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Prepare a technical resume

Resume is the stepping stone to enter the interview, but also to leave the first impression of the company, so this is very important, must be done in this article, a good interview resume is the success of the whole interview is the most important, we should carefully prepare resume to ensure that the resume will not be brushed.

A resume usually consists of the following parts:

  1. Basic information
  2. Professional skills
  3. Work experience
  4. Project experience
  5. Education background

1. Prepare a resume template

The fastest way to write a resume is to find a suitable resume template and then simply fill in the information. Resume templates are carefully selected, and some resumes are simply brushed off without reading the content. These resumes are visually offensive to the interviewer, making the first impression of the resume offensive to the interviewer.

There are two types of resume templates that are offensive:

  • The “classic” resume template, with its magical color palette and bottom-of-the-range spreadsheet, can be thrown into the dustbin in three seconds.
  • Designed to dazzle an interviewer with colourful colour schemes, this slick CV is the same as a three-second CV that will sink to the bottom of the rubbish heap.

These two types of resume templates are killer recruiters, and if you use them, you won’t be interested in giving them a second look. Whether HR or technical interviewers want to see effective information as soon as possible. What you call visual effects may be visual noise or visual garbage in others’ eyes, which seriously affects the mood of reading resumes and the speed of searching for effective information.

2. Prepare personal information

The personal information section mainly includes name, telephone number, email address, and job intention. Of course, these four are mandatory, and the others are optional.

Here’s the point:

  1. Blog: If you have a blog that hasn’t been updated or a Github that doesn’t have any contributions, it will give the interviewer the impression that you are putting it up just for the sake of putting it up. This is basically telling the interviewer that the candidate doesn’t have the habit of summarizing and summarizing, so if there is a Github or blog that has been maintained for a long time, you must put it up. It’s very useful if it’s of good quality, but if it’s not, don’t use it.
  2. Degree: if the degree is junior college, high school graduation and so on, also write in the head of the resume to emphasize again, which increases the chances of the resume brush, if it is a graduate or 985, 211 degree can write, highlight the educational advantage, undergraduate degree in the field of technical interview basically stepping stone level, there is no need to write.
  3. Age: if it is an older programmer, especially in the pursuit of a low-end post do not write, an older programmer in the job search for a low-end post, that these years basically in place, still can not work overtime, here basically this resume on the cool half.
  4. Photo: good image can stick, especially good image of the female program yuan, the other had better not stick, if you want to stick, it is best to stick the kind of PS occupation certificate.

3. Prepare professional skills

For programmers, expertise is actually a technology stack. How to describe one’s own technology stack is a difficult question. For example, what is mastery? What is understanding? What is familiarity?

There are many different descriptions of technical skills, but here are just three:

  • Understanding: Skilled in a particular technology and able to work under guidance, but unable to perform complex tasks or solve problems independently.
  • Familiar with: used a certain technology, can complete the work independently, and can independently complete a certain degree of complexity of the work, there will be no big problem in the application level of technology, even understand a little principle.
  • Proficiency: not only can use a technology to complete complex projects, but also understand the principles behind the technology, can re-develop the technology, and even be a contributor to the technical source code.

Take Vue framework as an example, if you can write simple pages with Vue and independently complete the development of some pages, but you cannot break away from the scaffolding of the company or independently complete a project with a certain complexity from 0, it can only be called understanding; If you have extensive experience in using VUE, have the ability to independently complete a project of a certain complexity from 0, can completely develop without scaffolding, and have a certain understanding of the principle of VUE, you can call it familiarity. ; If you have completed a highly complex project with VUE and are very familiar with the principles of VUE, have been a major contributor to vUE source code, or have made magic changes based on VUE source code (such as MPVUE), then you are proficient.

So there are two pitfalls that candidates often commit, the hybrid and the hybrid. These two pitfalls are mostly concentrated on recent graduates and novices less than two years out of college, and are characterized by overconfidence caused by a rush to express oneself and ignorance of the depth and breadth of technology:

  • First of all, if you want to apply for a Java backend, honestly write your Own Java technology stack, emphasize what you are good at, it is best to specialize in a certain area such as high concurrency, high availability and so on. At this time, some resumes must give themselves a play, they will not pile up, what reverse, cryptography, graphics, driving, AI should be reflected, the more mixed the better, this resume gives a person the impression is a don’t know anything.
  • Besides, a fresh graduate, out of the resume on all kinds of proficient, proficient in Java, proficient in Java virtual machine, proficient in Spring bucket, proficient in Kafka and so on, this resume is not careless cast over, This kind of genius who is proficient in all kinds of things in the university has been introduced into the big factory or foreign company by his seniors to do a certain Star focus on training, often see this is also half-skilled.

4. Preparation experience

The work experience itself doesn’t have to be written in ink. The interviewer is looking for length of experience, responsibilities at different companies, and experience with big companies.

So what resume is giving the interviewer negative marks here?

  • Frequent job hopping: four companies in three years, with no more than a year at each;
  • Perennial junior position: for example, after working for five or six years, I still finish some simple project development;
  • Experience of low-end companies: In the recruitment of technology, the priority of large companies is the highest, such as BAT, TMD, Microsoft, Google and other foreign companies, the popularity of unicorns is the second, general Internet companies are the third, that is, small and medium-sized Internet companies are generally unknown, outsourcing and traditional enterprise experience is the last;

(1) So, what if you’ve been job-hopping a lot? Wait an honest year in this company before jumping ship. (2) If perennial junior post how to do? Look for promotions or work on high-profile projects in your industry, or write a personal project with some complexity. (3) What should I do if I have experience in a low-ranking company? If it is a long time ago in the bottom of the company experience can directly not write, no one cares about your long ago work experience, if you are now in the bottom of the company, hurry to find a way to change jobs, not to go to a large factory, to an unknown Internet company is also a great victory escape.

5. Prepare project experience

Project experience is a top priority for both social and school recruitment. In many cases, the success or failure lies in the project experience. An ordinary undergraduate can reverse 985 through excellent project experience, and an employee of a small factory can also get an interview with a large factory. It’s important to note, however, that your project history is well written. This is a great way to prepare for the interview part of the interview, and it’s also an important area for your resume to focus on.

Let’s start with the project gaps in your resume.

(1) Avoid by all means the running account writing method

A running list of projects is a common mistake with most resumes that end with one thing: “What DID I do?”

Most resumes look like this:

Use Vue, Vuex, VUE-Router, AXIOS and other technologies to develop the front end of e-commerce websites, mainly responsible for the development of homepage, store details, commodity details, commodity list, order details, order center and other related pages. Cooperate with designers and the back end to restore the design draft.

What’s wrong with this description? In fact, it seems that there is no problem, but this kind of running account writing method is too much, completely unable to highlight their own advantages to show their ability. Project experience is the focus of investigation. The interviewer wants to know the candidate’s role, responsible module, problems encountered, solutions, results achieved, and the final summary and precipitation in a project experience.

The above description only shows what I did, so this kind of project description is almost meaningless because there is no valid information for the interviewer. Without valid information, the project description is basically worthless. If you haven’t had a big factory experience or an endorsement from a famous university, it is basically cold.

(2) Avoid stacking items

Accumulation project is no outstanding project experience this kind of phenomenon often appear in resume, candidates with Numbers hide quality disadvantage, but often backfire, the best project through column put two or three projects, excellent project might put a is enough, an extreme example, if one day the rain especially stream to write a resume, In fact, only one line of Vue. Js author is needed in the project, of course, he does not need to submit a resume.

Some items should not be included:

  • Demo level project: many resume actually still put some imitation xx official website demo, this is full subtraction, some are pieced together some framework source code to make a toy project, there is no value.
  • Rotten street project: the vue technology stack, for the most, because the popular video website of a certain course, cause a lot of fakes hungry yao, imitation qq music, Meituan, where to go, the same Java classmate is imitation e-commerce sites, copy the public comments, etc., ten resumes 5 copies of the same project, the interviewer will think you are.
  • Low quality open source projects: a general rule of thumb is to keep low star projects to a minimum (except for projects with high quality code that are not popular), and to keep low quality projects to a minimum.

If you only have two projects, the best match is an in-house project with an open source project in the community. The latter gets a place because with your open source project, the interviewer can see your entire process through the commit. Engineering, commit, code, collaboration, coding, communication, etc. These are even more useful than interviews, and there is no better way to demonstrate general qualities than with open source projects.

(3) Do not put false items

A project has not done as long as the experienced interviewer will know that if you cheat the interview by fake project, the company will probably have problems, talent control is not perfect, you can imagine what level teammates are, in this kind of company big growth value is not big. If you say you have no project to write and I have to fake it, you should think about this.

For example, if you say that you optimized the first screen performance of a front-end project to reduce the white screen time, the interviewer will dig into the performance optimization question to see what the candidate is actually capable of:

  • How are your performance optimization metrics determined? How much shorter has it been on average?
  • How is your performance measured? There are two main methods of performance testing which do you choose?
  • According to what indicators are you optimized?
  • In addition to these optimization methods you said, have you ever thought of solving them through XX?
  • Have you encountered any practical problems with this optimization method? Have any further tests been done?
  • If you have a situation like XXXX, would you optimize it this way?

The logic of the interviewer’s multi-layer inquiry is as follows: understand the background -> understand the scheme -> dig the scheme -> simulation scenario.

Must first to understand how the indicators of performance optimization, and then need to know you are such a test index, how to optimize the again, then put forward some other solutions to investigate your knowledge reserves and scheme of optimization scenario decision-making ability, and then simulate a other business scenarios, to examine your skills migration ability, See if you know something about an area, not just a project.

If you’re going to be able to respond effectively in an interview, it’s going to be someone who has a certain amount of knowledge in a particular area, not someone who can just get by on a random project.

(4) Qualified project experience

Qualified project experience must include the following:

  • Project overview: The purpose is to make the interviewer understand the project. Not everyone will have done the kind of project you did, so you need a brief description to make it easier for the interviewer to understand.
  • Personal Responsibility: Tell the interviewer about your role in the project. Were you a leader? Dominant? Be a follower, assess your role in the team by what modules you are responsible for and how much work you are doing.
  • Project difficulties: The purpose is to show the interviewer the technical problems you encounter, so that the follow-up interview can have a series of discussions about the project.
  • Results: The interviewer needs to see what you’ve accomplished by doing all of the above, and it’s best to use statistics such as visits, screen time, etc.


This time also long of avoid by all means, write down all the technical details, even wrote a journey is a no-no, on the one hand, too much space can cause visual clutter, on the other hand, the interviewer wants to see is a resume, not a technical summary, the interviewer will face hundreds of resumes don’t have that time to see your long, long can in the interview.

The best way is to write a simple and clear line, anyway, when the project will be asked, then tell the prepared content to the interviewer, master the initiative of the interview is to start from the project experience column.

If you are not afraid of too many words, you can also selectively add solutions and selection ideas, but due to the space limitation and preparation for the interview, it is not recommended to write too much.

6. Other

(1) Educational background

This year’s graduating student can write a bit more detailed, wait for instance achievement point, rank, outstanding course, the society enrol does not want to write too much, simple enter a school time, school, major can, and write highest record of formal schooling can, do not have to begin to write record of formal schooling running account from junior high school, no one sees.

(2) Matters needing attention

  • Technical questions are often considered “talk is cheap show me the code.” Your self-assessment takes up little or no space and is a distraction for the interviewer.
  • Resume cover don’t: This is one of the most common ways resume creators try to trick their users into paying for a cover, and I’ve never seen one in any industry, not just the Internet.
  • Certificate is not recommended to write: fresh students can consider getting a cet-6 certificate as appropriate, for the social recruitment, list a pile of certificates or even subtracting items, all kinds of domestic certificates you also know, is how not confident to reduce to rely on a pile of certificates to prove their value.
  • Don’t use skill charts: In the first place with 90 points, 80 points to evaluate their own have no persuasive technology itself, and it can’t be that accurate, and what is 90 points, what is the public opinion doesn’t have a 80, with the comparison of general so familiar, proficient in general description, don’t play, the interviewer or HR is not so much free time to understand your chart, Honestly describe your technology stack in the most generic and efficient way.
  • One-page resume: Programmers, not designers, sometimes need to show their work. If a resume is longer than one page, something is wrong. Too many descriptions of projects and technical stacks take up too much space.

Two, the preparation before the interview

1. Use brain maps to sort out knowledge points

For the unified school recruitment interview, we should focus on combing all the knowledge points at the front. The school recruitment interview is generally for talent reserve, so we look at the candidate’s plasticity and learning ability; For social recruitment interview, it is important to business ability and JD matching degree, so it is necessary to sort out the front-end knowledge points, targeted content includes: technical details used in the project, personal skills part of the need to strengthen or improve the frequent test knowledge points.

So, not only should your resume be tailored, but knowledge points should be tailored according to your experience, the resume you are preparing, the company and the job description.

Basic knowledge from his usual reserve, generally to a system of books or notes at ordinary times over, the project is not fixed but mentioned do review routines, and various problems surrounding the project can be derived, all need to know, the project clearly for candidate also is especially important. The basics are fixed and can be learned by anyone over a period of time, but the project experience is a solid experience.

For the review and preparation of the project, it is suggested to make a mind map (brain map), list the technical points (knowledge points) used for the key projects, introduce the background, the benefits of the project after it goes online and the subsequent optimization points. This is the first layer, the second layer is for technical points (knowledge points) to do a variety of divergent problems.

Note: JD (Job Description) is the abbreviation of the job description. In general, in recruitment, the most commonly used meaning is the meaning of job description and job description.

2. Preparation after receiving an interview invitation

When a company invites us for an interview, we should do some specific research.

(1) Get to know the department and team

Understand the work done by the department and the technology stack used by the team. As mentioned above, this part of information can be seen from JD. If JD does not have this information, you can search according to the department interviewed and always find some scattered information.

(2) Get to know the interviewer

You can find information about the interviewer by phone or email. Use this information to check out the interviewer’s technology blog, GitHub, etc., to find out what technologies the interviewer is interested in and what they are good at, because interviewers often ask about their expertise during the interview. This point is difficult in practice, so you can skip it.

Three, the interview matters needing attention

Technical interviews usually go through at least three rounds:

  1. Basic interview: mainly investigate the questions related to basic knowledge in the job and resume, including some interview questions about algorithm and scene design, which may involve on-site coding.
  2. Project interview: mainly investigate the resume involved in the project, will involve your project related business knowledge, role, technology trade-off, technology breakthrough, etc.
  3. HR interview: This aspect is usually the check of HR, mainly involving behavioral interview, to check whether the candidate’s values meet the requirements of the company, how stable the job is, and how good the communication and collaboration skills are.

Of course, the primary duty or school recruit students would involve a written examination, quite a lot of companies will face at the scene for a round of telephone interview before, the purpose is the most quickly and efficiently to does not conform to the requirements of the candidates, for individual needs interagency collaboration jobs will involve cross interview, such as front end will be the backend the interviewer interview candidates, Some positions with management requirements or important positions may involve director interviews or VP interviews.

A normal technical interview process (taking the project as an example) is divided into three parts:

  1. To introduce myself
  2. Project (technical) investigation
  3. Ask questions of the interviewer

So how do you prepare for a technical interview and take the initiative?

1. Introduce yourself

Almost all interviews begin with an introduction of yourself, so it’s important to understand why this is often the first step in an interview.

(1) Why do I need to introduce myself

First, there is a very common problem is that the interviewer is likely to just get your resume, he needs when you introduce yourself to a quick look at your resume, interview the interviewer a lot because technology is a line of employees, interview the candidate is only a small portion of the work, in many cases is not to read your resume in advance. Secondly, self-introduction is actually a warm-up, the interviewer and the candidate are actually strangers, no matter in the interview or other circumstances, self-introduction is the starting point for two strangers to communicate with each other, but also a warm-up way to ease the awkwardness between the candidate and the interviewer. Finally, the introduction is a way to present yourself and lead to the technical interview. It’s your chance to dictate the direction of the technical interview.

Knowing the above reasons, we can be better prepared to introduce ourselves.

(2) The essential elements of self-introduction

In the final analysis, self-introduction is a warm-up exercise, so do not take up a lot of space, on their birth experience to college like a rundown account, often interrupted by impatient interviewers, and this also exposes the candidate’s speech lack of focus, general communication skills shortcomings.

However, some key information must be included. The following information is essential:

  • Personal information: at least reflects his own name, position and working fixed number of year, seniors will have to introduce your own education background, if the best reference to his former club was a giant, highlight their credentials is best, what else have a girlfriend, is not only no one care about, do not take up space. This part is about who are you?
  • Technical skills: Briefly introduce your technology stack. Don’t mention that you have simply used it, written a few demos or looked at the documentation. The point of this section is what can you do?
  • Skills: focus on the introduction of their skills, such as performance optimization, high concurrency, system architecture design or communication and coordination skills, do not exaggerate, to be realistic, this is the focus of the later investigation. This part focuses on what are you good at?

(3) Focus on matching the technical stack of the post

Your interview resume may contain a variety of skill stacks, but you need to match your introduction with the skills of your current position. For example, if you are interviewing for a mobile H5 front-end development position, it would be unwise to highlight your mobile front-end experience in your introduction, at a time when it would be unwise to talk about how you supported your company’s Web project with Node.

(4) Do deliberate guidance in self-introduction

If your introduction is like a run-through without any point, it’s difficult for the interviewer because he can’t follow up…

And as long as you make a little guide, for the most part the interviewer will pick you up ever, such as “you highlighted in the introduction of a project, met with some difficulties, and then is captured, you how good effect, and so on”, if I were the interviewer will ask “your xx xx project later the difficulty is how to solve?” .

The purpose of the interviewer is to examine the candidate’s ability and make an assessment of the candidate. Therefore, it is necessary to know what the candidate is good at and whether he or she matches the position. In most cases, the interviewer is willing to be guided by you intentionally or unintentionally, so that the communication and assessment of the two sides will be smooth, rather than deliberately making things difficult for the candidate.

(5) How to prepare for self-introduction

In fact, the best way is also the most stupid way is to write down the self-introduction, the self-introduction must reflect the above mentioned several major essential elements, in the interview before the simple several times, can introduce the content of the smooth expression can be, avoid the same as the back text.

Self introduction of time best control between 1-3 minutes, the time the interviewer going over your resume, the interviewer just after watching the resume then you introduce yourself to the rhythm of the questions is the most comfortable, don’t come up to 10 minutes, the interviewer waiting time would be very awkward, so long that you must is a laundry list of self-introduction.

2. Technical investigation

At the beginning of a good technical investigation, there must be a good introduction and guidance. There is a situation that we often meet:

Candidate said a lot of key introduction, the interviewer was speechless, completely can’t get the focus of the candidates, also don’t know what candidates are good at, what is the window, and then in his resume technology stack the company is in the use of technologies, candidates at this time also started to sweat, because he’s good at it, this technology stack is not answer also have a hard time, The guidance and in-depth questioning of the interviewer did not achieve good results, and the interview was carried out in this awkward atmosphere. After the interview, the interviewer evaluated the candidate as not skilled in technology and not having a thorough understanding of the principle, and the candidate felt that the interviewer only picked questions that he could not understand.

So in the front part, we must do a good job in guiding the interviewer’s questions to the area we are good at, but this is not enough, the so-called do not fight unprepared battle, we still need to prepare for possible problems.

So how do you prepare for potential interview questions?

For example, if you are good at front-end performance optimization, you have done a good guide in the self-introduction part, and then the interviewer will focus on your performance optimization ability, which is likely to involve very in-depth questions. Even if you are good at this aspect of the technology, but if you are not prepared, you may be confused on the spot.

(1) Multiple questions

Self-multiple questioning means that when a technical question is asked, you may face further questioning.

Using front-end performance optimization as an example, interviewers might ask:

  1. You’ve reduced the white screen time on this phone by over 150%. Where did you optimize it? This is a question that you can answer even if you haven’t done front-end performance tuning. Component segmentation, caching, tree shaking, etc. This is the first shallow question.
  2. I see you use SplitChunksPlugin in webpack to divide chunk. What is your choice for dividing chunk? Which libraries should be in the same chunk and which should be separated? If you mention SplitChunksPlugin, you might ask a similar question. If you don’t have a candidate who has actually run the splugin plugin, you’re going to have a lot of trial and error.
  3. Did you encounter any potholes in the process of dividing chunks? How did it work out? The SplitChunksPlugin plugin has a dark hole, which is that the chunid increment causes the ID to be not fixed and unique. It is possible that a new dependency will cause all the ids to be scrambled, making the HTTP cache invalid.

This is just a question about optimizations for SplitChunksPlugin plugins. Of course, it’s possible to look at your performance testing, code level, but the idea is similar. Therefore, we can not stay in a very superficial level of the answer to the question prepared by ourselves. On the one hand, we can not show our technical depth, and on the other hand, it is easy to lose points in the case of the depth of the interviewer. Therefore, we can conduct more self-questioning behind our answers to see if we can do more in-depth questions.

(2) Answer rules

Many interviews related problems of the bible are recommended STAR principles of reply, we don’t want to introduce the concept of the extra, part of the basic technical interview honestly answer the interviewer’s question, usually need to question to this rule is project of surface, such as allowing you to introduce you the most proud of the project, to answer the question of law have these a few key points:

  • Background: Give a brief background about the project and let the interviewer know what the project does
  • Personal Role: Let the interviewer know your role in the project
  • Difficulties: Let the interviewer know what difficulties you encountered during the development of the project
  • Solutions: What solutions do you have for the above difficulties, and how do you choose according to the business
  • Summary and precipitation: have you settled a set of general solutions after overcoming the above difficulties, and have you promoted your own solutions in large departments, etc

The key point lies in the last three, which is also a part of your personal comprehensive quality. If I am an interviewer, I will appreciate those who can find problems, find a variety of solutions, compare and choose a variety of solutions, and summarize and settle general solutions to the team. The above points can reflect a person’s technical enthusiasm, the ability to solve problems and the ability to summarize and improve.

(3) deliberate guidance

Yes, you can also be deliberately guided when answering the interviewer’s questions.

A few simple examples:

  • Have you used Angular besides Vue? We can do a better job of saying what you know. It’s important to say something like, “I haven’t used it yet, but I learned about Angular dirty checking while learning about bidirectional binding. You learned about dependency injection while studying Nestjs, which is similar to Angular. “The interviewer will definitely ask you about dirty checking and dependency injection. You have never used Angular, but you know the basics of Angular, which is a plus. Demonstrate a willingness to understand principles in depth and the ability to draw parallels
  • How does Vue implement bidirectional binding? A lot of candidates honestly answer how object.defineProperty works and then go away, but you can always add “Vue 3.0 chose a better Proxy instead of Object.defineProperty “or” Besides object.defineProperty, observer mode and dirty check can be bidirectional binding “. The interviewer will most likely ask “What’s good about Proxy?” Or “talk about the dirty check,” etc., so that the next problem is still under your control

The first example turned the questions that could not be answered into a bonus for successfully demonstrating their ability, while the second example enabled them to show more of their ability and always kept the interviewer’s questions under their control.

3. Ask the interviewer questions

Interviews are a two-way street, so there will usually be a question and answer session after the interview. During the q&A session, candidates are advised not to ask anything at all, let alone salary or overtime.

Let’s start by declaring a few minefields:

  • Don’t ask the results: Most company rules will not reveal the results, so you make everyone very embarrassed;
  • Don’t ask about salary: Never talk to a technical interviewer about salary unless the HR person is talking to you about it.
  • Don’t ask technical questions: Don’t ask the interviewer technical questions that you don’t know. It’s completely meaningless.

Here are some good questions to consider:

  • Team situation, business done by the team, specific work done by the position, work planning;
  • What are you looking for in an ideal candidate for this position? ;
  • Company training opportunities and promotion opportunities;

Around your post questions as far as possible, this can make you faster familiar with your work content, also lets the interviewer to see your interest and enthusiasm to this job, it’s important to note that these questions for the interviewer can be either a brief answer, can also be detailed to you, if he is very enthusiastic about this position related with you, that you may do well, otherwise, You might not be on his waiting list.

4. Interview etiquette

  • Social etiquette: While the IT industry doesn’t pay much attention to work environments and there’s no bureaucracy, there are still social etiquette rules to be followed during an interview. Basic etiquette such as entering and knocking on doors, closing doors and standing to greet people is still required. For a video interview, sit up straight so you don’t look casual.
  • Comfortable but not casual dress: first of all, dress, not too casual, not too formal, too formal clothes may make people nervous, so it is suggested to wear their usual favorite clothes, the key is clean and tidy.
  • Make an appointment at a time that is comfortable for both of you: If the HR calls to schedule an interview, make an appointment at a time that is comfortable for both of you. Time is very important. Arrive at the interview site ten minutes early to familiarize yourself with the environment, check in, etc., and make a good impression of punctuality. If you can’t arrive on time due to traffic jam, call the other party before the appointed time.

5. Other matters needing attention

In the interview process, we are often asked a variety of questions, and in the process of answering, here are a few of the pitfalls.

  • “I’m sorry, I’m really nervous.” If you are, don’t say it.
  • Start by talking about money. What are your ideals, values, mission, goals?
  • “My weakness is that I haggle over every ounce, can not work overtime, can not bear the work pressure is too much.” Do not take the initiative to tell others your weakness, you come to show your advantages;
  • “I really want this job.” Don’t show too much desire or desperation. It shows weakness.
  • “My current (previous) boss was terrible…” Telling HR what your boss says will become what they think of you;
  • “I need… “Meet your goals” is about meeting a company need, not setting a stage for you;
  • Don’t appear to be in a hurry. If you don’t respect the company, you won’t be hired.
  • “I love the benefits.” You come to work, not because of the benefits. “No comment” is not illegal and does not involve privacy, truthfully informed, prepared will not “no comment”;
  • “What are the benefits, paid annual leave and sick leave in the first year of employment?” This is a rule that can only be asked upon entry.
  • “I was going through a very difficult time during my divorce or pregnancy.” Don’t volunteer personal information.
  • “I have no questions for you” is the equivalent of “Never see you again” when finally asked.

How to pass HR

HR is usually the last part of the interview for programmers, and it is not likely to be brushed off in a reasonable way. However, some people still fall into this last part. The following is to analyze how to deal with HR from the perspective of HR.

1. Purpose of HR surface

HR is often the last step to control the quality of talents. Different from the previous technical aspects, HR tends to focus on the assessment of employees’ risks and basic employee qualities:

  • Recruitment risk assessment, this part is to assess whether the candidate has stability, whether it will bring additional management risks, whether they can be immediately competent for the job. For example, frequent job-hopping will bring stability risks, and HR will carefully consider this point. For example, in the interview, the candidate has demonstrated the potential of “excellent”. HR would worry about candidates will be difficult to collaborate with others in a work or don’t obey management, risk management, for example, although the specific provisions of the state can not have such as gender, age discrimination in hiring, but there will be an older married women in the near future the possibility of such, there may be a long term of maternity leave, the HR will assess.
  • Employee quality assessment: This part evaluates whether the candidate has the basic quality of the workplace, whether he has the basic communication skills, whether he has the team spirit and the sense of cooperation, etc. For example, if a candidate is extremely introverted,HR may doubt his communication skills.

Therefore, in the communication with HR, we should try to keep a down-to-earth, stable, positive and optimistic attitude, and avoid exposing personality defects such as bragginess, negative energy and impetuous.

2. Common HR problems

(1) Career planning for the next 3-5 years

Objective: This question is to investigate the candidate’s ability to plan for the future, mainly to sniff out the candidate’s attitude to work, stability and pursuit of technology through the candidate’s planning.

Analysis: Make sure that your return reflects the pursuit of technology, your contribution to the team, your attitude to the work, and don’t talk about pretentious things, Or salary, position that is too utilitarian, and reflects the stability of your best, if it’s the school recruit students or working a few years the couple had better not involved in undertaking this topic, on the one hand, the newbies venture plans a few years, this is very unrealistic, that candidates can not according to the actual conditions, on the other hand shows that the stability of the candidate is not enough.

The proposal is divided into three parts:

  1. First of all, I have thought about this problem (have a plan), how to say my present situation (combined with reality).
  2. Then, from the job itself, talk about how you can do your job well, how you can contribute to the team, how you can help lead other team members to create more value, and how you can help the team to expand its influence.
  3. Finally, from the perspective of learning, I will talk about how I will improve my field knowledge and how I can feed the team by improving my professional ability.

As for whether you want to be a technical leader or a technical expert, it depends on your preferences.

(2) How to view overtime work (996)?

Objective: To investigate the candidate’s ability to work under pressure and sense of responsibility

Analysis: This question is almost will ask, although 996 icu events, had but the official attitude is very ambiguous, verbal criticism from not only the practical action, is basically a tacit enterprise violates labor law, in addition to the individual foreign companies in the domestic basic no company could not find work overtime, so in this interview questions try to reflect and willing to sacrifice their own time to help the team The will of the enterprise is fine, but also to emphasize their sense of responsibility, if it is really meaningless overtime, learn how to use VScode brush LeetCode paddling is the right way.


  1. Divide overtime into emergency overtime and long-term overtime
  2. When it comes to emergency overtime work, I am willing to sacrifice my time to help the company and the team
  3. For long-term overtime work, I will hone my skills and improve my efficiency if I work overtime for a long time. If the team works overtime for a long time, I will help the team find problems and use automated tools or more efficient collaborative processes to improve the efficiency of the whole team and help everyone get rid of overtime work

Of course, even if you improve the efficiency of the team, you will still be assigned more tasks. Overtime is often just for the purpose, but you should not say so, especially if some candidates are very strong and refuse to accept long-term overtime work. In fact, you can answer more politely, unless you are really not interested in the company. If entering this company is the first goal, it is better to make a high profile.

(3) How to work with limited time?

Objective: To assess the candidate’s time management and ability to handle a large number of tasks, as well as some communication skills

Analysis: the programmer’s job may be most of the time is not on the writing code, but have to deal with all kinds of meetings, requirements, and communication, usually belong to the state of work overload, in the face of this problem to solve in the form of overtime, is not recommended because of the main investigation is your time management skills and communication skills, these factors will reflect in the answer


  1. The ability of time management is demonstrated by dividing a large number of tasks into urgent and important tasks, important but not urgent tasks, urgent but not important tasks, unimportant and not urgent tasks
  2. Communicate with the leader to slow down the execution of unimportant tasks or cut them off, or assign them to new members of the team to deal with them, which reflects the communication ability

(4) Why did you come to Beijing from Shanghai before?

Objective: To investigate the stability and career choice of candidates

Analysis: This problem is generally the last job in different places in the case of large probability,HR is mainly worried about candidates to change jobs may be unstable, there is a short-term risk of leaving, this time do not suggest that “Beijing Internet companies, more opportunities” this kind of words (combined think Beijing good job hopping?) “, the best answer to reflect their stability, such as “girlfriend in Beijing, long distance, ready to come to Beijing to develop together”, “home in Beijing, back to Beijing to develop” and so on, the subtext is that the future will develop in Beijing, not in many places swing back and forth.

(5) Why did you leave your last company?

Objective: To investigate the reasons of dimission and evaluate the risk of dimission

Analysis: This question often asked when to move, this time on the ridicule of avoid by all means a company or your previous boss, try to answer from the perspective of career development, highlighting their determination to stability and eager to learn to rise, as for some sensitive topics, such as too much overtime wages are so low, also can talk about this problem, After all, what you want to change your job is to solve the problems of your previous company, but you should not touch the bottom line problems mentioned just now.


  1. Leave because of low salary, long distance from home, overtime, low skill level, etc
  2. Because the time spent on the road far from home is too much, it is better to use it for charging, because overtime leads to no time to charge, can not improve and so on

In addition to avoiding negativity and teasing, this part can be said honestly

(6) Are there any offers from other companies?

Objective: To assess whether the candidate is likely to join another company in a short time

Analysis: In many cases, candidates do not meet the requirements of a job perfectly. Of course, HR wants a candidate with better skills, less money and better skills, but candidates usually have some minor problems.

For example, if your performance is adequate for your current position, but the position is not urgent, the HR may use you as a fallback to find a more cost-effective candidate. For example, if you have a great performance and a great resume, HR doesn’t know if they can hire you 100%. So if you really want to join this company, you’d better play hard to get, not only reflect your market competitiveness, but also put pressure on HR. So, even if you already have an offer from a Beijing Internet company, don’t say you have too many offers and don’t seem to care. This will give the HR the impression that he is not likely to be hired because he has too many options. Of course, don’t kneel on the ground licking :” Joining the company is my dream, I only wait for this offer”, rest assured, hr will be put in the backup talent pool.


  1. State that you have three or four confirmed offers (or no offers, but don’t name the company)
  2. But the first intention is still our company, if the salary gap is not large, we will give priority to our company
  3. I would also like to let you know that one or two offers are urgently urged. I hope we can get the results soon

(7) How to negotiate salary with HR?

Here are some of the most common ways to negotiate your salary:

  • HR: What are your salary expectations?
  • You: 25 k.

OK, you have been successfully set up by HR. At this time, your maximum price is 25K, and the HR will cut down the price, so your final salary will generally be lower than 25K. By the time you get an offer, you’ll be filled with regrets: 26, 27 or even 28, 29 would have been ok.

The correct answer is this, and the reverse is also true:

  • HR: What are your salary expectations?
  • You: Based on my interview performance, what is the highest salary you can offer?

A less experienced HR person might actually come up with a quote (say, 25K), and you can happily work your way up. So in this case, you’ll end up making more than 25K. Of course, experienced HR people will give you the official formula:

  • HR: What are your salary expectations?
  • You: Based on my interview performance, what is the highest salary you can offer?
  • HR: I’m not sure yet. I will make a comprehensive assessment based on your interview results and the opinions of the employer.

Although salary is important, I personally don’t think it is the most important thing. I have the following suggestions:

  • If you think your technical interview went well, offer a higher salary so they’ll come back to you if they want you.
  • If you don’t think the technical interview is going well, but you want to work for the company, offer a compromise salary.
  • If you think the interview went well, but you don’t want to work for the company, you can always ask for too much.
  • If you don’t think the interview went well, but you want to join the company, you can offer a slightly lower salary.

It should be noted that interviewing for a job is a two-way process. The interview should be neither humble nor pushy. Do not beg for work humbly because the interview results are not good. Everyone’s work experience and experience are different.

3. HR communication skills

When communicating with HR, don’t overstate your current salary. HR often knows more than you know, especially if large companies have background checks, so don’t lie and tell the truth. The skills to communicate with HR include the following:

(1) Don’t rush to bid

Don’t be too quick to show your hand. Once you’ve given a salary range, you won’t be able to increase your salary and that gives them room to haggle. And an unreasonable price will let the other party directly give up instead. So don’t rush to bid, let the other party bid first. At the same time, at the company level, don’t go into the interview with a goal in mind, which can make the interview more difficult. For example: The goal is to get the position of P7 in Ali. Do not say that I will not go to the interview if I do not give P7. Such requirements will make the interviewer take the standard of P7 at the beginning of the interview, and may find a P8+ interviewer to interview you, which will greatly increase the difficulty of the interview.

(2) Be confident and confident

You should speak up and give specific reasons, such as:

  1. I have had a general understanding of the salary range and rank in your company, and what is the approximate range of my current level
  2. Now the company will soon have the opportunity to adjust salary, I have not adjusted salary for a long time, before the year will lose the year-end bonus and so on
  3. Now I have an offer of K from a certain company

If the employer says you can’t get what you’re looking for, you should provide a reasonable basis for your evaluation, whether it’s based on industry standards or your current salary range.

(3) The offer should be confirmed as soon as possible

For the negotiated salary, HR must send email offer to confirm.

V. Summary of thinking after the interview

  • After the interview, summarize what you did badly and what you did well, record all of them, and then use your strengths and avoid your weaknesses
  • Through the interview, I must have personally experienced the company’s team culture, the technical ability and professionalism reflected by the interviewer, as well as what the position will do in the future. If there is a gap with my expectation, I will compare more than one offer

Every interview should be productive. After all, it takes time and effort. Even if you don’t see them in person, you can know what you are doing badly and continue to strengthen them.

That’s all for today’s sharing. I hope you can get a satisfactory Offer from Jinjiu Yinshi.

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