Column | chapter nine algorithm

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There are a lot of girls in CS when changing careers, have had such confusion:

“A lot of people think that girls are not as good as boys in computer industry. Can I continue in this field?”

Yet it was the forgotten women coders who created modern technology, founded the field, and changed the world of technology forever. Big tech companies that hire more women may do better than coding groups that exclude them, research suggests.

The first programmers in history were women

You’ve probably heard countless people warn you that men are relatively more successful than women in the computer industry.

Women don’t think logically the same way men do, and there’s no need to feel bad if you have to give up your computer studies.

But you don’t have to be told that women coders helped pioneer technology.

Do you know who was the first programmer in history? Ada Lovelace.

It was the forgotten women coders who created modern technology, created the field, and changed the tech world forever.

By establishing the concepts of loops and subroutines, and drawing up “algorithms” for computing programs, Mrs. Ada foresaw computers a century ahead; Commodore Dr. Grace Hopper, known as “Amazing Grace”, invented the compiler; Margaret Hamilton designed and programmed the on-board flight software for the Apollo space program, which included the Apollo 11 moon mission that sent astronauts to the moon…

So forget the myth that men are more successful; Your success is entirely up to you and no one else.

Women are geniuses at computer programming

It’s true that there aren’t many people who can write good code, but of those few, only a very small percentage are women, right?

This phenomenon obviously exists because of sexism!

At Google, women make up 17% of the tech workforce; At Facebook, female participation is about 15 percent; Mozilla is run by an engineering team of about 500 people, but only 43 of its employees are women.

While women’s presence in IT companies may be minimal, their projects are not only more sustainable, but in some cases the quality of their work may even surpass that of men.

But after a recent survey by Stack Overflow, an online question-and-answer community, the public really realized that women programmers are as good as men. The findings underscore that big tech companies that hire more women are likely to do better than coding groups that exclude them. “There is no doubt that every programmer should be more active in welcoming women into the field,” said the survey’s authors.

So just because there are fewer girls writing code, we shouldn’t assume that they are far inferior to men in terms of numeracy, analytical thinking, and master planning.

Although today’s “computer boys” have taken over the field, programming was considered a natural career choice for women until the 1960s. In fact, no matter how you look at it now, it used to be a “girl thing.” In a 1967 Cosmopolitan article titled “Computer Girl,” Dr. Grace Hopper explained to a reporter that programming is “like planning a dinner. You must arrange everything in advance in case you need it. Women are geniuses in computer programming.”

A talented female programmer is a catch

You can find another career because you don’t like programming anymore, but you can’t give up because of your gender!

To be a great person, stop thinking that you are a woman and not as good as the men in the field; Stop worrying about whether your gender is frustrating you at work and in life!

Yes, you might be the only woman in computer science class; Your male classmates (and even some professors) may talk down to you, too.

Yes, you will also probably have to work 50 per cent harder to get the same recognition as your male colleagues; The employer may even try to pay you less, and you’ll have to negotiate for what you deserve.

Yes, it will be a lonely road, with few opportunities to work with other women and few opportunities to find a female mentor at work; If you want to join a company and “work your way up”, you will almost certainly feel frustrated at every turn. Knowing when to move on is the key to your success. (Yes, there are exceptions to the rule, but don’t take chances.)

But if you love programming and want to work in technology, it will be worth it!

Despite some bad corporate cultures, you should also know that there are many people and teams who will sincerely welcome you, and finding such a place for yourself can be a challenge. Also, because there are so many male programmers out there, some companies prefer to hire competent, competent, motivated women. A female programmer may end up getting more job offers than an equally good male counterpart. A talented woman programmer is bound to be a catch.

Don’t listen to the “you’re a woman, you can’t excel in the computer field.”

Be an enthusiastic, hard worker in a career you love; Justify your choice by becoming an outstanding, gifted expert in your field.

Once you make up your mind, no one cares if you’re a woman.