When you ask who you deal with the most in the programmer world, it’s “bugs.” A programmer’s daily routine is “write code for five minutes and fix bugs for two hours.” Programmers spend most of their time fighting “bugs”. And how do the “bugs” we face every day come from? Why is it called that? Do you know? Today xiaobian will give you popular science about the origin of the bug. By the way, let’s take a look at some of the most annoying bugs you’ve ever encountered.

On September 9, 1947, after heber had programmed the HarvardMarkII with 17,000 relays, technicians were running the machine when it suddenly stopped working. So they climbed up to find out why, and found a moth between the contacts of a set of relays inside the giant computer, apparently attracted by light and heat, flying to the contacts, where it was struck dead by a high voltage. So in his report, Heber taped moths and used the word “bug” to mean “a bug in a computer program,” a term that is still used today.

Did not think of, the original “bug” origin, so dramatic. In contrast to bugs, people call the process of finding and correcting bugs “Debug”, which means “catching bugs” or “killing bugs”. Eventually, these become the problems that occur in our programming world, and in our programming world, these problems and errors are collectively referred to as “bugs.” So, in our daily life, and encountered what kind of bugs?

You may never know what bugs you will encounter next. This is not, a friend named Liu Weinan wanted to register sina Weibo with his real name, and let him never think is, as long as the nickname “Liu Weinan” three words, that must fail to register.

No matter add prefix suffix, or use other nickname registration after modification, can not use with “Liu Weinan” nickname, have to say, this friend is also very persistent ha ha ha.

Do you remember the Bumblebee Bug, a space disaster? If it weren’t for the Bumblebee open source project, would you believe that a single space could crash the system?

Programmers, what interesting bugs have you encountered in the world of programming?

In early 2018, Google Arts and Culture launched a new App that exploded the user experience — the Google Arts and Culture App. Users can pick up a selfie and match it with thousands of famous paintings in museums. Happily, the app’s recognition accuracy is pretty good.

The app has inspired a number of people to try it out and post a tight, or hilarious, comparison on Social media such as Twitter. Lena Cuisine, for example, quips: “I’m studying what a dogbelt experience is, and I’m proud of it!”

Maybe for programmers, girlfriends are just passing, and bugs are true love! What interesting bugs have you encountered as a programmer? What is the story between the bugs that you spend your days with?