Docker // Image address

Docker installation

Y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Lvm2 / / modify yum installation source, the default download slow yum abroad - config - manager - add - ' // install yum -y install docker-ceCopy the code

Start the validation

Docker pull helloworld // check whether the docker version is available. Docker run hello-worldCopy the code

Ali Cloud Docker image acceleration

To accelerate the operation of visiting foreign warehouses through ali Cloud acceleration service, you need to open the service in Ali Cloud

sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json <<-'EOF' { "registry-mirrors": [" "] / / accelerator address} EOF sudo systemctl daemon - reload sudo systemctl restart docker // Verify that the docker pull tomcat is successfulCopy the code

Common Docker commands

  • Docker pull tomcat:9.0-jdk8- AdoptopenJDK – openJ9
  • Docker Images – View local images
  • Docker run image name <:tags> – Create container, start application
  • Docker PS – View images in progress
  • Docker stop Container ID Stop a container
  • Docker rm <-f(mandatory)> Container ID – Delete the container
  • Docker rmI <-f> Image name: – Delete image

The host communicates with the Docker container

Clients cannot access docker directly, they need to access the host and map to the Docker service

Configure the mapping and start the Docker container

  • docker run -p 8000:8080 tomcat
  • Docker run -p 88:8080 -d Tomcat background run

Execute commands in containers

  • Docker exec [-it] container id command
  • Exec executes the command in the corresponding container
  • -it Executes commands in interactive mode
  • Docker exec-it 0738ed2fe68b /bin/bash

Container life cycle

Dockerfile build image


Docker automatically generates images by reading the instructions in the Dockerfile

The command

The FROM tomcat: latest picture / / set the base MAINTAINER HTTP: / / / / set the owner of the current scene WORKDIR/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ADD/switch working directory Docker-web./docker-web // Copy docker-web to the container docker-webCopy the code
  • <:tags> Dockerfile directory // Build a custom image
  • Eg. The docker build -t

Dockerfile basic command

  • FROM centos:lastest
  • LABEL & MAINTAINER – Provides information
    • LABEL version = “1.0”, LABEL Description = “mall item”
  • WORKDIR – Sets the working directory
    • WORKDIR /usr/local/workdir /usr/local/newdir
  • ADD & COPY – Copies files
    • ADD hello / # copy to root
    • ADD test.tar.gz / # ADD the root directory and unpack it
    • ADD has the function of adding remote files in addition to replication
  • ENV – Sets environment constants
    • ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/local/openjdk8
    • RUN ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -jar test.jar
  • The expose-exposed container port is just a statement
    • EXPOSE 8080
    • docker run -p 8000:8080 tomcat

Dockerfile Run the command

  • RUN: Executes commands during Build builds
  • ENTRYPOINT: command executed when the container is started
  • CMD: Executes default commands or parameters after the container is started

RUN runs at build time

  • RUN yum install -y vim #Shell
  • RUN [“yum”,”install”,”-y”,”vim”] #Exec

ENTRYPOINT Startup command

  • ENTRYPOINT(ENTRYPOINT) is used to execute commands when the container is started
  • Only the last ENTRYPOINT in a Dockerfile will be executed
  • ENTRYPOINT [“ps”] # Exec format is recommended

CMD Default command

  • CMD is used to set the command to be executed by default (the default command will be overridden if there are additional commands in the start command)
  • If more than one CMD appears in a Dockerfile, only the last one is executed
  • CMD is ignored if the container is started with instructions attached
  • CMD [“ps”, “-ef”] # Exec format is recommended

Link one-way communication between containers

Each time the container is created, it will be given an IP, which is dynamic. Of course, the IP between containers is naturally available for communication, but once restarted, the IP will change, which greatly increases the difficulty of our daily work, so we use link communication to optimize this problem

Docker run -d --name web tomcat # it /bin/bash Docker run -d --name database -it centos /bin/bash docker inspect container ID/ name Docker run -d --name web --link database tomcat docker run -d --name web --link database tomcatCopy the code

Bridge bidirectional communication


Realize the principle of

The command

  • Docker network ls // View network services
  • Docker network create -d bridge my-bridge // Create a custom bridge
  • Docker network connect my-bridge docker network connect my-bridge

All containers bound to a bridge can communicate with each other.

Volume Data is shared between containers


If the data in a container changes, we do not need to manually update the data from one container to another. We can directly use the volume source data to let other containers read the data

Mount host command

The first way (the -v way)
  • Format: docker run –name Container name -v host path: mount path image name in the container
  • Example: docker run – name tomcat1 – v/usr/webapps: / usr/local/tomcat/webapps tomcat
Second way (by sharing in-container mount points)
  • Create a shared container :docker create –name webpage -v /webapps:/tomcat/webapps tomcat/ bin/true
  • Docker run –volumes-from webpage –name t1-d tomcat

Docker Compose

Container Orchestration tool Single-node multi-container deployment tool. For cluster deployment, other tools such as K8S define multi-container deployment through YML files

The installation

  • Sudo curl – L “… -s)-$(uname -m)” -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  • sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

The deployment of

Write yML build scripts

Version: '3.3' services: db: image: mysql:5.7 volumes: -db_data :/var/lib/mysql restart: always environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: somewordpress MYSQL_DATABASE: wordpress MYSQL_USER: wordpress MYSQL_PASSWORD: wordpress wordpress: depends_on: - db image: wordpress:latest ports: - "8000:80" restart: always environment: WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: db:3306 WORDPRESS_DB_USER: wordpress WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD: wordpress WORDPRESS_DB_NAME: wordpress volumes: db_data: {}Copy the code

Compile the yML file docker-compose up -d

In actual combat

Build Dockerfile

Building a Web container

FROM openjdk:8u222-jre
WORKDIR /usr/local/webapp
ADD ucas.jar .
ADD application.yml
CMD ["java","-jar","ucas.jar"]
Copy the code

Create image docker build-t

Run docker run

Creating a database container

Mysql :5.7 WORKDIR /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d ADD init-db.sqlCopy the code

Create image docker build-t

Run docker run -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root

DockerCompose is published in one click

The command format is docker-comemage. yml

Version: '3.3' services: db: build:./ucas-db MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root // Add environment variable Change root password app: build:./ucas-web/ depends_on: -db ports: - "80/80" restart: alwaysCopy the code