This interesting article was compiled from a Spanish blog.

Oh, I just finished this task yesterday, as follows:

A beautiful princess was imprisoned in the highest tower of a castle. She was guarded by a fierce dragon and needed a warrior to rescue her.

Here’s how each language managed to rescue the princess from the dragon.

Java – Go there, find the dragon, develop a dragon annihilation framework with multiple functional layers, write a few articles about it… But the dragon was not destroyed.

If you have a problem with C/C++ one item is a very enthusiastic one (● ‘◡’ ●).

.NET – Goes somewhere, sees what Java programmers are doing, copies it, tries to kill the dragon, but the dragon eats him.

C — Rushed there, ignored the dragon, raised his sword, cut off the dragon’s head, and found the princess… Leave the princess aside and check for the latest Linux kernel code submission.

C++ – build a needle and then add features to it until it becomes a complex sword that only he can understand… Kill the dragon, but he has trouble crossing the bridge because the memory runs out.

COBOL – Gets there, sees the dragon, decides he’s too old to kill the dragon and rescue the princess, and leaves.

Pascal – he spent 10 years developing a dragon annihilation system… When the battle begins, he discovers that the system can only hold lizards.

VB — Using various components to develop a dragon destruction weapon, he jumps behind the dragon, and at the most critical moment, he discovers that the weapon only works on rainy nights…

PL/SQL – Analyze other dragon slayer’s data, create a table model with multidimensional data, N-way relationships, OLAP, spend 15 years analyzing the data… When the results came out, the princess had turned gay.

Ruby – grand expedition, claiming that he is the best at whatever he does, when facing the dragon, he showed a picture of him killing a lame dragon… The dragon ate him lazily. Smalltalk — Get there, analyze dragons and princesses, and walk away, they’re secondary issues.

Shell — Create a super powerful dragon killer weapon… But when faced with the dragon, he forgot how to use it.

Assembler – he thinks his method is correct and the most efficient… But instead of A D, he killed the princess.

Fortran — Gets there, develops a 45,000 line solution, kills the dragon, meets the princess… But the princess thought he was a coward and instead fell in love with the handsome Java programmer.

FOX PRO — Developed a dragon killing system. It looked gorgeous on the outside, but it was patched all over the place, so when he started running the dragon-killing weapon, he realized that he had forgotten to index the DBF.

Lisp: This is a famous knight ranger who developed this system after talking to a lot of dragon slaying experts and modeling their skills, and when he started running the system, he realized that he was missing a parenthesis.

HTML: Put together a web page with all the famous dragon-killing swords, but it ignores W3C standards. At the moment of his encounter with Dragon, he discovers that his code is not compatible with the browser, so he becomes unarmed. The dragon ate him for a little dessert.

Prolog: He thinks there needs to be a dragon killing weapon. So I searched through a catalog of 182,014 weapons. By the year of the princess’s death, his achievements included: he was familiar with the manufacturing methods of various Weapons, starting with Index A: Atomic Bombs, Anti-air Weapons, Arches, Ammunition, Axes…

PHP: Develop a Web page that, when run, can use an Apache server to retrieve weapons from a MySQL weapons database to destroy $dragon. However, he forgot to write the WHERE statement in the DELETE statement and killed the princess, dragon, waitress, witch, magician, and programmer himself.

JavaScript: He creates a script page that gets rid of dragons when the page runs. As soon as he loads the page, some beautiful girls throw flowers and scream at him. Unfortunately, instead of analyzing the lizard-like monster, also known as Mozilla, he filled the console with error messages, and the Book of Mozilla describes how it was swallowed.

Basic: He develops a weapon that can kill paper dragons, but no matter how he improves it, he discovers that he can’t kill a dragon bigger than a poodle. Matlab: He wrote a loop to calculate the trajectory of a giant arrow to kill the dragon. The program works flawlessly. What is needed now is for a man to be able to fire this huge arrow with such force and precision.

How to Kill a Dragon with Various Programming Languages