Greedy girl


The train whistled into the station, and I wandered from one busy city to another. When I stepped off the train, I heard the sound of the village with the hot wind. I had traveled north from this place many times before, but I had never returned to it at midnight.

The waxing moon in the corner of the building, the canopy, the crowd looming. The night was hazy, and I couldn’t tell whether it was haze or steam. The narrow entrance was crowded with returnees. I moved left and right, and with some effort squeezed out of the station.

It is midnight, but the station square is busy. Looking around, several taxi drivers are bare-armed, waving their arms to drum up business. I fixed my eyes on a friendly-looking driver and sped toward him.

Suddenly, several middle-aged aunts came forward and blocked my way. Aunts come in all shapes and sizes. In the heat of summer, some people shake a papyrus fan, some mouth Popsicle.

The voices were a little noisy, but the appeal was surprisingly consistent: they all asked me if I had any plans to stay. Several people bid in turn, from 150 a night to 80 a night.

Now I had more important things to do, so I waved my hands. Aunts were unrelenting, closely following my pace, taking pains to sell their hotels. One woman even went so far as to force me to comply by constantly hinting at her shop’s special services.

Walking through the train station at midnight really feels different than it does during the day. I had no time to tangle with aunts, so I had to frown and put on a dirty face. To be bored, aunts hurriedly scatter, will look at a new batch of passengers out of the station.

There is a big wall clock in one corner of the square. Now the second hand is spinning so fast that the minute hand is approaching the critical point of my previous estimate of time. Time does not wait for me, I will summon up a hundred meters sprint momentum, flew on the previous meaning of the taxi.

Usually, from the city train station taxi to the county seat only 50 dollars, tonight I spent 80. On the one hand, the car fare is more expensive at night than during the day, and on the other hand, I don’t have much time to bargain with the driver.

The price is not fair, but the driver is my type. He drove in silence the whole time. This silence was Kim’s character that provided me with a good atmosphere for meditation.

Light and shadow staggered, staring out of the window, the crescent moon in the street trees jumping. And hua Mei related fun sometimes emerge in my mind, the corners of my mouth can’t help but rise.

In the distant years, I was a cold eyes, do not understand amorous feelings, do not understand the fragrance. A lot of time, will despise her ignorant, only chasing play. But also had a trance in her innocence, Jade Pavilion.

Now, I’ve gone from spectator to leading man. The noise and hubbub I had hated became a fond memory.

Driver master taciturn but not stingy, he will be inside the cold wind to open full, frozen people shiver. I gently shook the window to let in a wisp of hot air. Alternating hot and cold, half sea and half flame, very much like my present mood. I was a little nervous, wondering if it would be a roar or a hug.

The car sped on a national highway before switching to a provincial highway. In order to take a short cut, I signalled the driver to take a part of the country road. But the potholes of the village road but missed the event, not only failed to shorten the trip of time, but let 12 o ‘clock before see hua mei read a little bit burst. Even though I begged various immortals and worshiped various Buddhas, I still failed to keep my promise.

When I stood at the door of the drugstore and breathed, the day was already The eighth day of July, and the cowherd had already gone home. This said to walk on the trip is not satisfactory, lost feeling of regret born.

Most shops were closed, and a few restaurants remained open with few customers. Drugstore doors closed, only the night selling medicine lamp board is still shining, hua Mei must have fallen asleep. She did what she said she would. She said she wouldn’t talk to me.

I arranged my hair and rang the doorbell. A few minutes later, the daylight lights in the drugstore came on. The white light splashed on the floor through the panes. I held my breath and listened to hua Mei’s approaching footsteps. Moments later, the footsteps died away, and the small night medicine Windows began to creak.

“Buy what?” Hua Mei yawned repeatedly, the attitude is not very friendly, also did not look at people. If I was a real customer, I’d have to tell her off.

“Is there a cure for lovesickness? I quipped.

Hua Mei poked her head out of the window, her eyes shining, soft as moonlight. Reading her expression, there is shock, joy, as if mixed with a little heartache.

“Oh my God, I was kidding you, you did come.”

In a moment, the rolling door of the drugstore rose and hua Mei came into view. Shaggy hair, thin eyebrows, a few zits on the forehead, and a slightly darker complexion.

Although the hua younger sister after discharge makeup is inferior to go up makeup hind that kind dazzing, however also Peugeot but person. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder.

A few drops of H2O shot out of hua Mei’s eyes, I do not know whether it is caused by sleepiness, or moved. Ancient Tang Xuanzong a ride on the world of concubine smile, yao Boqi now run legs broken beauty cry. It was a good story.

Where I could, I did some exaggerations, trying to create some good memories. I don’t know if I touched my sister, but I touched myself.

My face lit up and I opened my arms. Happiness comes in a rush, the world spins around, and people are dazzled. The exhaustion of long-distance rush attack, the loss that fails to create miracle, and the ineffable negative energy that occasionally shows brain, disappear in this instantaneous ground not a trace was found.

After touching with hua Mei skin, the joy of meeting the teacher was soon washed away by another impulse. The content of hormone inside body is straight line soaring, I have to suppress the restlessness of the heart, bitter advise another wretched I want to be calm, do not destroy this beautiful atmosphere, evil spirit scenery.

She hugged me and buried her head in my arms. Vaguely feel the chest has a wet, I do not know is sweat or tears.

“Are you as good to the other girls?” “Whispered hua Mei.

His clothes were wet with sweat, and beads of sweat ran down his temples to his cheeks. My head was buzzing and I couldn’t help but panic.

Hua Mei’s question caught me off guard. When people are questioned, they subconsciously ask questions back. At this moment, I would like to ask Hua Mei, have any other men treated you like this?

On reflection, I forbore. It is not suitable for confrontation. Suspicion and jealousy will only lead to trouble.

To be honest, I’m greedy too, probably more so than Hua Mei. Everyone wants to be unique in each other’s heart, but it doesn’t work out. Blame young too good, puppy love as a monster, dare not reveal the truth, missed again and again. However, although matchmaker did not fulfill my childhood sweetheart, but also the gift of reunion. I should be content with that.

There are many ways I could have known hua-mei’s past, but I didn’t want to or dare to explore it. I have a mean, sensitive, suspicious, greedy side. I was afraid that the person I was trying to suppress would turn out to be the person I really was.

Meditating a little, I waved my hands in the air, pretending to be relaxed: “You mean it two?”

“Are you serious?” Hua Mei pushed me away, her face suddenly changed.

“There is no other girl but you.” I took hua Mei in my arms again.

I dare not confess. I know hua-mei’s temper. She was the kind of girl you could look at in the street and be angry for a day.

“Liar.” My sister gave me a white look.


Hua-mei led me into the pharmacy and then into the staff lounge. The lounge is located in the innermost side of the drugstore, a narrow strip, less than 10 square meters, both as a warehouse and for people to rest.

A single bed and a jumble of cardboard boxes cluttered the cabin. The floor fan was rotating at a uniform speed, spraying out a trace of cool, but it was no match for the hot summer wind.

I stood with my back to the fan, the wind beating against my sodden clothes. Cool clothes beat back, cold hit, can not say the cool.

“Take off your T-shirt.” Hua Mei shouted at me.

I sign live, did not think hua mei unexpectedly so direct, than I also monkey urgent. I play coy and pretend not to obey. Hua mei unexpectedly a lunge forward, pull my T – shirt, dish ask a way: “this dress you all wear how many years?”

I break fingers, careful calculation: “junior summer in the moving batch to buy, calculate down to 3 or 4 years, the quality is good, is a little faded. It was black, washed to grey.”

Hua mei pointed to the neck of the T-shirt, frowning: “This is called good quality? The collar is big, throw it away!”

“Throw it away?” I’m curled up in my arms.

Hua Mei turned and rummaged through a pile of cardboard boxes, then took out a delivery box. I leaned forward and hua-mei put the box on the bed. I ripped the plastic tape off the delivery box. Hua Mei took out a black T-shirt from the box and stuffed it into my arms.

The sound of rubbing bag is very unpleasant, I quickly pulled off the plastic bag, shake out the new clothes, “Wow, Nike ah.”

My eyes alternated between my new clothes and Hua Mei’s face. I plucked up courage and pounced on hua Mei. Hua mei is very alert, she crossed her arms, refused me to marry.

I buried my nose in my T-shirt and took a few sips of the distinctive smell of my new garment. Hua Mei motioned me to change into a new dress, I did. Hua Mei told me to turn on the spot, and I did. Hua Mei ordered me to stand up straight, chest out and hips up, so I did.

“If it’s a little too big, size L will do.” Hua mei observed for a long time, and then commented on the way.

“Not big, at the right moment, summer relaxed point cool son” I simple and simple smile, lower the head to appreciate his heroic appearance.

Chinese sister I never stingy good words, can praise a sentence never only say half sentence. Hypocrisy was a word that had been popping out of her mouth lately. Fortunately, she mostly smiled when the word came up.

Then, the T-shirt that had accompanied me for three or four years and absorbed some milliliters of my sweat was ruthlessly thrown into the trash. Oh, what a loser. Cut it out for a rag. It’s a pity to throw it away.

Hua Mei likes to throw clothes, last time she went to Beijing, she threw away a lot of my old clothes, old shoes. Luckily, after she threw them away, she took me to buy a lot of them. After her transformation, I was a little sloppy and now become a lot more energetic.

New for old, new for old. Gazing at hua Mei’s back, the bottom of my heart suddenly gave birth to a couple’s feeling of living together.


Also blame me too greedy, with new clothes also delusion let hua mei to honor the promise of singing to me.

Hua Mei said that she did not see me before 12 o ‘clock on July 7, it was a great gift to forgive me, and warned me not to rub my nose in the face. Instead, she questioned my explanation for the hour I had been lost.

As Sherlock Holmes, she began to cross-examine me. I had to turn my phone in for investigation. Call records, wechat chat records, one by one. Fortunately, I had the foresight to delete some misleading notes in advance. Otherwise, tonight is going to be a long kneel.

I was so tired from the journey that I tried to dodge the censors by saying I was sleepy. Hua mei not only did not love the meaning, but intensified. There was no clue in the phone records and chat records, so she changed her methods, from a thorough investigation to an overnight interrogation.

She opened her wechat address book and asked me to explain one by one the relationship and the process of getting to know my friends in the address book, starting with the letter A. For men, it’s basically a matter of a few words. But some ladies, after all my talk, are still doubtful.

Teresa was the first hitch in my fairly smooth defense. For some reason, Hua Mei was very interested in her and stared at her circle of friends for a long time, which made my heart tremble.

There’s no perfect crime scene, and I’m on pins and needles, afraid something might slip up. I know that can not show the mood of unease, so is the Chinese sister xihuai, fell a hundred words. I had to sit on the side, to the static brake, to the constant change.

“You’ve given a thumbs up to Deng’s recent posts.” Hua mei squint at me, language clip gun with a stick.

“Like” moments are not taboo, but sometimes just polite. I congratulated myself as the hippie said, “The ones I liked were technical articles she retweeted. Look at her selfies, I didn’t like them.”

“Yo, the somebody else a few months ago hair self-portrait, you old still remember?” Hua Mei hides a sword behind a smile.

I thought it was evidence that I could prove my innocence, but I was caught in another trap. I can’t help but shiver down my spine at the humiliation of fighting with my sister. If Hua-mei had known that my last vanishing hour had something to do with Jade, she wouldn’t have torn me to pieces.

One night, my sister and I held candles at the west window, talking not about the rain in bashan, but about another girl.

During the night, I deleted more than ten friends and blocked several people’s moments.

All night, I kept making sentences with you, me and her, switching between the first, second and third person.

“She’s a headhunter. I’ve never met a real person. Ask Old Pan.”

“Don’t think twice about it. I haven’t said more than five words to her.”

“I will delete her now, you can rest assured.”


To be continued……

Click to read from chapter 1

Ps: Some friends asked me if I had any organization. In fact, there was one called hu Qi Drum urging more groups. Wechat scanning code into the group is limited, add this wechat: Huqitong010 or scan the qr code below to add friends.