The author has opened the source code modified (with the full DevOps process attached) : Hacker-Linner/ NanoServer

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The related Dockerfile file is ready


Prepare the project online CI building base Image.

FROM Golang: 1.15 - alpine

RUN go env -w GO111MODULE=on
RUN go env -w GOPROXY=,direct
RUN mkdir -p /nanoserver/

WORKDIR /nanoserver
COPY go.mod go.mod
RUN go mod download
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To generate the Image hackerlinner/nanoserver: base

docker build -f Dockerfile.alpine.base -t hackerlinner/nanoserver:base . --no-cache
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Prepare project production base Image.

FROM Alpine: 3.12

RUN addgroup -S app \
    && adduser -S -g app app \
    && apk --no-cache add \
    ca-certificates curl netcat-openbsd
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To generate the Image hackerlinner/nanoserver – alpine: base

docker build -f Dockerfile.alpine.base -t hackerlinner/nanoserver-alpine:base . --no-cache
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CI produces the dockerfiles required for the build

### nanoserver:base
FROM hackerlinner/nanoserver:base as builder

WORKDIR /nanoserver
COPY . .
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -o bin/nanoserver

### nanoserver-alpine:base
FROM hackerlinner/nanoserver-alpine:base

LABEL Maintainer = "for less"
WORKDIR /home/app
COPY --from=builder /nanoserver/bin/nanoserver .
COPY ./configs ./configs
RUN chown -R app:app . /
RUN ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime
RUN echo 'Asia/Shanghai' >/etc/timezone
USER app
CMD ["./nanoserver"]
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Prepare relevant Kubernetes deployment files

Helm 3 Deploys MySql

The related deployment files are at: K8S /mysql

First allocate deployment space in your cluster, here I am Nano:

kubectl create ns nano
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Assign folders to your persistent server, I’m using NFS:

Select * from MySql
mkdir -p /data/nfs/nano/nanoserver-mysql
chmod -R 777 /data/nfs/nano/nanoserver-mysql
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Create PV & PVC and associate it with NFS

PVC, yaml: k8s/mysql/PVC, yaml

kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml -n nano
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helm install nanoserver-mysql ./mysql -f values.yaml -n nano
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Database creation:

create database

mysql -u root -phacker12345
create database scmj default character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
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Helm 3 deploys nanoServer

The related deployment file is k8s/mnanoserverysql

Prepare nanoServer’s configMap to allow the cluster to centrally manage Server configuration files.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: nanoserver-config
    app: nanoserver
  config.toml: | - [core] # enable the debug mode the debug = true heartbeat = 30 consume = "4/2, 8/3 dec / 4 # room card consumption, the use of commas, innings/room card number, four games such as consumption of one, If 1 card is consumed in 8 games and 2 cards are consumed in 16 games, it is 4/1,8/1,16/2
    #WEB server setup
    addr = ""                         # monitor address
    enable_ssl = false                            If true, the cert and key paths must be configured
    static_dir = "web/static"

    # certificate Settings
    cert = "configs/****.crt"       Certificate path
    key = "configs/****.key"        # Key path

    host = ""
    port = 30251

    # Redis server config
    host = ""
    port = 6357

    # Mysql server config
    host = "nanoserver-mysql"
    port = 3306
    dbname = "scmj"
    password = "hacker12345"
    username = "root"
    args = "charset=utf8mb4"
    buf_size = 10
    max_idle_conns = 20
    max_open_conns = 15
    show_sql = true

    # WeChat
    appid = "YOUR_WX_APPID"
    appsecret = "YOUR_APP_SECRET"
    callback_url = "YOUR_CALLBACK"
    mer_id = "YOUR_MER_ID"
    unify_order_url = ""

    # Token set
    expires = 21600                        # Token expiration time

    # whitelist Settings
    ip = ["10.10. *"."".". *"]                 # Whitelist address, support golang regular expression syntax

    # Share information
    title = "To the bitter end."
    desc = "Pure Sichuan play, quick and convenient handhelds, easily set up the game, anytime, anywhere to enjoy the game."

    # Update Settings
    force = true # Whether to force updates
    version = "1.9.3"
    android = ""
    ios = ""

    # Contact Settings
    daili1 = "kefuweixin01"
    daili2 = "kefuweixin01"
    kefu1 = "kefuweixin01"

    # voice account at
    appid = "xxx"
    appkey = "xxx"

    # Broadcast message
    message = ["System news: Healthy games, no gambling."."Welcome to the game."]

    # Login related
    guest = true
    lists = ["test"."konglai"]
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About ingressroute-tcp.yaml, because nanoServer itself starts two servers, Web and game:

kind: IngressRouteTCP
  name: nanoserver-game-route
    - nanoserver-gm This needs to be set in traefik's deployment configuration
    - match: HostSNI(`*`)
      kind: Rule
        - name: nanoserver
          port: 30251
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Ingressroute-tcp. yaml is the game’s external entry point, and I need it because I’m using Traefik.

Drone CI/CD configuration


kind: pipeline
type: kubernetes
name: NanoServer


  - name: update Chart.yaml appVersion
    image: busybox
      - echo $DRONE_COMMIT
      - '[ -n "$DRONE_COMMIT" ] && ( sed -i "s/APP_VERSION/${DRONE_COMMIT}/g" k8s/nanoserver/nanoserver/Chart.yaml; ) '
      - cat k8s/nanoserver/nanoserver/Chart.yaml

  - name: build Docker Image
    image: plugins/docker
      debug: true
      tags: ${DRONE_COMMIT}
        from_secret: docker_user
        from_secret: docker_pass

  - name: The cloud (HelmV3) -> K8S Cluster
    image: pelotech/drone-helm3
      helm_command: upgrade
      chart: ./k8s/nanoserver/nanoserver
      release: nanoserver
      vaules_yaml: ./k8s/nanoserver/values.yaml
      namespace: nano
        from_secret: api_server
        from_secret: k8s_token
      skip_tls_verify: true

    - master
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aboutapi_serverk8s_token, played the children’s shoes of Kubernetes should know, I will not repeat.

I am for less. Wechat: uuhells123. Public account: Hacker afternoon tea.

Thank you for your support 👍👍👍!