As we all know, programmers are particularly prone to the phenomenon of unequal pay for equal work. Many times, we have passed the company’s screening, and then asked hr for a satisfactory salary. After entering the company happily, one day, we heard through the grapevine that a colleague with the same level as you, but with a salary of thousands more than you. It is probably that you will not be happy immediately.

In fact, this is normal, which is why almost all companies are not allowed to talk about salary. If everyone was open about their pay, the losers would still be able to do their job. Generally speaking, the same company, the difference of employee salary mainly decides by grading, the level that your technology is good to decide is high, that treatment is high, this is reasonable. But consider a situation where everyone is equally skilled and rated, and everyone is treated differently, some higher, some lower. The question is, why does this happen? How do you make your salary as high as possible? Let me talk to you about these two issues.

Let’s start by saying why. In mainstream Internet companies, each level has a range of benefits. For example, if a company has a level called T4, the range of benefits is 15-20K. This range is for us to negotiate, if the negotiation is good, you can give up to 20K, if not, it is 15K. You can see that there is a 5K gap in the middle, and the higher the level, the bigger the gap will be, and the greater the fluctuation of people’s treatment will be.

How to get a high salary in the process of talking about salary, I will talk about it with you in combination with my own experience.

First, do your homework before the interview. What is the status of your technology in the industry and what is the level corresponding to the target company? These two problems should be clear. With that in mind, you also need to know what the range of benefits at this level is at your target company. Armed with this information and your internal expectations, you can set a reasonable monthly salary. Normally, in Beijing, a job-hopping increase should be more than 30%. Otherwise, job-hopping of less than 30% is not worthwhile considering the opportunity cost and the loss caused by job-hopping.

How to do this homework? You can go to the Internet to collect some information, but also to ask the company to apply for a friend, former colleagues, etc., in short, the human factor is very important, so we should know more people, especially cattle, because cattle contacts more extensive resources, virtually can help you.

Secondly, we should take two more offers to enhance our confidence. Sometimes we encounter an ambivalence: I really want to work for this company, so I dare not ask for more, I am afraid that the other party will reject me. This is because there are fewer offers. If you take two more offers, you will be more confident when negotiating salary. These offers can pave the way for you.

Last but not least, don’t appear to want to work for one company in particular. The interview process is a two-way street. The company is interviewing you, and you are interviewing the company. Remember: No matter how pleasant your conversation with the interviewer may be, don’t reveal how you feel about wanting to work for the company in particular. You should give the impression that the company is a great place to work, but that you’ve been interviewing with other companies recently and are looking for the perfect fit. If the company really wants to hire you, hr will usually offer you a good offer in order to attract you. For example, for the T4 level above, HR will directly offer you a monthly salary of 18-20. The perfect example is that you put the offer in your hand and the HR: XXX company has offered me 20K monthly salary. Hr is impatient: we will give 22K. It’s not fiction, it’s something that happens.

You think about it, if you particularly want to go, the interviewer to capture this information, and then when you talk to hr offer, hr would not give you high salary, anyway you desperately want to come, give you a general treatment that certainly also can accept, then pushed himself into the a bad situation, most likely the hr will give you 15 k per month. The responsibility of HR is to recruit the best talents for the company at the lowest price, which also reflects the cost saving of the company.

In fact, I think programmers are a very simple group, and the experience above is forced. It would be nice if corporate HR people could be a little less predictable, a little more honest, a little less overpaid, and a little more loving to programmers. Although I know that sometimes HR has to, I still have to speak out. If you support me, please like and retweet. I believe in the power of crowds.

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