First, back training

Back training guide:

The muscles of the back are composed of multiple muscle groups, and it is generally difficult to train the muscles of the whole back through one movement. For example, in addition to the latissimus dorsi and trapezius, there are other muscle groups to consider. From this point of view, develop a special training plan for the whole back, so as to achieve the effect of training the whole back muscle group. Diagram of back muscles:

1.1 Warm-up

1.1.1 Weightless warm-up

Lean over the birds, from multiple angles to feel the contraction of multiple back muscles. Rotate the shoulders to flex the scapular muscles. Expansion of the chest movement, the main activity of teres muscle. Get your heart rate up by running and doing a few jumping jacks.

1.1.2 Straight arm pull down

This move contains many of the elements of a good hard pull – it is a warm-up before the hard pull. This helps the body improve its ability to keep the shoulder blades stable because of the tension in the upper back.

1.1.3 One-armed Rowing

It can help you feel the power of back muscles and improve the effect of heavy weight training and burst training.

1.2 Large weight compound action

These exercises work most of your back muscles

1.2.1 a hard pull

Before doing hard pull, do a good warm-up activity before heavy hard pull. Let’s do a setLow weight hard pull+Straight arm pull-downLoop two to three times.

1.2.2 Weight-bearing backhand pull-ups

This exercise trains and stretches the latissimus dorsi to a greater extent.

1.2.3 Wide grip pull-ups

This exercise exercises the teres major. Note: Any pull-up will slightly involve many muscle groups, but different movements target different main muscle groups.

Summary: After one set of heavy weight pull-ups (four to eight), rest for two minutes before doing backhand/wide grip pull-ups (four to eight). Adjust the number of these two movements and rest time according to the weight of the hard pull, the rest time between movements from the beginning of two minutes, slowly shorten to half a minute (can also be adjusted according to the body state).

1.3 Explosive training

1.3.1 Barbell hard pull rowing

This action is similar to the hard pull, except instead of standing up, the barbell is pulled up with explosive force. Push hard below the knees and pull up with explosive force in a rowing motion. The action must be standard, pay attention to the position of the center of gravity, otherwise easy to back pain. Start slowly with small weights, not very light, and don’t need to be heavy. The training part of the movement is mainly latissimus dorsi, teres and other large muscle groups.

1.3.2 One-arm Rope pulling down

The one-arm movement gives you a wider range of movement and more units of motion than the normal two-handed downpull. It allows your back muscles to stretch and contract better, and it also helps correct imbalances between your left and right muscles.

Using a cable trainer, switch to a D-shaped handle and sit or kneel with the handle at your side. Use shoulder blade strength to pull on the rope, letting the arm stretch forward as far as possible (be careful not to release force, always control the tension of the rope). As you pull back the rope, pull your arm back as far as possible, and when you reach the bottom, rotate your body to contract the latissimus dorsi more. Feel the muscles in your back as you move. You can rotate your left and right hands.

In order to better exercise the latissimus dorsi, there is another way to achieve this. Here’s the action.

1.3.3 Rock-climbing high pull down

It’s not just a pull-down, it’s a rock-climbing style. This will bring your arms as close to your back as possible and contract your latissimus dorsi muscles. It can stimulate the latissimus dorsi muscles like never before.

1.3.4 other

Some of the back training machines in the gym, which can also be used as burst training work, also have movement signs on them.

1.4 Corrective training

Helps train muscle groups that are easily overlooked (many of the muscles that are not involved in high-strength, explosive training movements)

1.4.1 Lower trapezius — rotator cuff muscle group

The muscles in this area improve the stability of the scapula. Equipment needed: small dumbbell tablet + elastic ball. Rest your belly against the bouncy ball.

  • You can train these muscles by stretching them in the y-shape of your back. When the arms are extended outwards and up, the whole person is a Y.

  • W Stretching also works these muscles. External rotation of shoulders.

Do Y and W in turn.

1.4.2 Upper trapezius muscle

Equipment: Dumbbell to carry dumbbell shrug training. This is the end of the back training. Do a few shoulder shrugs in a row and stay on top for a few seconds. You’ll love this sour move. It can also help relieve cervical discomfort. Remember to get enough exercise.

1.5 Relaxation activities

1.5.1 Cat Stretch

1.5.2 other