Fall in love with wild horses

The sun rises on a new day.

Forecasters say Beijing will see its first snow of 2015 this week. People eagerly look forward to, but snow has been slow to appear, let a person dry anxious.

The temperature in the capital was so low that it was almost like hibernation, and my heart was colder than the air outside.

Since hua Mei broke into my world again, I will become a tiger from the heart. Miss a person is always happy and sad, easy to forget when satisfied, frustrated easily irritable.

Given my moodiness of late, my fellow testers have been a little more cautious about giving me bugs.

The evening of the annual meeting ended in disharmony, so that I and Hua-mei’s feelings from warming up turned into a sharp decline. Hua-mei stopped sending me messages and was a little cold to my attentions. There were signs that she was distancing herself from me.

Women are sensitive and fickle creatures. One second is warm as fire, the next second is cold as ice. In short, a movement or even a look can make them explode in place.

Woman is an obscure book, every knowledge point needs to be equipped with a large number of reference books. You read, you learn, you read. Matchmaker but not according to the outline, abuse you have no place to complain.

But when you shake hands big shopkeeper, when wanting to get away, they report to you again with smile, give you gentleness, let you desire to stop, gan do the minister below skirt.

After lunch, bored, I found a quiet conference room and telephoned Lao Pan. First contact feelings, report each other’s recent situation, two to tell about my bitterness, let him help me platoon worry.

“Dayao, you should look at the problem from another Angle, women smoking is not necessarily a bad thing?” Old Pan thumped his cigarette on the other end of the line.

“Can that be a good thing?” I frowned, thought of the smoke around, can not help but dry cough.

“In my experience, women who smoke are generally easy to pacify. If they have trouble, they can solve it with a cigarette. If one doesn’t solve it, a packet certainly will.” Lao Pan spoke with great solemnity.

“No time for bullshit.”

“There is so much social pressure these days, what’s wrong with a woman smoking? I’d say smoking isn’t even your concern. That’s what gets stuck in your throat when you don’t believe in yourself.”

“What am I not confident about?

“You’re afraid she’s too much of a story, a wild horse, and you can’t conquer her.”

Lao Pan began humming a popular folk song, Miss Dong.

“In love with a wild horse, but I have no prairie at home……”

He seemed to forget that li yanan had covered his head with grassland a few months earlier.

My mouth is brave, unwilling to admit, in fact, the heart of the disturbing just as Old Pan said. It’s not hua Mei’s smoking that bothers me. Lao Yao has been smoking for decades. Every day in our house is filled with smoke, and I’m used to it.

My worry is that thousands of sails over, as a new person, I am afraid it is difficult to walk into hua Mei’s heart, she is not a female classmate without a story. I do not wish that if we were to be united, it would not be because of love, but because of maturity.

Perhaps all the love desired is trapped in inferiority. Old Pen’s schadenfreude made me even more upset.

Pan was serious again. “If you reject someone because he smokes, you will regret it. If you ask me, don’t think about it. Just do it. Life is short, carpe diem. Have sex first, then fall in love, don’t get along, kick out.”

He said this, I also heard from Li Xiangyang mouth, these two people are really the same, lower half of the single-celled organisms thinking.

“I found that the position of product manager is full of cheating men,” I said angrily. “Find secrets has recently revealed several cases of product manager cheating.”

Lao Pan interrupted me: “Yao, this is personal attack, job discrimination. This is the same root, why too urgent. You also develop a lot of derailed ah?”

I sneer way: “don’t explain, you are the man who cheat and play with female feelings.”

“Anyway, PERSONALLY, I think if you can talk to a girl, you go for it. Smoking counts a ball, later you still may encounter mother-in-law and daughter-in-law disharmony, bedfellow strange dreams, infertility, wearing a series of problems such as cuckoldry, let any which are enough for you to eat a pot of……”

“I go to your big ye of, your ya just infertile sterile, wear cuckold? It’s boring not to talk to you.” I threatened to hang up on Pan.

Lao Pan said kindly, “No, I’m just saying it as a metaphor. I mean, there are too many bad things in a lifetime. You have to help yourself.”

“Then we must be more careful about who we marry, lest we should be in trouble after marriage.” I sighed.

“There is no hurry to get married. Every time two people live together, there will be trouble. Being married doesn’t double your happiness, it even halves it.” Old Pan had the air of a man who had lived before.

“That you fall in love with somebody else’s girl, don’t want to get married, you this isn’t play rascal?”

“In the 21st century, marriage should not be announced in advance,” Pan retorted. “It happens naturally. I think every love under the name of marriage is a fucking prude.”

Old Pan has always had all sorts of fallacies, which have some truth at first glance, but cannot bear to be examined carefully. I said nothing. I didn’t want to talk to him. I was ready to hang up.

Old Pan became more and more enthusiastic. “You don’t understand a girl smoking, drinking and having sex, if you ask me. If you find a thousand reasons to accept her, you’ll soon find ten thousand others to reject her.”

“Roll, roll, what the fuck about a date?” The more pan said the more ridiculous, I was angry.

“Anyway that meaning bar, anyhow, life too serious boring.”

“You say that so often, you’re a fucking relationship expert.” “I said wryly.

Lao Pan joked, “I’ve been a doctor for a long time.”

“Then I wish you a speedy recovery.” I hung up the phone.

My impression of Hua Mei still stays in her high school that youth invincible appearance. I was absent from her life for six years. In the meantime, the world and her joys and sorrows, I did not probe.

I thought I knew her, but I know nothing about her now. However, with her in high school that a few years get along with, I am in provoke her when, should clearly realize hua mei is certainly not wen Chan as good girl.

For many, being pretty is both a blessing and a curse. It bestows privilege as well as abyss. Hua-mei obviously did not make good use of the privilege of beauty, she did not love to study, love to play good travel, failed to become a good girl in the eyes of teachers and parents.

She may have faced several temptations: rich uncles, good-looking men, cigarettes handed over, and wine offered. Or you may have endured a lot of suffering: the stubborn fool, the malicious competitor, the nauseating lover.

But who doesn’t have a story? Right now, I should approach her and get to know her, not Judge her. Besides, whether somebody else loves me or not is still unknown, perhaps somebody else regards me as a brother.

Or maybe it’s funny that I’m here when the sky is clear and the years are quiet.

There was some truth in old Pen’s argument. The more obstacles you put in your way, the greater your chance of stumbling.

Wasn’t it the famous lover Lawsky who said, “To live well, one must have green hair.”

Good girl who drinks and smokes. Good woman with tattoo and perm.

Let’s take it one step at a time. Well, it’s easy to laugh these days, but it’s fucking hard to be happy.

(86) Headhunter calls

Just hung up the phone, old Pan that boy called back.

Pan has moved in with a headhunter, who is worried about her failing year-end performance appraisal. In addition to the number of referrals, the company evaluates employees on how many candidates they communicate with and how many messages they collect.

At the moment, sister’s candidate failed in communication, Lao Pan did not hesitate to give my phone number to sister. He informed me in advance that if I received a phone call from Hangzhou, don’t hang up in a hurry first, patiently chat with his sister, and then recommend a few langyun colleagues to sister.

To say that old Pen was a man full of deceit and philandering, there was something wrong with him. He takes his girls very seriously. Last year, in order to give Li Yanan strong performance, he persuaded me to invest in P2P, the mouth is worn out. Fortunately, I didn’t care about money. This year, he sold my phone number for a girl’s performance review.

I see right through it. This guy is the kind of guy who would stab his brother twice for his wife. But, you know, it’s a loyalty thing. It won’t take much time to talk to a girl, let alone old Pan’s girlfriend, for me to flirt.

At dusk, I received a phone call from Hangzhou. Is Lao Pan’s sister, sister gave herself a very common English name —- Emily.

Emily speaks in a pleasant voice, like a carrier customer service person. She asked for my basic information over the phone, recommended me several development positions in Hangzhou, and finally added my wechat account.

A chat, the other party seems very professional. PAM told me that the head hunter checks his employees’ phone records, and I didn’t feel like talking to Emily over the phone.

After hanging up, I chatted with Emily on wechat. After her lobbying, I even initiated the idea of job-hopping to Hangzhou.

I was supposed to be part of someone else’s act, but I was in it.

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