Programmers from Java programming novice to architect of the system technology overview

The procedure report in the procedure is written in Java, to achieve the function of Notepad, refer to the function of Notepad in Windows. Open the file and read the text information in the file. Display, edit and modify text information. Java Notepad adopts GUI and IO basic technologies in JavaSE, which can realize simple text operations, such as opening documents, editing documents, saving documents and so on.

Project background

At present, many new technical fields are involved in the Java language, Java language is object-oriented programming, and involves the network, multithreading and other important basic knowledge, so the Java language is also the first language to learn object-oriented programming and network programming. According to the requirements of the teaching training plan, students should arrange the course design of a certain class hour after learning the knowledge of the designated class hour in the textbook. The main purpose of this course is to enable students to deeply understand and practice the language foundation of Java programming, exception handling, event handling, applets and graphical user interface design. So “Java Notepad” came into being.

Task goal

Java Notepad program is mainly on the text editing software. Can create, open, save and other functions. In addition, the corresponding text can be copied and cut according to the needs of users to achieve editing functions.

This course design is to cooperate with the Java program design course, through the object-oriented program design to master and use the knowledge they have learned, so that students in-depth study to master the Java language, skilled use of this tool and set up the course. Through the course design of various projects of comprehensive training, strengthen students’ understanding of the JAVA language, test students on how to understand and grasp the extent of the professional theory knowledge, training students’ comprehensive use the knowledge they learned JAVA programming processing actual analysis problem, problem-solving ability, make the classroom theory applied in practice, improve the comprehensive quality of students, Lay a good foundation for students’ practical work after graduation.

Development significance

With the maturation of computer science, its powerful function has been deeply recognized by people, and it has entered various fields of human society and is playing an increasingly important role. Of course, the text editing operation still occupies an important position. Notepad is a simple and convenient text editor, which can realize the basic functions of text editing operation.

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