Milky Way galaxy


Tanabata is about to give birth.

Nowadays, for young Chinese, all kinds of festivals at home and abroad can be regarded as Valentine’s Day. Whenever it is a festival, it is an opportunity for girls to act in pettish for gifts and romance. It is also a time for men to tighten their belts and bleed heavily.

No wonder some people sigh: Valentine’s Day is very similar to Tomb-sweeping Day, with flowers, food and drink, and a lot of talk to the ghost.

However, the rich will lament: in fact, valentine’s Day and the Spring Festival are more similar, are heavy artillery flavor.

The world bitter festival is long.

At dusk on the Chinese Valentine’s Day, a patter of light rain brings a chill to the hot summer. The rain was mild and gentle.

The sisters in the administration department were very considerate and prepared some roses early to send to the unclaimed single dog to comfort him. The office was perfumed with roses.

A married colleague in the group knew how to save money. He collected 18 unwanted roses and paid $2 for a legal evening paper at a newsstand. The legal newspaper wrapped the roses in a ball that looked exactly like the florist’s hundred-dollar sample. It’s just that the cover is a bit of a wet blanket. It’s a love story.

The sky gradually dark, we have no mood to work, from time to time looked up kang God, looking forward to him to provide some convenience, early to everyone free.

On the way to the water fountain, I slowed down to watch Kang Shen’s movements. He would never turn a blind eye to such a fuss. He lights up the computer screen and crackles at the mechanical keyboard.

In a moment, the work group received the instructions of the leader: “we go early, single quickly to find someone to confess, have a partner and spend a good night.”

All of a sudden, the group is crowded. In a moment, the crowd gathered at the entrance to the elevator. Last year today, I was alone, full of grief. Now finally have can worry about the lover, the mood is naturally very comfortable.

There are still 7 hours from the end of the Chinese Valentine’s Day, Hua Mei sent me wechat, said I received her Gift, but also sweetly called my husband. That sweet word sets my head offsetting many scenes.

There were people Shouting for flowers a few blocks down the street. Restaurants, hotels and adult goods stores are expected to reap the rewards tonight.

On the way home, I walked while video chatting with Hua Mei. At the moment, hua Mei, 300 kilometers away from me, is sitting at the pharmacy counter, tucking into hot and sour noodles.

“Tanabata your boss also don’t give holiday ah, too no human nature.” “I grumbled.

“I have nothing to do during the holidays. I might as well work the night shift to earn extra money.” Hua Mei’s mouth was covered with red oil.

The sadness of a long distance relationship is nothing like this. When it comes to a festival, people around you laugh and laugh. He is alone, hanging, the feeling of unavoidably sour lingering heart.

I don’t know how to comfort myself. Silence a little, hua mei changed tone, lively: “you gave me a big gift, I give you what good?”

“May I have a kiss, or not? Kiss and leave a love mark on my face……”

Hua mei rolled her eyes as if she had an idea: “Your humming reminds me. I’ll give you a song.”

It’s too perfunctory for a song to be worth the latest iPhone. I frowned, “one can not be enough, you have to sing happy little ye so far.”

“No problem, small ye go home first, we chat again in a short while.” Hua Mei smiled.

“All right.”


I bought an egg fried rice for dinner at the gate of our community. Just inside the house, Galen pounced. On this holiday season, without her companion, and the loss of fertility, he is indeed poor. I got some cooked chicken from the fridge to soothe Galen’s sad mood.

Li Xiangyang about two yuan sister to east alone to eat western food, tonight I am afraid I will be alone. Two days ago, this guy just got in a big fight with a 2-d girl, and he blocked all contact. He borrowed my phone, and it cost me 50 bucks to hook up with a girl. Two people noisy, all day staged love drama.

Egg fried rice just pull two, the mobile phone ring ring suddenly, I looked at the screen, is deng Jade charm call. Although we exchanged mobile phone numbers for a long time, we had never spoken on the phone before, and basically communicated with each other on wechat.

“Hey, Po Yun, what’s wrong with the line?” When Teresa called me, I couldn’t think of a reason other than that there was something wrong with the Qianlong line.

“It’s not work. Brother Yao, do you have a minute? Can you come to my place?” “There’s a guy blocking at my door.”

“You don’t move, send your home address to my phone.” All of a sudden the hero in me burst out. It feels amazing to be needed, even when you haven’t done anything yet.

Without time to think too much, I ran down the stairs. About 20 minutes later, I took a taxi to Deng’s neighborhood. After asking the security guard at the gate, it was easy to find deng’s building 3.

Building 3 is a six-storey apartment building. The outer walls are yellow and white, full of narrow, tinted Windows. With air-conditioned units hanging in the air at random, the building looks like a hotel express.

I slipped through the door of my apartment and looked for the elevator. If it should be the famous words: the day will fall great responsibility in si people also, will first suffer, labor. There was no elevator, and Deng’s apartment was on the top floor.

I braced myself for a quick climb up the stairs. The legs soon reached their physiological limits and were so tired that they had to stop twice to rest.

The corridor on the top floor is long and narrow, with about ten households. The voice lights flickered on and off. I clapped my hands a few times before everything lit up.

Scanning a circle, saw the end of the corridor pestle with my age similar to the boy. He was leaning against the wall, panting, with a bouquet of roses across his chest. I guessed that he was preparing himself to knock on the door and make his confession, and I encouraged him in my mind.

My eyes did not linger long on him. I hurried up to 601 and knocked. Moments later, Deng’s voice called from inside, “Who?”

“Yao Boqi.” “I replied.

The door creaked and Teresa came into view. Her eyes met hers and she bent her head to welcome me in.

“Brother Yao, I really trouble you.”

I was about to ask Teresa the whole story, but the conversation wasn’t quite organized. Suddenly, a rush of footsteps hit my cochlea. Turn round to go, the tall boy at the end of the corridor just now has settled beside me. He looked straight past me at Teresa and said softly, “Uncut, I really like you. I’m sorry, I was a little overheated.”

“Brother Wang, can you go first? I’m a little scared right now.” Deng Uncut jade charm side face, do not want to touch each other’s line of sight, the tone is almost beseeching.

My husband two monks, the line of sight in two people back and forth. Try as I might, I could not piece together a complete plot. Now, Deng’s brother Wang was desperately leaning forward, and I instinctively pushed him away.

“Brother, have a word to say well, you force to rush in, belong to private break into people’s houses, is illegal.” I am alert to danger.

“Who are you? Brother Wang looked at me with disdain. “Pu Yun, don’t you tell me you like this short wax melon?”

For the first time in my life, I was called a short winter melon. However, this brother Wang was a head taller than me, and he had the courage to mock my height.

“Brother Wang, it has nothing to do with others that we are not suitable. He is my master in Langyun.” Deng Uncut jade charm good words to advise, “strong twist melon is not sweet. Will you please leave me alone? I don’t deserve you. You deserve better.”

“I’ll leave it to you. What do you mean you called someone? Can I still eat you?” Brother Wang shouted at Deng Puyun, pointing at my face.

I plucked brother Wang’s fingers to tell him not to point at me, but he kept pointing at me. We pushed and shoved, of course, each hard enough, but neither of us escalated the fight. Adult fights, if not forced eyes, are generally more mouth than martial arts.

“Something you just said scares me, so……” Deng Pu yun faltered.

“Pu Yun, with this kind of violent schizophrenic, have anything to say, we call the police directly, let the police deal with ya.” Another woman’s voice came from inside.

Oh, my gosh, it’s two women and one man. It’s really an eye-opener today. I glanced back into the room. There was a girl in a pink nightgown behind Teresa. The girl was a little chubby, her hands akimbo, her face angry. Look at her. She could come out at any moment and fight brother Wang 300 rounds.

“Just now if it weren’t for your roommate to stimulate me with words, I can’t lose my temper like that.” Brother Wang sighed and softened his tone.

The fat girl pointed at brother Wang and shouted, “You’ve already fart, what are you explaining now? You’re a piece of shit.”

Brother Wang instantly changed into a Spanish bullfight, while the fat girl looked like a piece of red cloth. The two sides fought back and forth. I stopped Brother Wang, deng Puyun stopped her roommate. If I hadn’t been there myself, it would seem that Brother Wang had something to do with the fat girl.

Although my head is much shorter than brother Wang, fortunately, MY center of gravity is low and my footwall is stable. Skinny brother Wang has never been able to get past my defense line, close to the two girls.

In the process of interdiction, I gathered some effective information from both sides’ verbal sparring, and probably knew the ins and outs of the conflict.

Brother Wang and Deng Puyun were high school alumni, and they met in the wechat alumni group. Deng Puyun came to Beijing to practice, Brother Wang helped a lot.

One after another, Brother Wang fell in love with Deng Jiruyun. This wanted to borrow Tanabata this opportunity, at one fell swoop to win the little sister, but did not think lang sentient concubine no intention.

When a normal person’s confession was rejected, Metropolis swallowed her tears and walked away silently. But brother Wang didn’t. He was blocking deng’s door and asked deng to give him an explanation.

Girl doesn’t like you, besides send good person card, also can give what say? Deng Uncut jade charm can not say a reason, Brother Wang will die to tie up rotten dozen, not rao.

The fat girl who shared the room with Deng could not bear to watch, so she said something like a toad trying to eat swan. Brother Wang was so angry that he lost his poise and began to satirize the fat girl’s figure.

Each other to poke pain, fat girl and Brother Wang then verbal war, used up the market more common swear words. Enraged brother Wang threatened to kill the fat girl. Since Brother Wang usually takes care of himself, Deng didn’t want to embarrass him by calling the police, so she called me for help.

The story turned into an accident. As a firefighter, I actively thought about the solution to the problem.

My eyes caught the logo on Brother Wang’s T-shirt, and I was confused. The T-shirt was brightly printed with the words “POSTu Information Security Laboratory”. Black characters on white background, standard Microsoft yablack, very artistic beauty.

Tell a girl you love her, even if you’re not dressed up, you can’t show up in a lab shirt. This brother Wang is a master of art and a bold man.

Funny as it may be, the T-shirt offered a glimmer of hope. Otherwise, THIS thing I really don’t know how to start, don’t know how to end.

“Are you from Principal? Do you know Li Ji?” I interjected.

“How? Are you from The Postal university?” Brother Wang loosened his grip on my collar. “Li Ji is my brother.”

“He was my roommate in college.” I said as I straightened my frilly dress.

“My fuck, it is really a big water rushed dragon Temple.” Brother Wang smiled bitterly.

Seeing that Brother Wang’s behavior was no longer so extreme, I motioned to Deng Puyun to close the door and let brother Wang and I talk alone.

A moment later, Dunn closed the door. I took Brother Wang to the stairwell. Brother Wang lit a cigarette and looked a little embarrassed. When He was out of sight, He began to tell me another version of the story from the hero’s point of view.

I sat and listened to each other. When Brother Wang finished his presentation, I tried to persuade him to come back. I can only sugarcoat the shell: “You say that you are a doctor of computer of university of Post, no matter go to university or enter enterprise after graduation, annual salary is at least one million. Back then, you didn’t have a choice of good girls. Between you and me, She’s not really pretty, is she?”

“Who says you have to be pretty? An innocent smile is better than a cold, beautiful face.” Brother Wang really lived up to his name as a doctor and had unique opinions when it came to love.

Is there really a man looking for a girl without looking at his face? Brother Wang’s words changed my bad impression of him.

“Can somebody else girl seems to be…… to you” I didn’t want to poke him where it hurts.

“Ha ha, begged me to help her enter lang Yun, she is not so. Every time, it was the elder brother who called short and kept hinting that she was single and eager for a relationship. Otherwise, I would not have come to her today and suffered such humiliation.”

“Oh?” There was a sudden buzz in my head.

Brother Wang lit another cigarette and puffed.

“I helped Lang Yun do the online pen exam for her summer intern. During the phone interview, I was there to guide her word by word. Surely she didn’t tell you any of this?”

None of these dishonorable things would be easy to talk about? The image of Teresa teng in my mind is a little broken. But think about it carefully, her full of energy how to look like it is not pretend. I don’t know if what Brother Wang said is true or not, but with the principle of presumption, my heart is inclined to believe that Deng Puyun is a good girl.

“Then It’s not enough for you. She plays with emotions, starts and ends.” In order to calm down the flames of war, I had to obey Brother Wang against his will.

“Don’t advise me. I’ll go home and think it over.” Brother Wang said coldly, “You are quite enthusiastic about deng.”

I gave a wry smile, not saying anything. Brother Wang got up and kicked the flowers a few meters away, which startled me.

The flowers were scattered all over the floor. Before coming downstairs, Brother Wang clenched his fist and gave an evil smile: “You said it would have been nice if we had had a fight just now.

Looking at brother Wang’s trembling eyes, I showed weakness and said, “Peace is more valuable.”


Things worked out well, not happily, at least not in a blaze of smoke. She thanked me profusely. Out of her door, I faintly heard her roommate said: “your master can be true cattle force.”

The corners of my mouth rose uncontrollably as I was praised. However, when I arrived downstairs and lit up the screen of my phone, I saw a dozen missed calls and several wechat messages, and the triumphant moment on my face darted into the night.

I finally understand the true meaning of the four words: extreme happiness begets sorrow. In this artillery fire, oh, no, in this candle cutting west window, common words bashan night rain festival, I unexpectedly missed the hua mei more than ten calls.

Think of last weekend, Because Li Xiangyang missed the two yuan sister a few phone calls, and fan mouth, and kowtow to the sister coaxed. I broke into a cold sweat.

After the mood calmed down, I called Hua Mei. On the grounds that Li Ji was having trouble with his daughter-in-law, I went to remonstrate with hua Mei. Huamei replied, “Unless you can be in my sight before 12 o ‘clock, we will meet again.”

The beep of the phone hanging up whistled through my mind like an air raid siren. I glanced at my phone screen. It was four hours and five minutes to midnight.

With three hours and 18 minutes to go, I boarded a T train from Beijing West Railway Station. The train takes about two and a half hours to get to her hometown, and about 40 minutes from the city railway station to huamei’s drugstore. Which means if the trip goes well, I still have an 8-minute floating window. In that case, I have a chance.

At the moment, the carriage is not very crowded and is only about half full. Opposite sat a middle-aged man. He took off his shoes and socks, occupied a row, and crawled on his stomach, drowsy as a salted fish on a desk.

On the table stood a bunch of roses wrapped in plastic. I counted about 13. I do not know the flower owner of this journey, is to send a surprise trip to visit friends, or has harvested joy in the way home. At this point in time, people carrying flowers on the train are probably experiencing a long-distance relationship.

To kill two and a half hours on the long journey, I called Li Ji. After the phone rang more than ten times, Li Ji finally pressed the answer button.

On the other end of the phone came the voice of the announcer broadcast news vaguely, I guess Li Ji should be in the hotel at present. Back then, living in the same room, I don’t know how many dreams his snoring disturbed me. Now, I only bother him once, and I don’t feel guilty.

“Big yao, why ah, elder brother this is busy.” Li Ji’s tone was slightly impatient.

“Lord Ji, I want to ask you about someone. Is there a Doctor Wang in your group?” I tried to keep my voice low as everyone around me was sleepy.

“There are two Wangs in our group. Which do you inquire about?” Janys said.

“He’s tall. He must be nine feet tall.” Brother Wang’s biggest characteristic is his size.

Li Ji raised his voice and said, “Oh, that’s my second brother, Wang Fusen. Why do you want to know him?”

“Ah… I was hired by a friend of mine who was a headhunter.”

“Search? What kind of headhunter? My brother will not find a job until next year.” Li Ji threw a question.

“This…… The Internet in China has exploded, and major companies are robbing high-end talents, aren’t they? There is a growing focus on computer PHDS and there are several big companies that want to find them early.” I realized I had a gift for making things up.

“Awesome. My elder brother’s academic ability is very strong, wrote several patents to the laboratory, loved by the boss. Introduce me to your headhunter friend and have him hire me, too.”

“You’d better get back to your news.”

After hanging up the phone with Li Ji, I thought about what Brother Wang had said to me. If Deng is as long-sleeved and dancing as he describes, then this little girl has a deep mind. I must keep her at arm’s length from now on, lest I be tricked.

However, tonight, it is not the simplicity that I focus on, hua Mei is.

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