
Alibaba, as the “leader” of the Domestic Internet industry, has always been the dream company of many “digimons”. I personally work in Java development, and Alibaba has developed many amazing open source projects over the years, such as Spring Cloud Alibaba, Arthas, an open source Java diagnostic tool. Apache Dubbo, JDBC connection pool, Druid, etc.

I don’t know how many days and nights it took for Ali to do this, so I didn’t want to work my ass off in dachang. Before, I took a small 30K a month in Beijing and lived a good life. However, after having a baby, I felt more and more sense of family responsibility and money was not enough, so I came up with the idea of entering Ali.

Due to the epidemic this year, the management in Beijing is quite strict, and I have been continuously supplementing new knowledge and laying a solid foundation at home. It was not until mid-late July this year that I got an offer from Alibaba. Below, I will share with you some materials and notes I mainly use and interviews.

The following will introduce the knowledge points covered by the main content of these notes. Due to the length of the article, only the screenshots are shown. If you need a complete PDF version, you can get it for free from my home page. (Java programmers only)

General contents:

1. Architect foundation (Linux Foundation and Advanced +Netty framework +Mysql+ concurrent programming +JVM performance tuning +Tomcat)

2. Open source framework (mainly involving SSM framework)

3, high performance architecture (Mysql high performance storage combat +Redis cache database +Zookpeer distributed + messaging middleware +Kafka)

4. Microservices (Docker+Dubbo+Spring Cloud+SpringBoot)

5, B2C mall project combat

The architect builds the foundation

General learning route

1, the Linux

2, Netty

3, simple MySQL

4. Concurrent programming

5, the JVM

6, Tomcat

Open source framework

1. Read Spring advanced source code

2. Spring MVC source code analysis and practice

3. Mybatis source code analysis

High-performance Architecture

(Mysql high performance storage practice +Redis cache database +Zookpeer distributed + message-oriented middleware +Kafka)

1, Mysql high-performance storage practice

2. Redis cache database

3. Zookpeer is distributed

4, the RabbitMQ

5, Kafka

Micro service

1, the Docker

2. Spring Cloud Aibaba

3, Spring Cloud


Based on SSM framework housing rental system project actual combat effect

Summary of technical learning

Learning technology must develop a clear learning route, so as to efficient learning, unnecessary to do ineffective work, both a waste of time and not what efficiency, we might as well according to my route to learn.

Final Interview Sharing

We might as well directly in the cattle and force buckle more brush problem, at the same time, I also took some interview problem to share with you, also from some big guy there to get, we might as well brush problem more, for gold nine silver ten blunt a wave!

Finally, if you need the full PDF version, you can forward this article, follow and see my home page for free.