Performance and efficiency are timeless pursuits for programmers, as they are for code, as they are for everyday bricks. For the hot spot operation in the daily brick moving process, this article recommends several good online tools, only wish colleagues less overtime, Work early, Work Life Balance, two blossom!

1 Linux command search

In daily development, you may need to use some unfamiliar commands. While man is the standard answer for getting a quick idea of how to use certain commands, the long text on the results page tends to miss the point when we’re just trying to get a command used quickly.

Therefore, I recommend this tool: simply enter the command you want to know in the search box, you can quickly understand the function of each parameter, and common use examples. What’s more, all the documents are in Chinese, so you understand

2 Regular Expressions

Regex is probably an unavoidable topic for every programmer. If you need to quickly verify that a regular expression is correct in your daily development, writing C++/Java/Go code is obviously cumbersome.

The online tool supports fast regular expression validation by typing the re and string to see the match/capture result. In addition, it provides

Different re styles: Python/Go/Javascript

Automatically generate code in different languages

3 Escape the character string

If you’re struggling with the problem of escaping multiple layers of single and double quotes in Bash, you should want this online tool.

For different escape scenarios (Java, JSON, SQL, CSV, etc.), enter the character string to be escaped or escaped to obtain the escape or escape result.

Of course, in addition to the escape tools, the site also provides formatting/validation tools such as JSON/SQL.

4 the CSV SQL

Every time I look at this tool, I think of that miserable late night when I spent hours writing scripts to convert CSV into SQL.

There are many online tools that provide CSV-to-SQL functionality, and this is perhaps the most complete. Because it offers a lot of options

Custom column delimiter, row delimiter



, etc.

List 5 diff

In daily operation and maintenance, it is indispensable to calculate diff for two groups of IP. Comm is available on the Linux command line, but it’s hard to use. This tool is very simple to use, just input two sets of lists (no sorting), can get the difference between each other and the intersection.

6 RSS aggregation reader

With the development of the Internet, communities are becoming more and more fragmented. The content you are just interested in May be distributed on Zhihu, wechat, Weibo, blog and other platforms. It would be nice to have an aggregator reader that brings together content of interest from all platforms. And Feedly is just such a tool.

As a programming learner, if you want to improve your programming ability, learn C/C++ programming knowledge, and strive to become a high-paying software development engineer in the future!

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