The last day of 2020 has arrived

How are you going to welcome 2021?

The year 2020 has been an extraordinary year

The approach to 2020 is even more ceremonial

How to say goodbye to 2020?

Le has a tip for you

Student with long legs

Step right over

There is no obstacle too long to cross

Students with short legs

So we have to jump

Sleepy students

Go straight to sleep

Whether to sleep until next year or next year

It depends on the mood

Students with dates

Circle of friends love show up

Single friends

Silently eat the “dog food” in moments

Make a wish to get rid of the single next year

It doesn’t matter which pose you are in

On the occasion of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new

The flag must be raised

In 2021,

Want to get rich

To take off a single

To lose weight successfully

More importantly

A bug a little less

Leave work Earlier

Feel better at work

Complete the family

In 2021,

Wish you


Everything goes well