasized in foreign countries, while vue.js is more popular for web development in China, and vue.js+jQuery technology combination has become the basic skills of the front end.

2020 is the year of open source

2020 is the fastest year for open source development in China. China’s first open source Foundation officially came, Mulan PSL became China’s first international universal open source agreement, and open source was included in the 14th Five-Year Plan.

Under the general trend, more and more people begin to contact open source. In the past year, more than 30% of people started to contact open source.

Unfortunately, nearly 30 percent of developers are involved in open source projects.

Jia Yangqing, head of Ali Open Source Technical Committee, sent a thank-you letter to millions of open source users and shared ali’s 10-year open source journey. In the last ten years, Ali open source has covered more than 1000+ open source projects in big data, cloud native, AI, database, middleware, hardware and other fields.

Domestic operating system

For the definition of domestic operating system we hold different views, some people think that as long as master the core code, safe and controllable operating system can be, some people think that domestic operating system should be developed from scratch.

HarmonyOS is better known to developers

Domestic operating systems have blossomed, and 79% of developers are aware of HarmonyOS, thanks to the efforts of domestic Internet giants such as Alibaba, Huawei and Tongxin.

Linux became the most commonly used Internet operating system

Regarding the current development of the Internet of Things, Sun Songlin, director of the Department of Electronic information Engineering at the School of Information and Communication Engineering at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, said, “In terms of technology, operating systems, communication methods and terminal security are the focus of discussion. Compared to last year, Android has overtaken Windows, but both are far outpaced by Linux. The diversification of iot applications and the pursuit of high efficiency have led to the development of custom requirements beginning to sink into the operating system, and the strong scalability of Linux can meet this demand. Other embedded operating systems, such as FreeRTOS and RT-Thread, have increased to a certain extent, but accounted for a small proportion. In addition, HarmonyOS 2.0 will be released in 2020. In addition, in the aspect of terminal security, from physical security, access security, communication security to data security, developers are very concerned about. With the occurrence of numerous security incidents and the introduction of policies in Japan, The United Kingdom and other countries, security technology will definitely become the focus of the future development of the Internet of Things industry.

Machine learning/deep learning algorithm engineers are still in short supply, and the talent gap is huge

AI engineers accounted for 38.3 percent, with machine learning, deep learning, and algorithm engineers becoming popular positions with 19.9 percent and 15.5 percent, respectively. In recent years, machine learning and deep learning technologies have also made breakthroughs and aroused the interest of most developers. But the talent gap remains huge.

Sinomic still has a long way to go

In the second half of 2020, chips are still in short supply. Bao Yungang of the Computer Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences said, There are 1,700 chip design companies in China, but there are too few companies that can produce high value-added chips.

Blockchain, riding the wave of new infrastructure, is strongly combined with big data and the Internet of Things

In 2020, the National Development and Reform Commission defined the scope of “new infrastructure” for the first time, which mainly includes three aspects: 1. 3. Innovation infrastructure. In terms of information infrastructure, new technology infrastructure represented by artificial intelligence, cloud computing and block chain, and capacity infrastructure represented by data centers and intelligent computing centers.

Many developers believe that finance and financial derivatives are still the main application area of blockchain, accounting for 60%. Blockchain is also used for data sharing, accounting for 23%.

In terms of the future trend, Meng Yan, founder of Solv Markets and Founder of Youzheng Link, believes that blockchain is not an ordinary technology, but a global transaction network in the future era of machines, whether to promote national strategies or individuals.

**PS: In addition, for those who are learning programming or working, if you want to improve your programming ability or even change careers, you can overtake on the corner and take a step faster! The author here may be able to help you ~

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