

Just a few days after Lao Pan arrived in Hangzhou, we made more than ten phone calls to each other. He complained to me about the lack of heat in the south, the cold and damp bone, and chose to leave the imperial capital, with some impulse and regret. I advised him to stay there for a while and think it over again.

At first, the thought of old friends apart, the heart was quite empty. Time is the best medicine to heal the wounds of the soul, so that people become numb. After Lao Pan established himself in Hangzhou, he began to talk less with me.

The pace of life in Hangzhou is much slower than in Beijing. Lao Pan bought a SLR camera and became addicted to photography. Since then, I often saw Lao Pan’s photography works in my friend circle. The beauty of the West Lake inspired him and refreshed him.

As night falls, haze envelops north China. The moon in the sky was like a dusty incandescent lamp, emitting a dull light.

After a busy day, everyone packed up and went home. Programming was horny work, and my stomach began to rumble. I invited Wang Xu and Li Xiangyang to have a snack at a barbecue restaurant downstairs.

In winter, the cold wind is raging outside the window and the house is full of heat. A few friends while masturbating while chatting, enjoy this brief cozy.

At the dinner table, Wang xu revealed to me that he was going to jump ship, but he didn’t say why. It happened so suddenly and without warning that I was confused and tried to figure out why he had jumped ship.

Maybe it is too tired to work overtime recently, or the salary is too low. As one of the industry’s biggest names put it, employees leave because they are “wronged or underpaid”.

I turned my eyes to Li Xiangyang, who shares a flat with Wang Xu and must know why. Li Xiangyang confided, “Your master is going to get married at the end of the year, and he has bought a wedding house in Chaoyang. The new house is too far from the company, so he is going to change a job on the sunny side.”

Hearing that Wang Xu bought a house, a very complex mood of instantaneous lingering in my heart. Faced with those delicious skewers on the table, I began to eat tasteless.

I tried to convince myself that I should be happy for Wang Xu. But the heart is very contradictory, one side for him to be able to live in the imperial capital of gold and happy; At the same time resentful, feel the injustice of fate to me. We are the same age, but our lives are worlds apart.

Originally, I thought we were all the same, poor and lost. Who would have thought? We’re very different. Wang Xu, a quiet man with a rich family, suddenly became a homeowner, still in the imperial capital.

Businessmen, celebrities, celebrities, their mansions, their wealth, I envy, sometimes I hate. But they are untouchable people to me. I will comfort myself, adjust myself, carry forward ah Q spirit, and tell myself that they are a minority after all.

However, Wang Xu is a friend who gets along with me every day. I can touch him, joke with him, and talk to him. It’s a pity that the apprentice is not me, but his loss arises spontaneously.

When I was distracted, Wang Xu talked to me: “By the way, Dayao, have you applied for a work residence permit?”

I shook my head: “feel temporarily also can not use, there is no worry.”

Wang Xu sighed: “Everything in advance is the waste, hurry up. If my work residence permit had come through last year, I would have been able to buy a house near my company. It’s only a few months late, and I can’t afford an apartment near my office.”

Li Xiangyang frowned: “Wang Xu, the ya content, I his mother an old Beijinger now can not afford to buy a house, but also have to rent a house.”

I inquired: “east 4 ring there average price also got 4W.”

Wang Xu nodded: “yes, good location are more than 5W, I buy the money in the old home can buy a set of dabie wild.”

Li Xiangyang gnashed his teeth and said, “Shanxi coal miners, Wenzhou shoe sellers, and corrupt officials. No, no, it’s the Chinese mothers-in-law who are to blame.”

Wang Xu drank a cup of beer and belched: “Xiangyang, we outsiders cry poverty is really poor, you a Beijing master can not cry poverty. Sell your house in xuanwu second Ring and go to Chaoyang to buy a big villa.”

Li Xiangyang put a large kidney into his mouth and puffed out his cheeks. “Who will buy our shabby piece of land? Unless the government demolishes it. The current developer can not afford to develop, I four uncle said not to give him ten million he does not move, my neighbor said to him a hundred million he does not move. The old and undead in the yard, who lived and drank in their youth, shared a few shabby bungalows by working in a state-owned factory. Now I don’t do anything but play mahjong and gamble every day, daydreaming and waiting for pie to fall from heaven.”

Wang Xu frowns and says: “Although the house is broken, it can be a good location. The place I bought, by the fifth Ring Road, you could see wheat fields a few miles away.”

Li Xiangyang burst into tears: “Brother, I want to tell you that my father, my mother, my sister and I have lived in a small bungalow of 30 square meters for more than 20 years. Do you still envy? Now I can’t even get a wife without a house or a car.”

I listened to their complaints in silence. My home has a large yard of 100 square meters, but I can’t even afford a toilet in Wang Xu’s new house. Can change the size of a brick in Li Xiangyang’s house, I also deeply doubt.

Li xiangyang patted me on the shoulder and said, “Dayao, the work and residence permit is the same as the Beijing household permit. If you buy early, you will be qualified to buy a house. I think the house price will go up slowly.”

I repeatedly waved a hand: “I can’t afford.”

“My father invested in a seascape house in Hainan last year,” Li xiangyang said with a mouthful of lard. The housing price in Beijing is changing with each passing day and climbing up to new heights. Recently, he couldn’t sit still. He planned to sell the house with a sea view to raise some down payment for me, but no one showed any interest in it for several months.”

“It’s only the first – and second-tier cities.” “Wang said.

“No, the 34th, 56th, 78th tier cities have also started.” Li Xiangyang retorted.


Wang Xu and Li Xiangyang began to discuss the housing prices around the country, the handling fee of each housing agency, the degree of reliability and other issues. I sat there like an idiot, nodding and agreeing.

Previously, when I was browsing the news, EVERY time I saw a discussion about housing prices in Beijing, I would occasionally pay attention to it, but I never really studied it. Because I know, no matter how MUCH I study, also can’t afford a 4W square meter house in the Capital.

Full, out of the kebab shop. Saw a few girls are standing at the door, braving the cold wind to hand out leaflets. Entering winter, although the temperature has dropped, but the Internet travel field is in full swing at the moment.

Didi and Uber, two ride-hailing companies, have launched a new round of costly subsidy war in Beijing. Under the heavy money, the drivers who drive fast to earn extra money are more up, and the passengers who take a taxi to and from work are more up.

Subverting an industry is bound to move some people’s cheese. Recently, there have been clashes between taxi drivers and express drivers, with some violent incidents and protests. Social conflicts caused by the sharing economy have become a hot issue.

With the same coupon, Li Xiangyang and Wang Xu got a Mercedes Benz and I got a Xiali. Sure enough, no contrast, no harm.


The next day, Wang formally offered to leave. Kangshen invited him to chat in the conference room all afternoon. Wang Xu’s technical ability is very strong, I guess kang Shen and his secret talks, must be precious talent, can not bear to let him go, advised him to think again. It could be a big salary, it could be a promotion, it could be a big pie.

I planned to have dinner with Wang Xu. I waited for him at my desk for a long time and finally arrived just before the rush hour.

On the way to find food, Wang xu told me that Kang shen talked with him all afternoon about his growth and career plans, and recommended several Internet companies in Chaoyang.

The places kang Shen recommended were the teams with strong technical ability recognized in the industry, and those teams included his old classmates or former colleagues. With kang Shen as a technical master as the introduction, for Wang Xu, his job-hopping time cost will certainly be reduced a lot.

Kang Shen did not try to keep Wang Xu, and even offered to recommend him a job, which was surprising to me. But if you think about it carefully, it is also reasonable. In our industry, technology has always been a hard currency, and a person’s technical ability is easily evaluated in the eyes of an expert. Wang xu won the praise and respect of Kang God with his previous performance. Kang god love just, from the bottom of his heart to show him a bright road.

And while the number of People working on the Internet is growing, the tech community isn’t that big. In some technical discussion, industry exchange conference, old colleagues, old boss is often seen. The turnover of staff between companies is very frequent, which may one day go round and round, old colleagues become new comrades. It is necessary to maintain a good relationship with people around you.

Kang God did not force, but with the current, which let Wang Xu moved, he asked me to be good to assist Kang God, let us post adults in langyun more stable position. However, although the same as the university of Post alumni, but I do not have wang Xu that kind of technical strength, I may not be as he became kangshen humerus.

The departure of a major R&D engineer has a great impact on the development of some modules of qianlong. Although Kang God generously approved Wang Xu’s resignation application, but his heart is still not willing. As Soon as Wang left, he began to worry about the risk of delay. He knew that in a short time, it is difficult to recruit a suitable person to fill wang Xu’s vacancy son, after thinking about it, he decided to personally.

Kang Shen has been in a management position for some time and may be a bit adept at coding, but he still has his roots in front-line programming. But he can’t devote all of his energy to research and development because of his day-to-day project management responsibilities. So he handed over some of Wang Xu’s work to me.

The tasks originally assigned to me, I feel a little hard to do. Now there was a new burden upon me, and I began to feel powerless. Outwardly I look worldly and harmless, but underneath I am a very competitive person.

For kangshen distributed tasks, I am all come. I didn’t want to explain my predicament to him for fear that he would think I wasn’t capable and would think something of me.

As a result, I had to work harder, stay later, and put more energy into my job. Of course, it is gratifying that my efforts won several praise from God Kang at the morning meeting.

Frustratingly, Kangshen saw that I was doing a decent job, so he began to put more weight on me, assigning tasks that went deeper and deeper into the core of the product. This caused me to do more and more work, more and more difficult.

I began to wonder if I was cut out to be a programmer. How is it that other people at work play with their phones, check the news, watch videos, and still get their work done beautifully and seemingly effortlessly? I forgot to go to the bathroom all day, to drink water, even to eat food to find the fast food store, and even in my sleep to type code.

But even though I worked so hard, I couldn’t get an easy job. Complex business logic, obscure encapsulation code made me frustrated. I reflected on myself that all this might be due to my lack of attention to the accumulation of skills and the improvement of skills in daily life. Much of the knowledge I learned at school is outdated. After working in a state-owned enterprise for more than a year, I have lagged behind others in many aspects, which is why I feel so tired.

We often say programmers are stressed, but it’s not for nothing. Technology in this industry changes so quickly that it can be measured by the week or even the day. If you don’t learn, you will really lag behind. If you shut yourself off and don’t try to learn new things, chances are that some time later you won’t be able to understand what people are talking about.

Learning takes time, but any vigorous product is constantly updated and upgraded. Such a product behind the need for a landing ability, combat ability extremely strong team.

Such a team doesn’t leave much time for employees to slowly learn and mull over technology. It’s a fast word. Who can spread out faster to occupy the market, who is likely to have the last laugh. Therefore, there is a saying in the Internet industry that “don’t think so much about it first, and then go online.”

As the day is full of work, we have to recharge ourselves at night. Often come home after work, still actively or passively absorb industry knowledge. That’s why many people devote most of their day to work.

I began to miss the days of writing documents and gossiping in state-owned enterprises. Life is boring but happy. In the summer, humming a tune, watching the sunset, returning to the house and waiting by the TV to watch the 19 o ‘clock news broadcast. In the winter, make a cup of hot tea, sit in the conference room, listen to the department leaders give advice, analyze the world trend.

This life is not very good, change the world where so many people, I just eat and wait for death. But back in reality, I knew I didn’t have the luxury of an easy life. I must work hard to earn money. I don’t know what the future holds. At least now I have to get my Fanny pack out so I can keep my waist straight.

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