As a grain of sand in the army of programmers, sometimes I have been troubled how to write a weekly report. There are so many things in a week, how to learn to pick the key points to describe and write, and the language expression must be clear in thought, structured and organized; That’s the kind of report that qualifies.

Most people secretly think that when they report their work, they don’t need any special practice. They just make a list of the things of the week. Even if it is not well written, the leader will not have other ideas or opinions on you. As time goes by, you gradually develop the need to simply enumerate the current account, which is not organized, no structure, no logic, and not prominent, or wait for the leader to ask, and there is no goal.

First, the importance of reporting should be made clear

The purpose of the first report is to let the leader know what I have done, what problems I have encountered in the process, what my solution is, what the final results are, what the follow-up action items are, and whether there is a formed plan task list; If the report is written in a disorganized and unfocused way, they don’t know how much work we’re doing and how much overtime we’re working behind closed eyes. People tend to describe the process and importance of their work too much, describing everything in detail, after that, the leaders are basically confused, do not know what you want to talk about the core?

So how can we write the report well? The fundamental reason is that we have not mastered the way of thinking of structured report. If you report in a organized and methodic way, you will get twice the result with half the work.

2. Structured thinking

Here are some questions to consider before you report:

  1. Who am I reporting to and how much reporting time is available?
  2. What is the content of the report and what are the key points to pay attention to?
  3. How did other colleagues report it, and what was the effect?
  4. Are you competent in language expression when reporting? If not, do you need to explain the table?
  5. The leader’s expectation of the current work, and the control of the schedule, your progress is normal?
  6. Is it valuable to the follow-up work after the report, where is it reflected in SH, how to enlarge this value?
  7. Can the leader help solve the problems encountered in the work? Can I ask other colleagues for help?

Use my own work experience as an example

  • What: Maps should support real-time vehicle tracks
  • Why do: The urgent needs of customers can not be pushed off
  • Why do not do it, the acceptance does not pass, can not get the fund
  • How: Check the documentation, bala, bala, a bunch of code operations…
  • When: It has to be completed by July 30, otherwise the bonus and performance will be lost
  • Where: System map interface
  • Who: Code1921 is fully responsible, if anything goes wrong, the consequences…

Structured report is to make clear the report object, correctly express the work content, and seek truth from facts; The most real things are the most attractive, and for the work of the details of the point can answer flow, the leadership will be impressed with you.

About oneself also have not experienced the relevant training, the following insight is only a little personal idea, hope can bring help to you.

There are roughly three steps to self-reporting:

Self-understanding: For tasks in work, it is necessary to clarify the key problems of tasks, identify the entry point, disassemble tasks, and then connect them from point to point to ensure the integrity and efficiency of tasks; To diverge thinking vertically and horizontally, to find out the relevant points, to record unfamiliar areas in time, to ensure that there are no missing modules, generally speaking, is to take a good look in the mirror, to see the task in a glance clearly.

The implementation process, which is closely related to the specific work content, will not be described here, but we must find a suitable efficient way to carry out, after all, the quality of work affects the quality of life.

The general description, this is the most important, all the premises are ready, waiting for delivery, you don’t lose the goods on the way; To learn to use some methods of expression, total scores, causal association, inductive judgment, deductive reasoning, from top to bottom, packaging, do some visual charts, cool animation, numerical support, color contrast, professional words and so on; This will make our presentation better.

The unity of knowing and doing, report writing is mental labor, adhere to the meeting of metagenesis, you must be the most beautiful son of the company!!