The original problem

The way a programmer confesses? – zhihu

Reorganize and modify (I’m not going to tell you there are Easter eggs on every page…)

Let’s start with the renderings

HTML5 3D stereo photo album code

3D album drag animation

Zhihu friends recommended to add a

Our Love Story

Now how to modify the content and online

The first step:

Download source code extract

After decompression, it looks like this

The second step:

Download an editor first. Sublime is recommended

Download address

Step 3:

Began to change

1 Confession Page

Open the Sublime editor and drag index.html into the editor

A few major changes,

1: What you want to say

2: Name: Fairy and Albee can be replaced

3: Modify BGM modify love.mp3, it is recommended not to change here,

If you want to change the song, just unzip love.mp3 and change it to a song you like.

But remember to rename it to love.mp3 or there will be no music.

4: Change the time

If the date is February 25, 2017, set it to the following value. The month starts with 0, so 0 is January.

That’s one month back.

Two album pages:

Mainly modify two folders in the picture size

The image size in IMG is 1333×2000

The image size in imGS is 640×387

The last confession page

The same is

1: What you want to say

2: Name: Just replace Albee, or transpose whatever you want to express

3: modify BGM modify love.mp3, it is recommended not to change here.

4: the same time back a month.

If you want to add a different BGM for each page,

Go to each page and find the TAB

Change the SRC value love.mp3 to the name of your song.

Then it’s the packing line

Compress all files into ZIP format

Use Baidu BAE, can only be zip ha

After the baidu BAE tutorial is copied and pasted, followed by many partners asked how to use their own domain name

Set up an account so you don’t have to teach it

Open the application engine BAE

Add deployment

1 choose wordpress

2 Enter the domain name you want

3 Select memory 128

4. The right side agrees to pay the next step. It’s only 20 cents a day

Go back to this screen and click Upload

Compress the entire previous file format

After uploading, click Deploy on the right

Wait a few minutes for access

The address is the domain name entered earlier

How to use your own domain name

Or Baidu BAE stay in this place

The domain name service registers new domain names

Buy one here

Bought back to the domain name management and then go to the domain name record, this a bit spent time, record does not need money of ha.

I filled it out according to his request.

It’s filed and that’s it

Okay, so you need to associate your domain name with the previous site

Click parse to add parse

Two values host record value filled with *

Record the value to fill your Baidu BAE domain name

Then go back to the BAE deployment list

Click the name of the deployment and then click Publish Settings,

Click bind custom domain name enter your own domain name and you’re done.

The BGM on the last page is Adele’s Water Under the Bridge

I added two mini-games


Tetris source code only a few lines Provenance forgot, there is a friend know told

Thank you for your attention

You are welcome to contribute some interesting code, some simple tutorials and so on

Let more novice can stick to it, make coding more interesting.